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The Science of Racism
*kill To much anxiety as i wanted to and thought about replying to the last comment for over 90 min. Maybe someone else can post it. Killing it will make it so i stop thinking about it. Sorry

This (anxiety) is why i can't have nice things or engage in interesting conversation
Can This Change Everything for DJs
First off they use DVS technology which has been around and has nothing to do with what Phase is. I had no idea this was even a thing.
With Phase you don't need the special time coded vinyl record or needles.
There may be a better explanation somewhere but that's what i got in 15 min using google.
I have questions.
Maybe I missed it, but I feel like they didn’t really explain what it is or how it works.
I guess it’s some kind of replacement for a record needle, that uses an accelerometer(?) or something, but I’d really like more details.
Also (and I know nothing about DJing, so tell me if I’m being an idiot), surely using this kind of digital wireless thing (again not sure how it works) would defeat the purpose of using analog vinyl in the first place?
Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression
You replied to yourself here....likely because this wasn't meant for me, as your terrible English, impossibly bad for an American, would tip us off that you're not an American and are nothing but another Russian troll stumping for Trump, willing to spout any nonsense no matter how it contradicts reality. Really, Bobski, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to learn English better than the Nigerian princes who need your help with international banking.
You must be completely insane if you think protecting a targeted group of American citizens from clear attacks against their constitutional rights is the racist move, but trying to remove their constitutional rights, that's not.
You are apparently willfully ignorant, so you have zero idea what poor people, who are mostly minorities, face. I have been one, living in East Palo Alto in the late 80's. When you work 16 hour days +3 hours on the bus getting there just to scrape by with zero savings, asking them to spend a full day at the dmv and a voting tax of $50+ (the cost of a license), you make the right to vote conditional on having a day off, the required documentation for a license/ID, and $50 to spare. Make getting a license/ID free and under 5 min online, you might have a point. As it stands, you're just being intentionally dense and trying to hide from the obvious, clear, unambiguous racist nature of ALL voter tests. There's a reason the states implementing these laws were precluded from making voter laws before 2011.....they had been found to be unconstitutionally and blatantly racist by the supreme court.
Republicans want id laws to disenfranchise minorities because they don't represent minorities and don't expect their votes, they're clear and open about it behind closed doors, have been since the Southern Strategy, and it's 100% obvious when you look at their implementation, they ALL effect minorities at a rate 4+ times over whites in areas where whites are 3/4 the population....that's by design, they have been repeatedly caught testing to ensure those results when crafting the laws.
Illegals don't vote, that's nonsense you got from the liar in Chief with not a shred of evidence that a single one successfully voted after his 2 year red herring investigation that wasted (tens of?) millions of dollars over something he made up to excuse his losing the election by 3000000+- votes. It's pure bullshit, you and we know it, that's why you never heard the results of his investigation.
Today, Trump declared publicly he's a proud nationalist.....another word for neo Nazi. There goes Republican's humanity.
He's also added more to the deficit than anyone ever, during a period of growth! Obama did better, consistently reducing the deficit, during a recession! So much for fiscal responsibility.
Now Republicans have organized and paid central Americans to march towards America to rile up their base and blame democrats without evidence, knowing under 100 will even be allowed to apply for asylum and none allowed entry. Any semblance of honesty gone, fear and hatred of anyone "different", that's all the right has left.
I'm guessing you're still on board, because nothing but tribe matters to you, not truth, not rationality, not even supporting a proud Nazi.
So this boils down to a discrimination of minorities.
So glad of you to be their champion. That you need to look down and these class of citizen that you must intervene.
I think higher of minorities. They are my equal. I don't look down in pity as you do. I believe minorities can find a way to obtain an ID. Its not that hard or expensive.
I'll ignore your un-intentional racism and chalk it up to you being miss informed by main stream media. No hard feelings, newt. Your are not alone.
Republicans want ID laws so only AMERICANS vote. Democrats do not want ID laws. Hence to allow ILLEGALS to vote. Democrats don't care about minorities, just votes.
Iceland Is Dope
I'm suspect that mom had to agree to say her line in order to take the trip to Iceland for free. The miss at the 1:00 min mark will probably cost her breakfast.
How To Buy a Gun In Canada: Armed and Reasonable
200ish is our annual homicide by gun rate. 200ish is also our annual knife homicide rate.
