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What should we do concerning a *financial channel? (User Poll by dystopianfuturetoday)

joedirt says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^I haven't seen you around here since blankfist publicly humiliated you so thoroughly last month. Nice how you've adopted his beat down as your new avatar.

That gave me a good laugh. I must have missed a public humiliation. It's like whenever you or blankfist try out your internet tough guy routine, I don't think you realize how dumb you appear.

You seriously think 'The Legion of Douche' was an awesome display of beat down?

But, yes you are the king of fail, so yes, let's incorporate another brilliant idea like 'books'. We need more useless channels. Maybe we can have a channel where we tag ever single video that ever had money in it!!!

Scary Australian NES Commercial

Matrix Catfight [Cat vs. Many many Puppies]

rychan says...

The Matrix sequels and the Star Wars prequels were products of a similar situation -- very creative people (Wachowski brothers, Lucas) who were too successful for their own good and didn't have someone to exercise editorial control and tell them no. Those types of people need a filter.

The Matrix sequels and Star Wars prequels were 80% to 90% good movies. If only someone had stepped in and said "no Midichlorians, no Jar-Jar, less Lincoln Park worthy teenage angst, no "soft, not like sand", and no slaughtering a legion of rainbow Skittles jedis for no reason.

But the opening of attack of the clones and Darth Maul's duels in the phantom menace were fantastic. The chase scene in reloaded was great. The machine swarm breaking down the defenses of Zion was captivating.

blankfist (Member Profile)

jonny says...

ok - I don't know wtf that means. I don't know anything about comic books. I had to look up who Guy Gardner was. Backup Green Lantern. pshaw. I suppose that's better than being a zombie criminal, though.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You'll always be my Guy Gardner! And I'll always be your Blue Devil. You silly Solomon Jonny want to be.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
heh - that is the best back-handed compliment I've ever received.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I refuse to make a Solomon Jonny! He's in no way a member of the Legion of Douche. He's too good of a person in my book. He will remain the Guy Gardner of the DC universe!

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
I would take 10 more quantumushrooms over you any day. At least they are actually funny.

And, I'd take 10 VideoSifts over At least Videosift is original, not derivative, and a place where people actually want to visit. For some reason Videocult feels like the kind of place where I'd die a little inside when I visited it.

I really hope the Legion of [you know what] decides to hang out at the superior [aka the bullshit no one wants to visit because the rest of you nerds are hanging out there and your elitist personalities suck so much we hate you] so we never have to deal with your hate ever again. But seriously, I know you are a bunch of elitists but won't you consider a fuckface like joedirt? He really sucks, therefore I thought he'd really fit in with your bullshit elitism. He's opinionated like you. You two could have cosmic sex until the black hole sucked you all up into oblivion and you all died. That would be the greatest!

Love, blankfist

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Haha. Please, joedouche, how do I succeed at trolling. I'd love to know. That would be awesome, because the truth is I have beef with NO ONE outside the LEGION OF DOUCHE, therefore why would I want to troll. Who cares, just tell me how I'm wrong. You're awesome. Please don't attack the Hall of Justice.

bluecliff (Member Profile)

Flaming Lips - Free Radicals

Flaming Lips - Free Radicals

blankfist (Member Profile)

MINK (Member Profile)

joedirt (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

<embed src="">

You are not smart. I've seen what you have to say and in no way am I inspired. You are the most retarded redneck I've ever met. You always have a future with You worthless nerd.

jonny (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

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