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Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura - 9/11

thinker247 says...

So you don't trust Madox, but what do you think of the ideas he puts forward? If he's a douchebag who's correct, he's still correct.

I would like links to credible accounts of destroyed evidence and Bush blocking the investigation.

>> ^rougy:
Appealing to Maddox as an authority of anything, let alone 9/11, is one of the best ways in the world to lose an argument before it's begun.
9/11 was an inside job. Evidence was destroyed, and Bush blocked the investigation at every turn.

Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura - 9/11

rougy says...

Appealing to Maddox as an authority of anything, let alone 9/11, is one of the best ways in the world to lose an argument before it's begun.

9/11 was an inside job. Evidence was destroyed, and Bush blocked the investigation at every turn.

Star Trek Lip Dub - Turbo Lift

Truther Proves 9/11 was an inside job with a $20 bill

Truther Proves 9/11 was an inside job with a $20 bill

Rescue Me: Franco discusses possibility of 9/11 Inside Job

Demolition of a Skyscraper (38 seconds)

Nithern says...

I guess it would be to much to ask, to see a video of a building being destroy, without all the 9/11 conspiracy idiots ranting about alien's up their butt.

How building 1 & 2 collapse has been studied, restudied, and studied even further. The conspiracy regarding those two building's collapse takes tidbits of sequence, and say, the missing parts will justify the conspiracy once found. If, and IF, there was a conspiracy, don't you think SOMEONE, would have grown a conscious by now, to say something? Show evidence that it was an inside job?

Oh yeah, cus if such a person did, they would be killed by black ops, commando-style, and all real evidence would simply disappear, right?

Now, if you want to disprove EVERYONE, and that it had to be a controlled demolish, then just be a Mythbuster. Make a FULL replical of the WTC (building 1 or 2, since they are the same). Put a few tens of millions of dollars worth of office material (computers, chairs, desks, etc) within it. Then, crash a BIG plane in to it, and test the theory.

You just need a few billion dollars to pull it off. Good luck getting that kind of dough to blow....

Demolition of a Skyscraper (38 seconds)

Richard Dreyfuss - "I Am Against Any [9/11] Investigation"

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

volumptuous says...

I think Elvis did it.

He was made of molten steel and asbestos, and then the other guy got terrorism insurance like three days before The USA WTC Attacks of 911 and also ran a fake-flag against the Pentagons, which was NOT AN AIRPLANE, but was actually lazers shooting from super hi-tech rhinestones on his cape.

Everyone was in on it. Elvis "died" a long time ago, to receive the proper training to pull this off, not even thinking of all the co-ordination with the Pelosi Elite Task Force, who then planted and lit thermite explosives all over WTC 41 and 47.

They knew some skeptics could catch on to their evil plan one day, so they thought "hey, lets send out some of the absolutely stupidest people on the planet to push the 'inside job' theory!!", knowing the public would never buy their shit, Pelosibot3000 XL thought of only one name...Reid.

"Harry! Get Alex Jones on the phone!" Cried PLB3kXL.

"He's so fucking stupid, dishonest and unqualified, absolutely NOONE will buy this shit 8 years after it happened!"

And there you have it my friends.

PLB3kXL has successsfuullyy pulled teh woolz over all sheeple's eyes.

And, also.

US Soldier Exposes American Policy

eatbolt says...

He's referring to the confusing claims made by 9/11 "Truthers." He was speaking at a crackpot, conspiracy theory conference.

I think he's justified to be angry about being sent to war with no real goal, and a military strategy thought up infants, but it doesn't have anything to do with 9/11 being an "inside job" or whatever nonsense it is the conspiracy-theory nuts are raving about these days. New World Order, Illuminati, Bildegerg Group, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

Website for the conference he was speaking at: (sadly, it appears to be down, but there are a few videos left up).

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

I'm willing to bet most of the people there don't even understand what the G20 is, they just see it as world government, and how that has to be bad because..well...Ministry said so in that one song.

I didn't realize citing facts was hyperbole. Those were anarchists, they identified as such and they came there with no other reason other than to pick fights and start shit. That's what they do. They're idiots. They're also cowards, covering their faces, starting shit and then running away so innocent protesters can get the grief for it.

You haven't been to Pittsburgh, I live here. That street they pushed that dumpster down was steep. It could crush someone easily. That is assault. End of story.

And you can't endorse violent revolution AND believe in nonviolence. You're big into Orwell I assume, doublespeak much? If you really think that "When the government takes your 1st Amendment rights, there's always the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. This is when watering the tree of liberty is necessary" then you should sign off your computer, stock up on weapons and get to work. All you anti-govt types who think the police are instituting a police state, 9/11 was an inside job, you have no freedom of speech, etc, you're all a bunch of wussy blowhards. All talk, no action. Get to work and start killing government officials already! Or would you rather someone else do it so you can watch it on YouTube?

Bill Maher Overtime with David Cross

guymontage says...

EDD is right on with the vaccines; there is no debate.

well maybe there is some controversy amongst people who must partition their time evenly defending claims such as "Man never stepped on the Moon", "9-11 WAS an Inside Job", "The CIA let UFOs mutilate cows and abduct rednecks in exchange for cellphones, microchips and Playstation 3s" and other non-sense.

Leftists protest a 9/11 memorial

Psychologic says...

"Crazy" doesn't stem from any one ideology. They'll latch onto just about anything... 9/11 inside job, death panels, moon landing, aliens, Kenyan birth certificates, etc.

They're entertaining to watch so they make the news, but that doesn't mean people take them seriously. As easy as it is to link the crazies to larger political groups, they really only represent the individuals involved.

Stormtroopers' 9/11

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