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Competitive Race

Adam Neely: Anthem

luxintenebris jokingly says...

unopposed to adopting an unofficial anthem.

how 'bout "America Pie". everyone seems to know the words. or at least every single person that likes that song.

maybe set a new trend. start the song as the teams come out on the field and keep singing until someone scores.

and this would be a good match, since very little people could sing it*, but great for, at least, the start of the 2nd half, especially if you're down and behind...a real uplifter...

*unless we could get all the schoolchildren to learn how to belt it out...would humble all other anthems (and world citizens) at the olympics

Attempted Cash-In-Transit heist

Buttle says...

Rest assured that neither Democrats nor Republicans are going to outlaw firearms for security guards paid to protect large sums of money and those with the wherewithal to send it. Firearms for little people that might just want to protect themselves are a different thing entirely.

TangledThorns said:

More evidence why Democrats are wrong. This is why you need an AR-15.

Grace Slick Vocals Isolated - White Rabbit

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

dannym3141 jokingly says...

This is the most vague, passive aggressive shite that i've ever had the misfortune to read.

"Too many people" are now being "taught" to disobey cops. How many people is just the right amount of people to be taught to disobey cops? How the hell is someone "taught" to disobey cops? Are there schools opening? Can you specify anything, or shall we just wave our hands and say "well if people are getting killed by cops, obviously people are educated in how to disobey a cop and therefore deserves to die"? Shall we do the hand waving? Yeah? Yeah, it's much easier to vaguely insinuate around something without having to pin yourself down to anything in particular - cos something specific could be disputed.

But golly gee willickers criminy sir, i sure don't mean to paint you as an excuse maker for the murderous uniformed psychopaths just because you make excuses on just about every single sift about it. Unlike you guys who like to paint us as cop-haters just because SOME of our posts on SOME sifts are disparaging towards the police.

And @bobknight33 - are you serious bro? Do you work for the police PR department or something? You should! Do what i say or keep getting slammed to the ground. You can rely on that tactic to create a functioning and safe society... right after the mass uprising and civil war ends. It scares me that people exist in this world who are so short sighted and arrogant..... and callous.. all at the same time.. I feel like you really do believe that "forever slamming into the ground" the dissenters, the people whose crime is DISAGREEING with your law, is an ingenious plan. Surely you can't think that, and you must be trolling at least a little. People might have gone soft these days, but if you make them scared for their safety then they'll react like the wild animals we inherited our survival instincts from. That's just making yourself the enemy of a much, much larger group of people - the people you're meant to be keeping safe from harm. You can't think this.. unless you actually want a fascist occupying force controlling people.

lantern53 said:

Too many people now are being taught to disobey the cops, so the verbal escalates to the physical and everyone loses.


But I'm not going to paint all cops as racist just because one might be, as opposed to you guys

Inside Out Trailer 2 UK - Official Disney Pixar

I Am a Ukrainian

chingalera says...

'Lands' are also not so distant any longer so much as they are some abstract concept to most people having never traveled outside of their computer chair or suffered directly from an overtly oppressive regime or prolonged conditions of want or discomfort in the last three generations. Let the grocery trucks stop running in Canada or the United States for a couple of months and consider the change of heart and attitude. Breadlines??? Unavailability of fuels? How soon folks forget that the entire world teeters with some seriously fucked-up psychopaths at the helm in recent history.

How little people care to consider history as a warning.

The 1% Are The True Hardcore Gangsters - Rich Man's World

eric3579 says...

"Rich Man's World (1%)"

[Arthur Jensen:]
"You get up and howl about america and democracy.
There is no america there is no democracy,
We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies.
The world is a college of corporations... inexorably
Determined by the... immutable bylaws of business.
The world is a business.
And I have chosen you to preach this evangel"

[Immortal Technqiue:]
For all my free market, healthcare robbing, stock stealing, retirement fund
Fucking with niggas. Fuck your little credit card scammin, jewlery stealing,
Crack selling, liquor store robbing mother fuckers (Its a rich mans world)
Hahahaha. Shout to the homies, Carnegie, OG, Willie Randolf Hearst,
Rockefeller, the real Rockefeller, my main bitch Leona, pour out a little Louie the
Thirteenth, Jack Abramoff, hold ya head, my Rothschild niggas, LET'S

