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It's Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Florida

newtboy says...

EDIT: retracted and I stand corrected.

enoch said:

how can some of you NOT see the obvious?
you think this is about law and permits?
fucking seriously???

this is a politically targeted strategy to remove the eye-sore that is a homeless person from the tender eyeballs of over-privileged fuckheads.
the ever changing laws are CREATED to do just that,and chaos is so right,most cops HATE having to be the ones enforcing these demeaning,dehumanizing laws.

at least hard-core right wing nutbags have the balls to openly despise the poor,but treehugging liberals just cant stomach seeing the wretched openly walking their streets.
they know they exist...
they fret,weep and wring their hands for those poor souls but to actually SEE them?
well,that kind of reality is just too much for their tender sensibilities.
so they criminalize being poor.

hypocritical assholes..the lot of them.

i have lived all over,from boston to san diego and broward county is,by far,the richest i have ever lived in.

but it is mainly a tourist city,so they cant have bums sleeping on the sidewalk or begging for change at the intersections.what would the vacationing swedish family think?
i mean...the horror..the absolute horror!

so they create laws to criminalize the poor in order to sweep them under the rug.just like your momma used to make you clean your room before aunt florence came over.

it is morally bankrupt and ethically repugnant.

god DAMN this pisses me off to no end!
/rant OFF

safety issues?
fuck me,the dumb is strong here...........

One Way To Take Your Morning Shower

CDC Whistleblower Admits MMR Vaccine Autism Link

chicchorea says...


out of respect I leave the above in letter.

However, out of appreciation and respect to the profile comment proffered by you and just found I retract the comment about learning more...less as I was happily wrong in the tone of finality. I, indeed, had much more to learn from you.

Thank you. I much prefer this state of affairs.

chicchorea said:

You, sir, have issues...but then, is that not true of all of us.

About this video issue, which is obviously important to you as is seemingly everything else about which you have an opinion...who cares...certainly not I as you fail to grasp. I have no issue with you about it. With you, about you, none still. You do not matter...more and more or rather less and less. You have, indeed, taught me much...too much.

As to your assessment of FTF, about that I will finally and emphatically offer something. Your assessment could not be more erroneous as to progression of any such encounter or the outcome of same. My record is far more extensive than yours and...I will leave it at that and this wholly unsatisfying exchange as well, except for this in parting. You would do much better with Boneremake...but be warned...he secretly has been studying the deadly Bunny Style.

Till then then...but not soon. I'm done. You...have fun.

worthwords (Member Profile)

leebowman says...

"If it were done as a single nerve in a direct route, it would be subject to damage from a jerking head motion"

"That doesn't make much sense as all nerves start as large bundles and get smaller as they subdivide."

Correct. My point was only that a shorter route might not be beneficial, even though the right inferior laryngeal nerve goes directly to the larynx. After rethinking that statement, I retract [or redact] it. Either way would work.

Stress relief, however, is in place due to nerve bundling. I haven't done any dissections myself [yet], but from the video, it is apparent that the RLN in the giraffe's neck was well secured in its pathway to the larynx, requiring scalpel separation, rather than hanging loose, and thus well protected from damage due to shock.

I have read where descending aortal repairs in the upper section [arch] can cause damage to the RLN, resulting in subsequent hoarseness to the patient, and I can see why. This is just something that surgeons have to deal with.

But the argument that "no designer would ever make a mistake like that" makes an unfounded assumption, that IF there was a designer involved, that it could/would have been done differently. Dawkins' view of design implementation assumes a bottom up, de novo approach, which is not what ID proposes, at least from my perspective. I view ID as incremental gene tweaking to modify existent physiologies, at least subsequent to the Cambrian era.

"Imperfection is the norm but a lot of it won't cause disease. The idea that you can pick and choose which part of biology a designer intervenes baffles me."

Complex integrated designs like mammalian anatomy will always be subject to imperfections, failures, and can be improved upon. As far as how designs were implemented, the evidence is that they were incremental, and may have varied as to the source, and the methodologies.

Earlier complex designs may have been 'de novo', compound eyes for example, but in later eras, modifications appear to be modifications of what's there. Thus, it's entirely possible that design implementations may have been from various sources, and using various techniques.

