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Umm......In America, it means something TOTALLY Different!!!

MilkmanDan says...

As an American (who hasn't lived there for almost 10 years), I think that in US English "beat off" is synonymous with "fend off", but that usage is old-fashioned almost to the point of being archaic within the US, and many people especially those under 20 years of age would likely not know the "fend off" definition (or even what "fend off" means, honestly).

The colloquial definition that he reacted to would be the intended definition 99% of the times that you heard the phrase used in the US.

My guess is that the situation is somewhat reversed in British English -- it would mean "fend off" 90% of the times it is said, with the other 10% talking about masturbation and knowing the slang definition from US media. I make that guess as someone who has been to the UK a few times and has British friends that I work with every day, but I wouldn't claim to be an expert about British vs US English.

Sounds like the ratio might be similar in Australia, or maybe even more in favor of the "fend off" meaning like 95/5? Interesting how those things vary so much from place to place.

oritteropo said:

In Australian English, in that context, beat off would unambiguously mean "fend off" as she intended... at least the first time she used it. Doesn't it still have that meaning in US English?

May well be the stupidest thing ever said in a church

kulpims (Member Profile)

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

JustSaying says...

Well, thank you for the compliment, fellow masterdebater.
Or did you mean "masturbator"? Then I'd have to disagree, I'm certainly not bad at that.

Yeah, my post was super hyperbolic but it was just a continuation of the thinking going on here. I took it to the next level. The basic message I took from this thread was "Fuck that guy, he's an insurance scammer and got what he deserved!"
I disagree.
First of all, his crime (scamming people out of money) makes him a huge asshole and definately someone I wish not much well being in general. However, he was slowly run over by a car! You have to do some really awful shit to deserve that kind of punishment. If that man was the pope, I'd have applauded the lady and asked her for a re-run because the pope supports child rapists. If that man was Jeffrey Dahmer, I'd ask if I could have a go. But he's, as far as we know, neither a rapist or murderer or anything else as horrible. He could be dead. He could be a vegetable. He could be disabled. None of that is a punishment fitting his crime. Not even a Bernie Madoff deserves that.
The second thing is this whole "he did something stupid and now he got what he deserves" debate. Look, I'm a person of schadenfreude. I have sadistic personality traits that fill my shrivelled, black heart with gleeful joy everytime somebody gets hurt. But there are limits.
My examples are horrible and gross but what sets them apart from what this guy did is mainly they're not criminal activities. Sure, if you shoot at cops and get shot, you deserve that. You committed and act of agression and got pwned. That man was not agressive towards anyone.
He didn't lay under a moving car, he lay beside a standing car that then rolled over him while making a turn because the driver didn't notice him. Misjudgement on his part? Sure. The same as playing russian roulette or shooting at cops? Nope. That's because his activity, running into a standing or slowly moving car and pretending to be hit, doesn't include certain death as certain possibility.
The only reason people here are so comfortable with this man getting run over is because he's an asshole criminal. If that would've happened to him while he was pulling an internet prank, everyone would be horrified. Imagine that guy wearing a ridiculous costume and talking into the camera at the beginning of the video how he'll make that woman think she hit him with the car and what a great prank that'll be. Is he still getting what he deserves?
People give a shit about the man in the terrible accident because they made a judgement that he is a criminal and not worth it.
See, John Oliver has a point when talking about prisons.
I saw a video of a man getting run over. It didn't upset me but the reactions to it did.

lucky760 said:

Wow yourself.

Those are mostly really horrible examples and gross misinterpretation of things that've been said here.

Most of the things you're talking about are not even closely related to someone putting themselves into a position of imminent danger.

Smokers, second-hand smoking, addiction, extreme sporting, and *anyone* who does *anything* *potentially* dangerous? Say what? Your nonsensical examples have no relation whatsoever to what I've been discussing.

Laying under a moving car or playing Russian roulette or climbing into an alligator pit or shooting at cops with machine guns... Yes, those kinds of things are exactly the same as someone with a lifetime of addiction or who uses safety gear and expertise with a reasonable expectation they'll walk away from their sporting activity unharmed. Right? Pshaw.

You're either doing a really bad job of trolling or just a really bad masterdebater.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

Bit about myself, newbie @bremnet
Don't watch television, haven't owned one for over 25 years
Recognize the ilk who make comments like yourself as robotic apes regurgitating their keeper's script like public school children singing the McDonald's jingle-

We take offense at wholesale assumptions and editorializing-without-information and recognize it for what it is: The most formidable defense of all chumps and cowards.

This site gives license to all-comers to speak their mind, offer intelligent banter on a variety of subjects, and oh....there's a special car on this train for folks like yourself to masturbate publicly in between the rabble and bar cars...

@hamsteralliance-Sound, sane, and sobering truth in yours, one of the only reasonable comments in this thread. Agree whole-heartedly.

The Decemberists: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

newtboy says...

