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Non-Irish Boy Eats Carolina Reaper

modulous says...

Sounds like he has English parents but lives in Scotland or the other way around. For the record the elder (I believe its a grandfather) has a pretty strong northern English accent so it's reasonable to suppose the family has a bit of a mixture and that's represented in his ambiguous accent.

I detect no Irish, though.

Clues: The way he says 'nine' is Scottish. Irish would tend towards 'noyn'. When he says 'It is a real one', the 'it is' is characteristically Scottish. When the elder says 'I know' he says 'I naaaw' which is so Northern English its untrue - the final 'E R' nails it.

Irish Boy's Carolina Reaper Followup

nock (Member Profile)

Non-Irish Boy Eats Carolina Reaper

Irish Boy's Carolina Reaper Followup

Non-Irish Boy Eats Carolina Reaper

7 years, 7 mass shootings, 7 distraught speeches

noims says...

I like the Irish parody site Waterford Whispers News' take on it, although some people may think it goes too far.

Their current poll is 'What Is Your Favourite US Mass Shooting So Far This Year?', with 142 choices.

The only heartening thing for me is the number where the shooter's name is unknown (unless it means they weren't caught).

ChaosEngine said:

It's tragic when The Onion has the most pertinent headline and it still applies perfectly.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

But hey, don't let dem took yer gurns!

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

JustSaying says...

I'll quote you again for emphasis:
'Fuck the Irish and Jews, they don't get murdered at rate of 1 every 28 hours.'

Dude, fuck you for that statement. I'm german, most of my life I've been told to feel sorry for the fucking holocaust. It ain't my fault.
I take issue with parts of the jewish community that keeps complaining about their history and ignoring all the other, smaller holocausts, the ethnic cleansings and whatever else you want to call the genocides happening after WW2 but I will not accept you taking a dump on it.
You have it bad, no doubt, and black people in the US always had to endure unimaginable suffering. I have absolutely no clue how horrible the shit you and your ancestors had to go through is.
My great-grandfather and his peers build fucking corpse factories. My ancestors shipped people in train cars to a place to literally destroy them, to murder them. They called it 'Endloesung'.
My ancestors industrialised genocide. The Shoah claimed at least 6 million lives.
As justified your rage and your hurt is, as much unimaginable suffering your ancestors and those like them had to endure, you don't get to tell those that survived and their families it to fuck themselves.
I wouldn't dare to do that to you or your ancestors.

There's a lot of terrible shit going on around the world and it's part of why I'm not fond of my own species. We both wish the world would be different and I like to think I understand, or at least have a vague idea, why you're so angry. But how could I? I never suffered that awful shit. I'm sorry but that's just what I was born into. Nobody ever asked me what I thought about it.
However, maybe I'm wrong but telling a group like the jews, a group of people whose history of being treated horribly as long or even longer than your own people, to go fuck themselves...
you're just loosing me here. I have no other choice than calling you out on that. You're dead wrong on that. How can you do that? Don't you have any decency, haven't you seen the mountain of corpses?

They murdered them. All of them. Blacks and jews. It doesn't matter. They're all lost. We lost them.

GenjiKilpatrick said:


Fuck the Irish and Jews, they don't get murdered at rate of 1 every 28 hours.

If i were to break all four of your limbs, then tell you:
"Stop crying, some people have it much worse you know."

You would look at me EVEN CRAZIER and probably wonder:

"WTF does that have to do with me?!
I'm suffering MAJORLY right now, right here! Help me!
Oh god please, help me."

But when you or any other "mildly racist" white asshole say it..
It's like some Zen Buddha shit.

"we all suffer. we all are one."

Get the FUCK outta here with that bullshit!

Go read my fuckin' sift talk already.
Then come back and tell me if you'd ever say to a women:

"Well, you know. LOTS of women get Raped, hun. Even men too. They don't seem to complain about it a lot."

No.. you won't.. crazy assholes.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

GenjiKilpatrick jokingly says...


Fuck the Irish and Jews, they don't get murdered at rate of 1 every 28 hours.

If i were to break all four of your limbs, then tell you:
"Stop crying, some people have it much worse you know."

You would look at me EVEN CRAZIER and probably wonder:

"WTF does that have to do with me?!
I'm suffering MAJORLY right now, right here! Help me!
Oh god please, help me."

But when you or any other "mildly racist" white asshole say it..
It's like some Zen Buddha shit.

"we all suffer. we all are one."

Get the FUCK outta here with that bullshit!

Go read my fuckin' sift talk already.
Then come back and tell me if you'd ever say to a women:

"Well, you know. LOTS of women get Raped, hun. Even men too. They don't seem to complain about it a lot."

No.. you won't.. crazy assholes.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Also @GenjiKilpatrick forgot to say earlier..

If you think POC have a monopoly on being oppressed, read a history book or two and then try being Irish for a while. Aside from the Jews, we're the OG oppressed people. The Jews just didn't turn to drink, music and poetry quite like we did.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, had this to say about the referendum in Ireland: "I think that you cannot just talk of a defeat for Christian principles, but of a defeat for humanity."

Stay classy, Vatican!

Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?

What If You Needed Everyone's Approval To Get Married?

radx (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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