[Verse 1: Immortal Technique]
I spend my day repping america overseas
Pensions for the workers? nigga please
Embezzlement etiquette private settlement
I'm better with confederate rhetoric from my mansion in connecticut
Foreclose and evict homes at the tenement
I twist words like a speech inpedIment
I hope you got good credit bitch
If not better get a new job with benefits
When I play golf with niggasii get cheddar with
New money buys brand new karats
My old money bought your great grand parents
You got grills in ya mouth I ain't mad at ya
I own every gold mine in South Africa
Thanks baby you made me a billion
Plus I own a building for each one of my children's children
That's the shit, snort coke in the whip miss USA sucking my dick
Yea what fuck the law 'cus real jail is for suckas
I go to country club prison you dumb mother fuckers
(I am the 1% fucking bitch)

You know my CEO corporate steeez please
Overthrow governments overseas in a breeze
Politicians in my pocket for a few hundred Gs
So if I'm never in court my assets a never freeze

[Verse 2: Immortal Technique]
I got a job and house and a bank account
When I'm out I doubt that's something you could say
And if not then I fake death like Kenneth Lay
Make money every day the world burns
Wanna tax us while y'all struggle to pay taxes
I'm getting my money the fastest
Memos and faxes shredded up documents
Slush funds through the corrupt continents
But they don't want me indicted
'Cause they don't want my dirty laundry aired when I fight it
Don't get my lawyers excited
'Cause what good is a law if you can't rewrite it
I got CIA traders, dictators so fuck y'all whistleblowers and haters
(Its a rich mans world) Shiiieeeaaat
I'll invest money from Al Qaeda
In the bank 911 widows go to later
Capitalism so I pray to fuck the state of the world
Money talks so what the fuck I need to say to ya girl
(I don't pay em to fuck, I pay em to leave)

You know my CEO corporate steeez greed
I'll treat countries like the IMF down on your knees
Real gangsters run the world fuck what you believe
I'll cut down the forest while y'all niggas burning some trees
I'll get your family murdered for a couple of Gs
'Cause your working class money ain't fucking with me
You think rappers are rich 'cause of songs you heard?
My labels make the money and haven't rapped a fucking word

[Verse 3: Immortal Technique]
Y'all in the ocean coastin' with the sails out
Hey America thanks for the bailouts
I made off at the banco ambrosiano
Got away scott free like el Vaticano
Acitvists activist get mad at me
'Cause I'm a tax free charity
80% to the staff and company
And 20% to the homeless and hungry
The country gotta pay the fed reserve
Kick back to the banksters haven't you learned
You protest cops or patrols on the street
But I bought city hall so I own the police
Email facebook and the shit you tweet
On the phone companies so I heard you speaking
My suggestion is no correction no elections, sex with no affection
No invention would benefit the world of man
Will exist till I got the money in my hand
World bank, interest rate damn rape on the spot
But I'm a gangster you gon' take my money like it or not, nigga
(I got your country in my pocket, motherfucker!)

You know my CEO masonic steeez cheese
Only little people pay all these taxes and fees
Since you were born we controlled what you watch and you read
And pretty soon were gonna own the fucking air that you breathe
I take what I want fucker I don't have to say please
I'll convince you that it's good for you, take it and leave
You think presidents are the face of a nation
I put em all where they are, end of the conversation


Little Girl Stays Up Too Late, Has a Terrible Monday Morning

Man Cut in Half - Illusion Prank

Chinese Farmer Creates Wind-Powered Car

Stormsinger says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Capitalism at work in China. 1 inverter living his dream.

Socialism at work in America. In America our government forces GM to produce the Chevy Volt. Very little people buy them since they cost $100,000. The buyer pays $40K and the Tax payer eats the $60K.

"Capitalism at work in China. 1 inverter conman living his dream."

Fixed that for ya.

This is just another perpetual motion machine. You cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics, which would be required for this to work.

Chinese Farmer Creates Wind-Powered Car

bobknight33 says...

Capitalism at work in China. 1 inverter living his dream.

Socialism at work in America. In America our government forces GM to produce the Chevy Volt. Very little people buy them since they cost $100,000. The buyer pays $40K and the Tax payer eats the $60K.

Banned iphone 5 Promo

yellowc says...

Sorry, perhaps I should of worded that point differently, I meant that a ppi that allows for retina (android equiv) is sufficient, after this point we need to compare screens on more noticeable differences. The S3 and the iPhone5 are both at 306ppi, the differences is screen size/resolution, colour, rendering algorithms and screen tech (pentile vs IPS). Which is a preference, I have no problem with you liking larger phones, this is just not a point of advantage or disadvantage you can target as a phone fault, it is a user choice. Some people also prefer looking at over-saturated colours, they find them more "real" or "vivid" etc, that's all fine.

The other points I think we can leave as is.

