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Pentagon Investigation Evidence Contradicts Official Story

Yogi says...

>> ^Rotty:

"The Iraq War was going to happen whether or not they came up with this so why risk such a dangerous act?"
The war in Iraq never stopped. We were flying over Iraq constantly and upholding an embargo there. The incidents on 9/11 were exactly what was needed in order to full scale the military operations and quickly (while everyone's emotions were high) pass domestic laws clamping down on US citizen rights.
Without a perceived threat (War on Terror, Communism, etc) there is no rationale for perpetuating the Military Industrial Complex. And, as far as this being a Republican party thing, just remember the Vietnam and Korean wars were brought to you by the darling Democrats with total body counts of ~ 112K American soldiers.

You're right about the Iraq war not stopping, we enforced (The US and UK through the UN) an embargo that devastated the population killing almost half a million children alone. It also strengthened Saddam which wasn't a secret, it was well known.

I disagree with you that "without a perceived threat there is no rationale for perpetuating the Military Industrial Complex" because when there is none available it's just made up. Just look at the budget for the Pentagon 1991-1992, no change after the end of the Cold War is just stayed the same. Because simply the economy we have requires it to continue in this way, without it we wouldn't have this shiny computers to debate with.

I'm not sure what you mean with the Democrat comments, I'm very vocal on War Crimes perpetrated by Clinton and Carter not insignificant in the least. The point is that this has to change, from the ground up fundamental change, it won't do anything to prove 9/11 was an inside job, because frankly it will only explain the deaths of 3,000 people. I don't want to sound cold, but that pales in comparison to half a million children starving to death which was justified as "worth it" by Madeleine Albright. So no love for the Democrats here.

Intellectually it also wastes a lot of time. You could be spending time working towards real reforms, that help people incidentally. Instead thousands of people spend huge amounts of time and go to Conventions on which member of the Mob was involved in the Kennedy assassination. It's just not friggin worth it.

Is This Change?

brain says...

I agree with the basic message of this video, that change will not happen as long as we keep electing democrats and republicans.

However, Alex Jones is an insane nut that should be ignored. He's worse than Glenn Beck. He actually believes that the government is worshiping horned pagan gods and working directly with Satan. He thinks 911 is an inside job. He even thinks the Virginia Tech shootings were a government black-ops mind control experiment.

Yogi (Member Profile)

Aum123 says...

In reply to this comment by Yogi:
I've yet to hear anyone convincingly point out WHY the government would fake 9/11. If you weigh the risk benefit analysis, it doesn't pan out. It's like the Kennedy Assassination, Why kill Kennedy, there was no reason to do it. Conspiracy theorists really ignore those important points I think.

I have gone through both the official conspiracy theory and the alternative conspiracy theory. And, I think, it would be wrong to say that the US Government was responsible for 9/11. However, one shouldn't rule out the possibility that rogue elements within the government could have had a hand in it. There are so many inconsistencies in the official story that it would be almost naive to accept it at face value. And, there is a reason why the Mainstream media (except for Russia Today who at least interviewed the architects and engineers for 9/11 Truth ) doesn't talk about it. Also, consider the many false flag events and crimes (now declassified) by the US Government and secret services over the years. It shouldn't come as that big a surprise. This doesn't imply that the theories presented by The 9/11 Truth Movement are not dubious. In fact, it is pretty difficult to glean the most credible of documentaries and research among the plethora of alternative theories. I would highly recommend "9/11 Coincidences, 9/11 Blueprint for Truth and Zero: An investigation into 9/11. It is frightening to know how few people know that 3 buildings fell on that day, and that FBI still doesn't have evidence linking Osama to 9/11. Finally, it is clear that 9/11 was an inside job, but to what extent is difficult to ascertain.

Jon Stewart Blasts Scheuer & Beck for Promoting Terrorism

Xaielao says...

That guy just gave credence to every wackjob 'we create wars on purpose/ 9-11 was an inside job' conspiracy theory on the planet. He almost announced that the CIA would encourage attacks on the US so the people would clamor for more 'protection'.. which is code word for more funding to the CIA and an even more incredibly massive yearly budget.

That and so we'd vote in another republican. As if the last one reduced the threat to the US and other western countries. Glen Beck is the craziest fucker on the air for actually agreeing with him.

JFK - Back and to the left

John Ziegler Arrested at Katie Couric Journalism Event

rougy says...

>> ^Sagemind:
Again..., What is it with police and arresting an mistreating people for no reason what's so ever...

I thnk it's called 'authoritarianism' because 9/11 changed everything.

We're safer now because of it.