I wish more people in both countries (especially the ones who have zero interest in guns) would take a few mins to learn what is and was is not true about them. It is almost impossible to find any unbiased pro or anti gun information, so when it's packaged well like this video, people should take advantage to learn. (but many just are not interested as I am.... I am pretty biased being an owner) *promote
How many of the 200 deaths a year are suicides?
US CDC 2015
All suicides
Number of deaths: 44,193
Firearm suicides
Number of deaths: 22,018
How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)
@lucky760 & @dag -- So, there's no way to post embed code into VS like from
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="9" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(
TY0L8fxCxfCBbhWrsYYAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a rel="nofollow" href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Dumme mops
AMA - a short film by Julie Gautier
I believe only the ascent is slow mo (around 5 min mark).
The rest just looks slow because it's under water and she's freediving (only slow movement to save air). The reflections give away the timing.
I can't hold my breath in slow motion.
Very nice though.
Luxury Cars & Economy Tows
Right because being a dick is always better than letting someone park their car in your lot for a few mins. if they are not hurting your business or in your way... Far to often there are places that just don't have enough parking spaces and far to often you think you've found a safe space spot with no towing signs. Only to come back and find "new" signs and your car gone.
I have to disagree. If that business owns/leases the land, they don't own/lease 90% of the space all the time and 10% during business hours. It is their property. There were signs, since I saw the one guy looking up to see who to call.
These people gambled and lost.
Anxiety Inducer Invention
*ban self link. Posted 50 mins ago. This yt account has had a self linker not that long ago on the sift.
BBC - The Human Body Part 7 - The End of Life
whats the music at min 27?
A robotic kitchen that can prepare full meals in 3 minutes
$15/hr min wage brings innovation 1 step closer to the restaurant.
Yanny or Laurel
I listened 3 times, heard yanni.
I waited awhile (5 min) read some stuff, listened again - laurel!!!!
I cannot hear yanni anymore, but I DID!? same speakers for both.
Facing the final boss after doing every single side-quest
I got interested in that question based on the Elder Scrolls series. Morrowind had a basically static world, Oblivion was basically entirely scaled to the player, and Skyrim is scaled to the player but within a min/max range.
To me, Morrowind was great because it could put appropriately powerful rewards in difficult (or just plain obscure) areas. Oblivion in particular was bad at making leveling feel like a treadmill because every time you leveled up as the player, pretty much every enemy would be that much more powerful also. Skyrim was better about that since an area would generally set its difficulty scale based on the first time you visited it, so you could leave and come back later if it was too tough, but it still felt a little off.
Another associated problem is how loot gets influenced by those leveled lists. In Skyrim, loot in containers and in the inventory of leveled enemies generally scales, but loot sitting out in the open in the game world generally doesn't. Which is really annoying, because all generic loot pretty much everywhere ends up being crappy low-level iron. God forbid there's some steel, elven, or dwarven gear in places where it would totally make sense to be (say, dwarven gear in dwarven ruins) that you might venture into before that gear becomes "level appropriate".
In a related issue, one beef that I have with general RPG mechanics is how they all feel the need to make you drastically more powerful at level 5 compared to level 1, and again at level 10 compared to level 5, and so on. By the time you're near the level cap, you're probably 100-1000 times as powerful as you were at level 1, which gives a good sense of accomplishment but just doesn't seem realistic, and leads to this problem with fixed difficulty or level scaling. Western RPGs (boiling back to pen and paper DnD rules) certainly aren't great about this, but JRPGs are completely ridiculous about it, which is pretty much why Final Fantasy 3(6) was the last one that I enjoyed. In my adulthood, I just can't handle them -- even going back and trying to play FF3 that I *loved* way back when.
I'd like to see more games where you get more skills, polish, and versatility as you progress, but overall you aren't more than 3-5 times as powerful at max level as you were at the beginning. Mount and Blade is one of the few games I can think of that comes close to that.
<knowingly geeky response to comedy bit>
It's actually a really interesting game design question.
There are basically two approaches here: enemies are either fixed level or scale with the player.
Is black just a shade of the color white
this is spectacularly stupid. it's basically 7 min of poor understanding of how light and cameras work.
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench ft. Kiss Guy (Yayo Sanchez)
Me too, but......
Monkey Wrench is a perfect 4 min pop-punk song. I HATE that they make it 9 or 10 minutes long live.
God damn I love that song.