Yes iTunes is a heaping pile of shit, I'm not about to defend it, I got my N7 with Jellybean and saw how refined the Play experience is, switching accounts on the fly, loads content for that account etc. It was simply put, light years ahead of the syncing bullshit that Apple puts me through. In fact the N7 is really the first Android device I've been actively recommending to people, it is undeniably a solid good product, I can not fault it (other than lacklustre 3rd party support but I won't be blaming Android for that).

But really, these days, you can ignore iTunes and I'm guessing a lot of people do or are content with what it does. To stick with my mum, her iPad has never plugged in to a PC (except when she couldn't do OTA updates but she didn't have to deal with that), she does everything on the device. In fact, she wouldn't go near a computer, Apple or otherwise, she has absolutely no interest in them fullstop. My mother-in-law is the same, it took me about a year to convince her to pick-up an iPad, now she does her shopping online, uses email etc but she has no desire to touch anything else and still won't step out of the apps she knows. These two weren't a market just a few years ago, you wouldn't even dream of bothering with them.

I don't know what it is that makes it so appealing but Apple seems to and they focus all their attention on it. I know also this is anecdotal (but you don't have to look far to see more). Everything you see isn't aimed at us, I find most Apple's marketing over the top and cheesy, this is why I can find this video funny even if I do prefer Apple products, it just isn't for us. The "lens...cover" line had me in tears.

I know we like to think we can understand how non-tech people work but we simply don't, I have been teaching the basics to people for a long time and I'll still freely admit I'm still bewildered by how little people actually understand. They're not stupid people, we just take it all for granted, it is a different mindset entirely and is why the tech world has such a hard time understanding Apple. For instance, do you know how useful iOS is to the accessibly challenged? It is light years ahead of Android or any body else, it isn't even a choice for this market, no matter what the other phones offer. iOS is the only realistic option.

I've probably gone a tangent here but it all comes back to why Apple is what it is and why I try to defend against attacks that compare it at a tech race level. I don't want the world to go back to what it was, there is room in the market for the needs of everyone to be met.

>> ^spoco2:

@yellowc A fine rebuttal sir, except lacking in a great deal of thinking things through.
First you say the screen on the phone is the best due to colour, ppi and fonts, and then say that ppi doesn't matter. (Higher resolution in a smaller screen = higher ppi) Personally? I think this pixel density bullshit is some finely crafted bullshit by Apple to create a metric that no-one cared about before, and really kind of shouldn't, but they tout it because they like to make sure they win it... so, their 4" screen with its weird 1136 x 640 resolution is apparently better than a 4.64" screen with 1280x720 (so native 720p HD)? I too wasn't sold on larger screens. My last phone was 3.5" just like the current iPhone, and I thought I wouldn't want a phone with a larger screen as then it wouldn't fit in my pocket, and would be a pain in the butt. Then I tried on the Galaxy Nexus in store and found it fit in my pocket better (by being thinner) and was soooo much nicer for viewing content on than 3.5"
I said myself that I'd only ever used NFC once, don't much care about it. Can see that it could be cool having stickers/pads in your car and on your bedside table to automatically put your phone into various modes based on what you're doing, but I've cared so little I haven't ordered the tags to try it.
Video calling... who actually uses it? As I said, we've had it here in Australia for 9 years. Most feature and smart phones have supported it. I've been able to do it for years. Have I once felt the need? Nope.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with iOS as an operating system, what I'm saying is that it LOOKS amazingly old, feels really quite antiquated. I look forward to Apple redesigning it and making it fresh again. Without being an Android fanboy, I find the look and design of ICS and Jellybean Android to be so much more fresh than iOS. This is nothing to do with functionality, just look, something which Apple could change so easily, it's odd that they are letting it get so stale.
In terms of Apple 'understanding' the regular Joe... what I don't get is how such a large number of my friends have ended up completely wiping their entire iTunes library because of the insanely stupid way in which iTunes handles moving your device between computers and how it handles syncing them. That is not user friendly, has been going on for years, and yet never addressed.
Horses for courses. Look, there are plenty of reasons to go with an iDevice... but the ever burgeoning market share of Android (now more than Apple) demonstrates that not everyone wants to be locked into the Apple ecosphere.

Dueling Banjos: Insane Edition

Netrunner: a new galaxy in the firmament (Sift Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

Awww, poor Ron Paul, he looks so sad!

I love the new logo, though I'm gonna need to change my avatar to match.

Thanks dag for the song, and everything, it's awesome!

Also thanks to all the little people I stepped on to claw my way to the top people who've been helping me push my way across the finish line and eagerly counting down the star points with me, especially @bareboards2 and @dystopianfuturetoday!

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