And ignore the evidence of thermite in the WTC debris.

Stupid truthers.

If 9/11 was an inside job, then we've been bombing the shit out of two countries for the past seven years for no remotely justifiable reason.

And Boeing and Lockheed would lose some money...and boo-hoo that's bad for our economy....

And The Winner Is... (Woohoo Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I was going to tell you about the time I was addicted to porn and robbed drug dealers at gunpoint to pay for my addiction. I got a life sentence in Thailand for that, but was kidnapped by one of the guards and sold into black market prostitution where I was castrated and made into a very ugly ladyboy. After three years working the bars of Pattaya, I earned enough to pay off my debt of 12000 baht to my pimp and was free to leave the prostitution ring.

With no money, no clothes and no penis, I had to beg for meals and shelter for six years while I made my trek from Thailand to the deserts of Kandahar, Afghanistan. There, I took refuge with a local resistance movement and was taught how to fire an AK-47 and rig explosives. Shortly thereafter I was sent to New York to... um... nevermind, 9/11 was an inside job.

We Didn't Start the Flame War

Stolen Small Plane Violates U.S. Airspace From Canada

Mos Def vs Christopher Hitchens

rougy says...

>> ^Lodurr:
Their goal isn't a Taliban-controlled world, but an Islamic theocratic-controlled one, and to further that goal they don't need an army or air force. All they needed were a few pilots and some box cutters to inch us closer to that "holy war."

The thing the Taliban wants most of all is for people to leave Afghanistan alone.

And "Al Qaeda" is really a little pipe-dream boogie man compliments of the CIA.

The middle east, probably more than anything, just wants a major reduction of western influence and interdiction in their countries.

Three countries needed 9/11 more than anything:

1) America, for a good reason to invade Iraq,
2) Saudi Arabia, for a good reason to get US troops off their soil, and
3) Israel, to provide a long-term buffer-zone of US troops and weaponry between them and Iran.

9/11 was an inside job, and the three countries above are the prime suspects.

Sifting through the ashes (Blog Entry by Ornthoron)

How to think about conspiracies

Fade says...

West strikes me as the kind of man who believes that 911 was an inside job. He's also not stupid and understands that Bill Mahers idiotic reactions to 911 skepticism is part of the price he has to pay for publicity.

Bush's Version of Katrina - Summary by Rachel Maddow

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

10768 says...

Here ya go my Pugnacious little Roogy Pal:
(Who thinks 9/11 was an inside job, and that the Joos should just shutup and die quiet.)

Tel Aviv - The United Nations suspended all activities in the Gaza Strip Thursday, accusing Israeli soldiers of firing on a marked UN vehicle during a three-hour humanitarian cease-fire initiated by Israel.

Don't be a boob. It's well known now that Hamas is using UN-flagged ambulances as troop carriers

Of course, Israel will deny that, or come up with some plausible excuse, and of course, we all better believe them or else we're just racists.

While no one has a monopoly on truth, you hear a lot more from the IDF than from the psychotic Islamofascist warlords of Hamas. You do sound racist in your comments quite often, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, for now.

Let's not forget that relief boat that they rammed, then denied ramming.

Oh yes, Moonbat Love Boat. Give me an F-ing break! If Israel let every two-bit terrorist sympathizer through Gaza would be even more awash in weapons. For trying to break a legal military blockade; ramming them was kid glove treatment. They could be sleeping with Davey Jones.

According to many sources, a lot of people were killed in those schools and none of them were militants.

Ya, according to many of the same sources, The Joos are descended from Pigs and Monkeys too.

But if Israel says they are, well then, who the fuck are we to disagree?

Just a bunch of racists, right?

I prefer to regard you as what Lenin referred to as a "Useful Idiot". Just try not to pass it on socially or genetically

I'm sorry, man. I know there's two sides to the story, but this is just bullshit and everybody in the world can see it.

No, there are plenty of people outside your echochamber who see the truth, and the perversion thereof which the Islamofascists and their sympathizers have foisted on Europe, The Media, and Left Wing Intelligentia in general.

Israel, and I'm talking about the political body of the country, has one plan for the Palestinians: complete eradication.

Even if Hamas was out of the picture and the Gazans were doing everything by the book, they would still get pushed around and bombed and blockaded until somebody snapped and gave the IDF another reason to bomb the holy hell out of everything.

Gaza would be at peace without the armed terrorist resistance of Hamas. There would be no blockade or checkpoints. There would be jobs and plenty for all. Hamas and their fuckwit apologists have gotten us where we are. Israel has no interest than to be left in peace. Try supporting that.

Fork Lift Accident at Work

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