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Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

The 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2008 (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

31. Stephenie Meyer

Charges: She’s the unforgivably perky Mormon mom who wrote the Twilight Series of books, currently draining IQ points from Western Civilization. This silly wank-off vampire fantasy for teenage girls has been embraced by legions of sad, middle-aged women who fight for access to their daughters’ sticky copies of the books. It’s an embarrassing spectacle for all Americans who aren’t actively participating in it. Meyer admits she can't handle the better class of vampires and has never watched a whole vampire movie, even the more anemic kind: “I've seen little pieces of Interview with a Vampire when it was on TV, but I kind of always go YUCK! I don't watch R-rated movies, so that really cuts down on a lot of the horror. And I think I've seen a couple of pieces of The Lost Boys, which my husband liked, and he wanted me to watch it once, but I was like, ‘It's creepy!’”

Exhibit A: The hit movie version of Twilight, featuring Meyer’s dreary characters, a tiresome teenage girl and the pathetic “vegetarian” vampire who loves her, mooning around on first base for two hours and giving vampires everywhere a bad name.

Sentence: Meyer encounters a non-vegetarian vampire, who kills her immediately and gruesomely in front of an appreciative audience of horror film fans.

Ann Coulter gets OWNED.

10317 says...

god,i really just dont like this woman.
she will modify any actual "truths" to fit her narrative,
which is one of almost constant bigotry,hate and divisiveness.
some people have postulated that it is all an act,but that makes her self-aggrandizing even that more repugnant.
to twist facts,quotes and practice revisionist history just to perpetuate
her hatred for those she disagrees with is not only disgusting,but weak
and lacks any form of imagination.
i find her intellectually dishonest,but she speaks to a legion of opinionated,misinformed and decisively ignorant sychophants(sp?).
she should be mocked rather than vindicated,but her fantastic ability to create controversy=equals ratings.
so as long as people will listen to her,to disagree or agree,she will always be given a platform to espouse her bigotry and hate.
just watching the video here,which i find gleefully apt in exposing her ignorance.she still wont admit to being wrong.
facts are subjective in coulter-world.
what a world class wanker.
till next time...peace.

You have to do WHAT to reproduce?

Throbbin says...

Nothing to complain about - technically he is having sex for the rest of his life.

Now for those of you on the sift who have not yet experienced a womans touch (and you ARE legion), it may be well worth it.

The Cruciverbalist Speaketh! (Howto Talk Post)

Seriously.. (Wtf Talk Post)

Seriously.. (Wtf Talk Post)

mauz15 says...

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^mauz15:

Okay you child, you've been following me around making comments after mine as if trying to gain something from this, so let me explain something to you once and for all, and maybe the rest of the Legion of Douches are listening in so they too can benefit. Discarding your own post has never been against the rules (possibly frowned upon for discarding discussions, but not against the rules). Discarding someone else's post has always been against the rules. I figured a member since 2006 would have picked up on that not so subtlety of the Sift by now.
If I had discarded one of joedirt's posts, all of this would've been different, because I would've had it coming. But, I have NEVER discarded one of joedirt's posts. You see? I didn't break the rules. Joedirt did.
You seem to be angry that I didn't answer some question somewhere that was posed to me, but Mr. Mauz, I really want you to understand something: I don't know what the hell you are talking about, and I'm not your fucking step-and-fetch-it that is here to serve your every whim. I don't owe you anything, so do us all a favor and get rid of your false sense of entitlement.
The purpose of discarding my post was in fact to clean it up, because you and the other members of the Legion of Douche came in and rubbed your smelly, toddler cocks all over it, and I chose to discard because I posted it. When you post something, mauz, I promise I will never discard it, because I have no right to do so. I hope you find it in your being's conscience to extend the same courtesy to others on here, instead of siding with a delusional dirtbag who runs around above the law discarding whatever his warped sense of authority grants him the right to do.

I dont have to follow anything, your last comments about it are in like 2-3 places so how could I not notice? here i am checking out the latest siftalk which is about thinker but then seeblankfist still blabbering about yesterday.