But back to the question of 'bad design' as a refutation of design, I do not see the RLN as an indication of that, just a progression from earlier mammalian forms, as well as a necessary result of the descent of a functional heart as the embryo develops. Same for the male vas deferens.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

RedSky says...


How can you prove a negative? Studies have consistently found no harm from commercially available GM foods. The one study to the contrary (Séralini, tumours in mice) was found to be fraudulent and retracted.

Even if the effects are not immediate, GM foods have been available since the mid 90s, you would expect after 20 years, for there to be a discernible harmful effect, if there is one.


One of the main benefits GM foods can provide is increased longevity and shelf, which help to reduce wastage.

GM yields in a Mediterranean climate for common western crops are not hugely improved. However, the benefits in harsh conditions to say drought and flood resistance are substantial.

This is particularly why it's so detrimental that the EU has rejected GM foods so universally. Domestic farmers may not see huge benefit, but African producers are forced to use substandard non-GM crops for both domestic and international markets.

This is because GM crops cannot be exported to the EU market and different crop types cannot be effectively segregated. This limits their yields, in turn raises prices in a region of the world with an unsustainable, rapidly growing population and increasingly harsh conditions from climate change driven desertification.

Daily Show: Australian Gun Control = Zero Mass Shootings

ChaosEngine says...

dupe duly retracted... carry on

eric3579 said:

Are they the same? Time stamps are different by quite a bit. Maybe @dag will know as the other is his video.

Also i may have missed it but the thumbnail of the other video isnt(from what i can tell) in this video anywhere. That fact alone makes me think this is not a dupe.

It's not a dupe. I fixed dags video with the proper one and they are different part 1

liberty and virtue and the freedom to choose

asexymind says...

I will say there is a meaningful distinction between consequences at the hands of the law involving guns and jails vs. consequences by our peers involving social reputation and retractions of friendship.

Yes, there are real consequences from my wife if I were to cheat on her. They are real and important. I object to these consequences being compared with laws that threaten jail or fines.

In fact, it is exactly these kinds of interpersonal/social consequences that guide us to build virtue.

ChaosEngine said:

As for your marriage, that's a perfect example of how your argument falls apart. Are you telling me that there would be no repercussions on your life if you got caught cheating on your wife? Because unless your wife would just roll her eyes and go "oh asexymind, you and your crazy extramarital affairs", you are being coerced and therefore your decision to not sleep with all the women lining up outside your door is not virtuous.

Drew Carey - 101 Big Dick Jokes

notarobot says...

I couldn't find a video that didn't cut the sound off at then end, but I found a list for you and posted it here:

