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"Facebook Parenting" Dad Responds To Dr. Phil

enoch says...

dr phil is an entertainer with his stock metaphors and his patented country schtick.while quaint and cute it really has no substance.

did the father over-react?..possibly.
was it poor judgment to post to youtube? ..i think there is a case for that.
do i have any right to judge this mans parenting?..nope.not one bit.

real easy to sit on the sidelines with pretty much zero knowledge or understanding of this mans complex relationship with his daughter and pass judgment.

i know that i didnt take too kindly to people thinking they had a right to express their disagreement pertaining to my parenting skills.
i made mistakes.
sometimes the punishment was too harsh..and othertimes too soft.
many time i reacted out of frustration rather than an even handed desire to teach a lesson.
i grew as a parent right along with my boys,as i suspect most parents do.

i recall a time in the grocery store when my oldest was being a total little asshole.(dont even start..we all can be at times.this was his time).
i threatened to pull his pants down and whoop his ass if he didnt knock it off and this woman close to us decided she had the right to voice her opinion "you wouldnt dare" she exclaimed.
the look of triumph on my oldest sons face was priceless.
this woman had given my son the impetus to look up at me with a smug self-satisfied look and i knew KNEW i was going to lose control of the situation if i didnt react fast.
so i just looked at this woman,this total stranger and replied "if you dont mind your own fucking business lady,after i am done with him,you're next".
with the look of shock and bewilderment she tight-lipped scurried away and that smug look on my son slowly deflated and he settles his little ass down.

now all this may seem shocking or even repulsive to those with a more tender sensibility but what this woman did not know,could NOT have known,was that my oldest son was easily embarrassed by nudity,especially his i knew that i would not have to pull his pants down and "whoop his ass in front of everybody" because the mere thought of his naked ass hanging out in public was all i needed.

which brings me to the point that this is between this father and his daughter and while he may have misjudged by posting to youtube it is evident he cares about his role as a father and HE knows the particulars of their relationship and is best suited to deal with them.

dr phil can just go fuck himself.

What caused the apes to "rise"?


How not to do a backflip on a trampoline

Have A Very Topless Christmas

hamsteralliance says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

"VideoSift does not allow videos containing explicit sexual content. If such a video is submitted, it will be promptly removed and the submitter may be subject to a temporary or permanent ban. "Explicit sexual content" is defined on VideoSift as gratuitous nudity of a sexual nature lacking any reasonable artistic and educational merit, implying its sole intent is to cause sexual arousal."
All due respect @marinara, I think we should discard this video. It sends a bad message to people who see this site for the first time. It is unrepentantly sexist, misogynistic, and degrading towards women.
Don't get me wrong, I love bewbs as much as the next guy, but this is just bewbs for the sake of bewbs with no other redeeming elements artistic or otherwise.

Boobs for the sake of boobs sounds like the best and least degrading way to show boobs. They're boobs being boobs, doing what they do. Saying that the boobs have to be wrapped in what you recognize as an artistic context for them to be appropriate sounds more degrading to me.

Have A Very Topless Christmas

MycroftHomlz says...

"VideoSift does not allow videos containing explicit sexual content. If such a video is submitted, it will be promptly removed and the submitter may be subject to a temporary or permanent ban. "Explicit sexual content" is defined on VideoSift as gratuitous nudity of a sexual nature lacking any reasonable artistic and educational merit, implying its sole intent is to cause sexual arousal."

All due respect @marinara, I think we should discard this video. It sends a bad message to people who see this site for the first time. It is unrepentantly sexist, misogynistic, and degrading towards women.

Don't get me wrong, I love bewbs as much as the next guy, but this is just bewbs for the sake of bewbs with no other redeeming elements artistic or otherwise.

The Night We Were Kings

The Night We Were Kings

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

shinyblurry says...

You might want to read it more carefully:

"Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick identifies a continuum between homosociality and homosexuality, going as far as correlating feminism and lesbian desire: 'it is precisely this broad spectrum of women's homosocial loyalties that Adrienne Rich has referred to and celebrated as the "lesbian continuum"

and the connection from the other article:

7th century BC as an aspect of Greek homosocial culture,[5] which was characterized also by athletic and artistic nudity, delayed marriage for aristocrats, symposia, and the social seclusion of women.[6] The influence of pederasty was so pervasive that it has been called "the principal cultural model for free relationships between citizens."[7]"

There is a casaul relationship between the two, and the normalization of these kinds of behaviors led to the pederast society documented in greece

>> ^luxury_pie:
>> ^shinyblurry:
You don't think there is any connection? It's a historically proven fact:
>> ^luxury_pie:
Way to go comparing apples with pedophiles @shinyblurry.
not only the canucks, my dear troll.
>> ^quantumushroom:
But wait! Asian kids are bullied far more than gay kids.
When will this trendy save-gays-from-bullying business fall out of favor with the left for a new cause?
Wouldn't it be so much easier if America just banned free speech like the canucks did?
It would be easier than getting rid of government schools.

"In Classical times there appears a note of concern that the institution of pederasty might give rise to a "morbid condition", adult homosexuality, that today's eromenos may become tomorrow's kinaidos, defined as the passive or "penetrated" partner."
Are you referring to this? Would you mind reading BOTH of these articles about the topic?
Would you please mind explaning where - by the power of the everlasting dragon hunting, snake exploding jeesus - you think there is any FACT of the correlation you were implying?
Let me help you with the reading part: "Homosociality, by definition, implies neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality."
Please help me with this?

Worst Persons - Countdown 10-12-2011

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^BoneRemake:
" you first asshole "
did not expect that
My fucking virgin ears.

One "asshole" does not a NSFW make.
Just my opinion, I guess we need the honcho to make the call, but if I'm not mistaken that is okay on broadcast tv now.

Who watches these videos at work with speakers rather than headphones, anyway? Sometimes a video is marked NSFW and I think "Oh, someone probably just says 'fuck'" and then suddenly there's surprise nudity and the person sitting next to me says "WTF are you watching?" as they chose that second to look at my screen.

Naked Dude Buys Tacos at Taco Truck

Public Nudity In San Francisco

shagen454 says...

I've lived here for a decade & I don't know about the Castro but public nudity outside of there is rare. I've seen a lot of naked people here that is for sure but it's usually apart of an organized thing where it's pretty much expected & funny. If you don't like it you'll probably know when & where that shit is going down and just make sure you're not around.

I mean of course, if you live downtown in a high-rise you should expect to see nude people because you're living in a fishbowl & there is always that one weird guy that loves walking around his apart naked with the blinds open. I still remember looking up from a bus stop on the corner where I used to live with my girlfriend and seeing some guy jacking off in his apartment staring down at us... CREEEPY.

SF Museum - Survival Research Labs - Machine Art Performance

What (drugs) to do on a Date

Porn, Tea, and Nudity (Coupling)

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