I'm not siding with anyone, thats missing the point.
Like I keep saying, the inconsistency of going around the guidelines for your siftalk upvote day thing, but keeping to the guidelines when it applies to the discard of your post.

im not angry.

but your comment speaks for itself. if the comments you so thought were considered completely negative then why were they equally upvoted/downvoted? When I post something and opposing opinions appear, I will promise to not discard it and repost just because of a "i dont like your opinion go away i want all reality to agree with me" type of reasoning

All that happened is available to anyone's view, and since I rather not keep talking with someone who demands to follow a rule, then bypass another rule, talks about courtesy, but then proceeds to group opposite opinions to some imaginary label of the league of douche I'm going to go do something else.

Seriously.. (Wtf Talk Post)

burdturgler says...

I think I'll print this, frame it and put it next to my alarm clock so I wake up everyday with a smile.

>> ^blankfist:
>> ^mauz15:

Okay you child, you've been following me around making comments after mine as if trying to gain something from this, so let me explain something to you once and for all, and maybe the rest of the Legion of Douches are listening in so they too can benefit. Discarding your own post has never been against the rules (possibly frowned upon for discarding discussions, but not against the rules). Discarding someone else's post has always been against the rules. I figured a member since 2006 would have picked up on that not so subtlety of the Sift by now.
If I had discarded one of joedirt's posts, all of this would've been different, because I would've had it coming. But, I have NEVER discarded one of joedirt's posts. You see? I didn't break the rules. Joedirt did.
You seem to be angry that I didn't answer some question somewhere that was posed to me, but Mr. Mauz, I really want you to understand something: I don't know what the hell you are talking about, and I'm not your fucking step-and-fetch-it that is here to serve your every whim. I don't owe you anything, so do us all a favor and get rid of your false sense of entitlement.
The purpose of discarding my post was in fact to clean it up, because you and the other members of the Legion of Douche came in and rubbed your smelly, toddler cocks all over it, and I chose to discard because I posted it. When you post something, mauz, I promise I will never discard it, because I have no right to do so. I hope you find it in your being's conscience to extend the same courtesy to others on here, instead of siding with a delusional dirtbag who runs around above the law discarding whatever his warped sense of authority grants him the right to do.

Seriously.. (Wtf Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^mauz15:

Okay you child, you've been following me around making comments after mine as if trying to gain something from this, so let me explain something to you once and for all, and maybe the rest of the Legion of Douches are listening in so they too can benefit. Discarding your own post has never been against the rules (possibly frowned upon for discarding discussions, but not against the rules). Discarding someone else's post has always been against the rules. I figured a member since 2006 would have picked up on that not so subtlety of the Sift by now.

If I had discarded one of joedirt's posts, all of this would've been different, because I would've had it coming. But, I have NEVER discarded one of joedirt's posts. You see? I didn't break the rules. Joedirt did.

You seem to be angry that I didn't answer some question somewhere that was posed to me, but Mr. Mauz, I really want you to understand something: I don't know what the hell you are talking about, and I'm not your fucking step-and-fetch-it that is here to serve your every whim. I don't owe you anything, so do us all a favor and get rid of your false sense of entitlement.

The purpose of discarding my post was in fact to clean it up, because you and the other members of the Legion of Douche came in and rubbed your smelly, toddler cocks all over it, and I chose to discard because I posted it. When you post something, mauz, I promise I will never discard it, because I have no right to do so. I hope you find it in your being's conscience to extend the same courtesy to others on here, instead of siding with a delusional dirtbag who runs around above the law discarding whatever his warped sense of authority grants him the right to do.

UPVOTE EVERYTHING DAY (take 3) (1sttube Talk Post)

The way "I am Legend" was supposed to end

ponceleon says...