1. My dick is so big, there's still snow on it in the summertime.
2. My dick is so big, I went to The Viper Room and my dick got right in. I had to stand there and argue with the doorman.
3. My dick is so big, I have to call it Mr. Dick in front of company.
4. My dick is so big, it won't return Spielberg's calls.
5. My dick is so big, it graduated a year ahead of me from high school.
6. My dick has an elevator and a lobby.
7. My dick has an better credit than I do.
8. My dick is so big, clowns climb out of it when I cum.
9. My dick is so big, it was once overthrown by a military coup. It's now known as the Democratic Republic of My Dick.
10. My dick is so big, it has casters.
11. My dick is so big, I'm already fucking a girl tomorrow.
12. My dick is so big, ships use it to find their way into the harbor.
13. My dick is so big, there was once a movie called Godzilla vs. My Dick
14. My dick is so big, it lives next door.
15. My dick is so big, I entered it in a big-dick contest and it came in first, second, and third.
16. My dick is so big, it votes.
17. My dick is a better dresser than I am.
18. My dick is so big, it has a three-picture deal.
19. My dick is so big that the head of it has only seen my balls in pictures.
20. My dick is so big, Henry Aaron used it to hit his 750th home run.
21. My dick runs the 440 in fifteen seconds.
22. My dick is the Walrus, koo koo ga joob.
23. No matter where I go my dick always gets there first.
24. My dick takes longer lunches than I do.
25. My dick contributed $50,000 to the Democratic National Committee.
26. My dick was once the ambassador to China.
27. My dick is so big, it's gone condo.
28. My dick hit .370 in the minors before it hurt its knee.
29. My dick was almost drafted by the Cleveland Browns, but Art Modell didn't want a bigger dick than he was on the team.
30. My dick is so big, I use the Eiffel Tower as a French tickler.
31. It's so big, when it rains the head of my dick doesn't get wet.
32. My dick is so big, I could wear it sas a tie if I wasn't so aftaid of getting a hard-on and killing myself.
33. My dick is so big, I have to use an elastic zipper.
34. My dick is so big, it has feet.
35. My dick is so big, a homeless family lives underneath it.
36. My dick is so big, it takes four fat women and a team of Clydesdales to jack me off.
37. My dick is so big, my mother was in labor for three extra days.
38. My dick is so big, they use the bullet train to test my condoms.
39. My dick is so big, it has investors.
40. My dick is so big, it seats six.
41. My dick is so big, I use a hula hoop as a cock ring.
42. My dick is so big, we use it at parties as a limbo pole.
43. My dick is so big, King Kong is going to crawl up it in the next remake.
44. My dick is so big, it has an opening act.
45. My dick is so big I can fuck an elevator shaft.
46. My dick is so big, it has its own Wheaties box.
47. My dick is so big, I have to cook it breakfast in the mornings.
48. My dick is so big, the city had to carve a hole in the middle of it so cars could get through.
49. My dick is so big, every time I get hard I cause a solar eclipse.
50. My dick is so big, it only plays arenas.
51. If you cut my dick in two, you can tell how old I am.
52. My dick was once set on fire for a Dino DiLaurnetis movie.
53. My dick is so big, it needs an airplane warning light.
54. My dick is so big, Trump owns it.
55. My dick is so big, that we're all a part of it, and it's all a part of us.
56. My dick is so big, I can never sit in the front row.
57. My dick is so big, it has its own dick. And even my dick's dick is bigger than your dick.
58. My dick is so big, you can't blow me without a ladder.
59. My dick is so big, it only does one show a night.
60. My dick is so big, you can ski down it.
61. My dick is so big, it has an elbow.
62. My dick is so big, I have to check it as luggage when I fly.
63. My dick is so big, it has a personal trainer.
64. My dick is so big, that right now it's in the other room fixing us drinks.
65. My dick is so big, it has a retractable dome.
66. My dick is so big, it has stairs up the center like the Statue of Liberty.
67. My dick is so big, there's a sneaker named "Air My Dick."
68. My dick is so big, I'm its bitch.
69. My dick is so big, it's against the law to fuck me without protective headgear.
70. My dick is so big, I could fuck a tuba.
71. My dick is so big, Stephen Hawking has a theory about it.
72. My dick is so big, it has its own gravity.
73. NASA once launched a space probe to search for the tip of my dick.
74. My dick is so big, it's impossible to see all of it without a satellite.
75. The inside of my dick contains billions an dbillions of stars.
76. My dick is so big, it has a spine.
77. My dick is so big, it has a basement.
78. My dick is so big, movie theatres now serve popcorn in small, medium, large, and My Dick.
79. My dick is more muscular than I am.
80. My dick is so big it has cable.
81. My dick is so big, it violates seventeen zoning laws.
82. My dick is so big, it has its own page in the Sierra Club calendar.
83. My dick is so big, it has a fifty-yard line.
84. My dick is so big, I was once in Ohio and got a blow job in Tennessee.
85. My dick is so big, Las Vegas casinos fly it into town for free.
86. My dick is so big, I can braid it.
87. My dick is so big, than when it's Eastern Standard Time at the tip, it's Central Mountain Time at my balls.
88. My dick is so big, I painted the foreskin red, white, and blue and used it as a flag.
89. My dick is so big, I can sit on it.
90. My dick is so big it can chew gum.
91. My dick is so big, it only tips with hundreds.
92. My dick is so big, the Carnegie Deli named a sandwich after it. Actually, two sandwiches.
93. My dick is so big, the city was going to build a statue of it but they ran out of cement.
94. My dick is so big, Michael Jackson wants to build an amusement park on it.
95. My dick is so big, when I get hard my eyebrows get pulled down to my neck.
96. My dick is so big, you're standing on it.
97. My dick is so big, it only comes into work when it feels like it.
98. My dick is so big, it plays golf with the president.
99. My dick is so big, it charges money for its autograph.
100. My dick is so big, it has an agent. My dick's people will call your people. Let's have lunch with my dick.
101. My dick is so big, it's right behind you.

lucky760 said:

Hey, I got robbed. Was that all 101? It seems to be cut off.

