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Bye bye electrical sockets. I shall not miss you

vairetube says...

There was a fiction book... the name is eluding me... that dealt with the evil power companies killing a scientist who discovered "wireless" electricity....had a character who was a "fixer/professional" type guy .. named Jack... one word title... legions.. legacies... hmmm

it was good.

Ah, "broadcast power" was the term they use in the book...i find that a better term than wiricity... oh and it was maybe oil/energy companies in general against the technology


Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

kulpims says...

>> ^Creature
"Stogner died from severe coronary artery disease, an enlarged heart, and a fracture of the hyoid bone in his neck"
As I said before, if you're so angry as to wish death as a punishment for disobedience and a victemless crime go get counseling. Its unhealthy, and quite frankly disturbing.

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius: That's a little overboard. I haven't heard anyone wishing death on anyone. I'm not a doctor, but I imagine that small fractures are a frequent consequence of resisting arrest. This guy just happens to be the unlucky dude whose condition and the exact nature of his injuries lead to his death.

read what creature wrote, again - it's in bold, hard to miss. the cop broke this guy's neck. now that's what I'd call overboard, no matter what.
so much inconsiderate bs, I just had to upvote and join the legion of douche, who think "resisting arrest" is a legitimate excuse to kill people

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

>> ^budzos:
^ God knows 100% compliant web rendering helps productivity!

Legions of web developers pulling their hair out over crazy IE6 layout hacks would agree with you completely.

And as for the "Windows for Dummies" snark- I see you have adopted the Microsoft mantra- "let's treat users as idiots, they'll come around to our way eventually".

Bow to your god, windows boy:

French Foreign Legion

Deano says...

Absolutely fascinating documentary.

The coolest bit is near the end when Schwarzkopf was made a member of the Legion after Desert Storm. They gave him a card with a phone number on it. He was told that if he ever got into trouble anywhere in the world, he should call the number and they would come to his aid.

Navy SEAL-BUDS Training

Every Week on Entourage

The_Peril says...

I was convinced at first that Entourage was a giant parody and the legions of douchebags who worship it just didn't get the joke.

But that was being kind. That show is unwatchable.

blankfist (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Most of the sift has been on that old punching bag...

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You're still too awesome for that. You have to work really hard at being a douche to be inducted into the Legion of Douche. You could rape my mother and still be better than the members of the Legion of Douche.

In reply to this comment by bluecliff:
Hey! I want to be one of those too. Come on. Help a feller out.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
<embed src="">

Scientology on Trial in France (Religion Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

gonna throw my hat in with gunrock... though some abuse the system and some contribute far, far less than others, there are legions of volunteer nurses and doctors and roofers and chefs and seamstresses and lawyers who are able to easily organize and meet like minded folks to do good things under the umbrella of the "non-profit" church.

(side note: I'm an atheist)

Fake Green Lantern trailer starring Nathan Fillion

Sagemind says...

What the hell... Where is DC these days? Why are they letting Marvel make all the movies? I mean... Hey, another Bat Man movie..., you'd think they only had one comic book! Superman is boring but common, A justice league movie, Green lanturn, what ever - Legion of Supoer Heros, So many posibilities...

Not that I don't like Marvel - I just don't understand why DC is sitting back and watching... And for that matter, Where's is my Spawn 2 movie???

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Wow, all of this over little ol' me? Pshaw. What's funny, no one cares if I was or was not the sockpuppet in question. No one asked. Before any real proof surfaced (only dag or lucky know the truth), the irons were slapped on me and people were asking for my head on a spit.

I told DFT publicly I was keitholbermann. That was all the proof some needed, I suppose, though I'm not sure volumtuspsoyus even read that. He asked if I was KO and I replied 'It was a shitty social experiment. You failed."

I also shot JFK. I was also this guy:

I spammed all of you with this and this:

I'm not sure why volumpypumpous was hobbled. I don't think I agree with his ad hoc martyrdom. It's pretty silly, but so is this. I wonder why the legion of douche didn't Siftquisition me. I'm still waiting for my swift and just trial, or else I believe the cuffs should come off.

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

qualm, you are being willfully ignorant and a contrarian. I think that blankfist has earlier called this group the "legion of douche". I think you fit in there quite nicely.

This is tiresome and not really important. It hurts the sift more to keep the visibly handcuffed than not to. Most civilized countries abandoned public shaming and punishment in the dark ages, let's do this in a better way.

I'm fucking tired of people's whiny gripes. The rules are not set in stone, they are applied differently to each case, because each case is different. It's not that some people are exempt from the rules, but some people have proved themselves to get more leeway with them. The law is not equal to all people, like real life. And all infractions on the rules does not, and should not, mean the same punishment. This ought to be fucking obvious. Argh.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

Lolthien says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Ok, you got me, I laughed out loud, literally, and my co-workers looked at me funny. You get +1 internets for the day! Well done!

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^Maze:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Instead of being so angry about it, why not educate yourself? Global warming wouldn't have gotten this far without people muddying the waters and ignoring the science.

Unfortunately ... far too many do not 'believe' in what science states, and as a result, in their minds,it isn't true. The logic? I believe in Leprechauns.. thus they are real.

Having a brain is not a prerequisite to being a living entity. This fact is often reinforced by the blindly religious.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

Maze says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.
It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".
"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.
Unlike the statists.

Instead of being so angry about it, why not educate yourself? Global warming wouldn't have gotten this far without people muddying the waters and ignoring the science.

Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end"

quantumushroom says...

Man-made global warming is the biggest hoax--and crime--ever perpetrated on the human race. It's the same wealth and freedom-destroying socialist horsesh;t only wrapped in green tinfoil.

It wouldn't have gotten this far without egotistical half-wits like Al Snore given a spotlight, but more so from legions of Gaia-worshipping rabid enviro-mental-cases, who want to see all human life destroyed to "save Mother Earth".

"Bible-Man" may be delusional but he doesn't think he's God or feels qualified to rule others without question.

Unlike the statists.

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