Another good example of how Hollywood ruins good books in order to "test well" is the book Legion which became the horribly flawed Exorcist III. The book was an extremely interesting examination into existentialism and faith, but because it didn't actually have an "exorcism" in it, they forced a whole sub-plot and completely changed the final act in order to make it more "flashy" and have special effects...

meh to hollywood

Another VideoSift Coming-Out Thread - Couples wanted (Femme Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

Breaks out the rules of The internet! Please Recite after me:

1. Do not talk about /b/
2. Do NOT talk about /b/
3. We are Anonymous.
4. Anonymous is legion.
5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.
6. Anonymous can be horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.
8. There are no real rules about posting.
9. There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.
10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.
11. You must have pictures to prove your statement.
12. Lurk moar — it's never enough.
13. Nothing is Sacred.
14. Do not argue with a troll — it means that they win.
15. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
16. There are NO girls on the internet.
17. A cat is fine too.
18. One cat leads to another.
19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
20. It is delicious cake. You must eat it.
21. It is delicious trap. You must hit it.
22. /b/ sucks today.
23. Cock goes in here.
24. You will never have sex.
25. ????

Quoted from urban dictionary.

Hot, nerdy girls are not a myth!

gwiz665 says...

Personally I'm more of a quenya-speaker, but then I am a Valar to you people...
>> ^DavidRaine:
Guess I'll have to keep my eyes open at Gen Con now...
But seriously, what kind of geek speaks in "Elvish"? Any nerd worth his or her salt will refer to the language by its proper name of Sindarin!

Sifters don't have bodies, but float in a beautiful consciousness-singularity mediated by the Internet. As such, nerd-induced cellulite have no effect on us. We are legion, with firm buttocks.
>> ^NicoleBee:
Aww geez.
Sure, it's cool now, but soon my gigantic amounts of nerdery will turn into heavy lumps of geeky cellulite, and I'm left in the corner by myself mumbling about Babylon 5 to a conveniently placed houseplant.
>> ^gwiz665:
Cool nerd girls exist too, look at mintbbb and nicolebee!

Nerds are inherently creepy, what with their giant brains. Thinking a lot about things, quickly makes the everyday thing creepy.
>> ^treat:
I dated a girl in highschool who this broad reminds me a lot of. She was pretty nerdy, incredibly good looking, but also very very creepy.

McCain shows geographical ignorance

bareboards says...

Well, the whole conversation was about Afghanistan. Suddenly he brings up Iraq?

I went back and listened to it again. Why did he even bring up Pakistan when the conversation was about Afghanistan? He was doing his own Pecking to Death By Ducks over a comment Obama made and he was trying to work it into the conversation.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that this is a rehearsed bit. Topic is Afghanistan? Bring up Pakistan (the country next to Afghanistan, don't you know) and attack Obama.

He blew his line, is what he did.

I'm going to stick to my original premise. Let's stop demanding absolute perfection from everyone in the public eye. I mean, really. These people live with microphones stuck in their face for hours a day. They don't eat well. They're tired. I EXPECT them to make a mistake once in a while. They are human. There is something seriously wrong with public debate when only perfection is allowed.

What is important is to look at the whole. George W also misspeaks. But he misspeaks A LOT. The man is not an orator, is not a statesman, has no natural dignity. I think it is appropriate to hold up his legions of mistakes as a pattern. How the heck anyone ever voted for that man as the Leader of the Free World is a complete mystery to me.

And it is this Pecking by Ducks nonsense that creates automaton politicians. Terrified to make ANY MISTAKE AT ALL, they speak carefully and rehearse and rehearse and rehearse until all the humanity is leached from them. And then they get criticized for that. Gore. Kerry. Clinton.

I am very impressed by Obama, for a number of reasons. One thing in particular -- he has figured out how to stay human and accessible and dignified in such an intense environment. To me, this speaks of a great and quick intelligence. It ain't easy. Who has succeeded at it?

I know that I am a lone voice in the wilderness. The mass snarkiness of the comments on every website proves that, I believe. I'm going to hang in there, though, and say things once in awhile in defense of the basic humanness that binds us all.

Real criticism on real topics, not Pecking. Please.

Let the Videosift Roast begin! Zifnab takes center stage... (Parody Talk Post)

MycroftHomlz says...

Oh, an how can you have a *quality roast of Zifnab without inviting me?

What can I say old chum? You don't drink. You play badminton. You wear briefs. You have a freakin dragon avatar. You also apparently have a whole legion of people who worship you on here you demonic despot...

There is just too much pressure to slam you with a zinger, I guess it can wait-

I am sure I will come up with something when I see you at the Star Trek convention next week.

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