F-22 Raptor at Red Flag 2012

Skydiver Almost Struck By Meteorite

Zawash says...

If you have a look at this picture, the rock seems to be falling at a constant velocity, as it should if it was a meteor fragment - it should be falling at its terminal velocity.
It's hard to judge distance and speed, but might be falling at - say 1-2 meters per frame. If it is shot at 25fps, this would mean that it's falling at 25-50m/s (90-180 km/h, 55-110mph, 80-160 ft/s) faster than the parachute jumper, and would be very close to a probable to the terminal velocity of a falling rock.

I retract my earlier statement.

ukyotachibana (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

I have issued a retraction, returned the video to Unsifted Videos, and upvoted it as well.

Post well and often. Welcome.

chicchorea said:

No, if it is not your video, even if it is a family member's or friend's you are free to post it.

I will notate that the motion to ban is to be disregarded. and upvote the video. I acted upon your previous response.

Also, please upvote your own video submissions. It is encouraged.


lucky760 says...

My assumption is the officers (security or otherwise) weren't just standing around clapping their hands singing Kumbaya, but issuing an order to stop.

If in actuality cessation was never demanded, then I retract all my negative statements toward the women, but I find it unlikely that the guys just snuck up on them and started whipping them without any warning.

Of course, the video starts immediately as a whip is slung, so this specific embed doesn't hint at context.

Truth be told, I've been speaking out of ignorance toward their band. I was assuming they were idiots from the US who just went to Russia to protest. Now that I see they're actually native Russians, it makes more sense. But I still think their beating could have been avoided if they'd stopped when ordered.

Again, if and only if they were never ordered to stop, and they weren't defying the authorities who were standing there with whip in hand, then I do feel for them.

Jinx said:

No. Singing and dancing is not an instigation of violence. If the Cossacks aren't there the monk still burns but Pussy Riot don't get beaten.

But apparently Russia is a country where singing and dancing is "inherently dangerous to their physical well-being". So. yah. No singing or dancing I guess. Russian women should know that when they make too much noise they get assaulted. Therefore when they get assaulted we should feel no sympathy for them.


If you're country is policed by violent state supported thugs (not police!) then all the more reason to challenge them. peacefully. with a song and dance. Oh right sorry, i forgot that's actually instigating violence in Russia. really. fucking really.

Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

Sniper007 says...

At 32 years old, I feel as though my mind is far to old and set in it's ways to truly maximize on this technology. I recon a six year old could fly with it though. ...flying. How about paper airplanes with working lights and retractable landing gear?

Going to the Doctor in America

robbersdog49 says...

I'm just going to save everyone else the bother and call you a fucking idiot right away.

In Type 1 diabetes the body doesn't produce insulin. It's not just a little short, it has none. You can't survive long without insulin, not in any semblance of normality. Regardless of diet, you simply can't. Like you can't survive without oxygen. No amount of eating your greens will stop you drowning.

If you can find us a proper scientific double blind controlled study that shows that a placebo can make the pancreas of a type 1 diabetic produce insulin then I'll take back the fucking idiot bit. If you can't, you've just proved the fucking idiot bit.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict that after your next reply, the fucking idiot bit will remain.

No-one's saying a good diet and exercise aren't important, of course it is. But to say it can perform the miracles you're attributing to it is absurd. You even mention Cancer, as if it's a result of poor life choices. It's true that you can get cancer from poor life choices, but that's not the same as saying if you don't make poor life choices you can't get cancer.

Fucking idiot.

Show me the science (proper science) and I'll gladly retract all the nastiness. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Sniper007 said:

If the term 'controlled' is more fitting for you, then so be it. But yes, even type 1 diabetes can be eliminated. Look into the placebo effect - the power of a peron's beliefs. It is a very real, demonstrable, repeatable effect. And it has far more efficacy than most medications being produced.


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