They compared male college students 98% of whom masturbate 12+ times a month, and married men, 85% of which had masturbated in the last year
I guess they really said 44% of college women masturbated 5 times in the last month, and 45% of married women had masturbated in the last year at least once. Not exactly what I thought it said the first time.

Fairbs said:

No scientific basis here, but my explanations would be that the time between a woman 'discovering herself' and marriage is relatively short (generally speaking). So during that time there may be little dittl er... mb and then said woman gets married and eventually gets bored with her partner so the mb rate increases. In the case or the woman who gets married later in life or becomes single again, maybe there's more sex going on due to varied partners so less need to mb. That's my theory at least. I got distracted while watching the video and decided not to watch the rest after seeing all of the comments disputing the facts of the video. Did they say whether married men mb more than single ones?

20 Misconceptions About Sex (mental_floss)

newtboy says...

If that's what he meant, he should have said that, and not said it in such a way that made it sound like the study said 'every seven seconds, period' without 'on average'. He should have repeated for each case, 'most people think this study said "X" when it really said "Y"'.
To me, he set up a straw man then pushed it down (repeatedly). He either miss-stated or miss-interpreted most of the 'studies' he referenced (or at best jumped to the assumption that most other people miss-interpret them).
I must say, I found it odd that (according to his numbers) married women masturbate more than single women....what's up with that?!?
Also, in his part about women removing their hair, his results only add up to 56% of women total. (11% usually totally shaved, 20% never shave, 25% partially or sometimes shaved) What about the other 44% dude?

Lilithia said:

If what you say is true, he probably knows that this value is meant to represent the average. Nevertheless, some people actually believe that this really means every 7 seconds every day, which is the myth he tries to debunk in this video, not the study (if there is one) that people apparently misinterpreted.

Pallas cat checks out camera

Vagina Cake, Uterus Pinata and a Vagician!

MGMT - Your Life Is a Lie

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Trancecoach says...

This seems like a straw man "attack" to me.

Anyway, you should stop eating meat right now. No more meat. It's a good follow up to not having children. If "global warming" is the reason you did not have children, then I must acknowledge your belief in man-made global warming and commitment to not contributing to it. But stop the meat eating. That also contributes greatly to greenhouse gases, second only to population.

And, yes, for CO2 alone, to stay a current levels (not to mention decrease the levels), humanity would have to cut down 60% to 80%. Not happening. To decrease levels it would need negative levels. Certainly not happening.

No, I'm not asking for a "physics class." Nothing will be resolved and no one convinced of anything through the comments section. This is simply mental masturbation.

Good luck getting 350,000,000 people reduce their carbon footprint by commenting about your opinions on videosift.

I'm glad you do your little part in slowing down the increase of greenhouse gases. Like you say, it won't do much, but at least you are doing something. But relying on the government? That won't do anything. Too bad, because I also would like clean air. It may take a few generations for people to get on with a more realistic program than "petitioning their congressmen." (So maybe not having children is not that great for the environment as clearly the current generations are not getting anywhere with this.) Do whatever you are going to do or not (just like everyone else). And good luck. Who cares other than you?

If you think you know how to stop greenhouse gases to levels you like, then go ahead and do it. Or tell someone who can do something about it. See if you can convince the climate scientists who are skeptical (not the deniers) about man-made global warming. If you have some solid research, you might make a difference!

@shatterdrose, I won't even go into the "politics" of all this. Everything that involves politicians, you can count as a failure already. But, hey, I wish you luck with that.

AT this point, it's clear to me that we're not having a serious conversation. Good luck to you in getting your "representatives" to do what you want them to do and stopping global warming.

Have a blast.

If you have your own research on climate change, or your own scientific commentary, I may be willing to take a look at it. Otherwise, everyone has an opinion and commenting won't change anyone's mind.

newtboy said:


The REAL Reason You're Circumcised

Sagemind says...

To say, "see, no harm done" is like cutting off your baby toes at birth. you never had them, so you never missed them. But the toes are still missing. Why? because someone thought it would be a good idea.

Now, the foreskin isn't being removed for no reason at all, it's being removed because someone with power had really-sick, messed-up, uneducated attitudes towards sex. Then they wanted to control everyone else's attitudes towards sexuality. So they came up with this sadistic surgery to stop teenage boys from masturbating. The thing is, this is all in the name of religion as well.

So, regardless if you feel like you've lost nothing in the process, you are continuing the mutilation in the name of one or two people's interpretation of religious beliefs and purposefully hacking off pieces of new born babies.

I have no idea how anyone can think, oh, ya, well, they did it to me so... I must do it to all my children.
That is just messed up....

OK, seems, I have a strong opinion on this.. I'll disengage now

Jason Statham in Chatroulette! Wild Reactions!

Delilah watches Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

chingalera says...

Whatever, no one uses a toothbrush for teeth anyway anymore...masturbation on anyone's part reminding transient peeps of the rules in a flop-house.

mxxcon said:

(Remember, kids channel is "for kids", not "about kids".)

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