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Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school
A superpower hardly needs to be perfect, it just needs to be good at being a superpower - science level, industry production, human resources, military, ie the stuff that China is catching up fast with or is gone already.
Quality of life, human rights and democratic institutions are nice but not vital to superpower status. They are vital for sucess lasting more than two generations though so there is hope in that.
I'm not claiming perfection, far from it, but our overall potential outweighs any other nation's (at least it used to).
Center fielder first position player to ever record a save
Not just won, but went from either a negative or neutral position to win.
IE. if it's happened before, the team was already ahead when the non-pitcher took over in relief.
Let me make sure I understand: this is the first time, in all of MLB history, that a game was won with someone other than a pitcher functioning as the pitcher? I'm really surprised if that hadn't ever happened before...
Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders
I did not write the title -- still not lies.
Kid say kicked out for gender questioning. Teacher indicates kicked out for being disruptive.
Its the kids video - he get to title it.
On big issues like this ( ie debating on school lunch) , if one believes that school policy is wrong , is not acceptable to speak up?
Granted a better forum would be a school board meeting.
Bottom line the teacher is afraid of loosing his job and hence pushes the position of national policy.
Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.
Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.
He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.
The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.
Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.
If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.
How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record
Human terminal velocity is around 120mph when falling in breathable altitudes in a belly-down (flat) position. Pulling in your limbs will get you closer to 200mph, which is roughly what a peregrine falcon hits in its dive and in the ballpark of what a .30-06 round in freefall (ie, after being fired straight up) would reach. Professional speed skydivers fly head-down and reach 330mph. The higher you start, the lower air density and thus higher terminal velocity you get. Felix Baumgartner jumped from 128,000 feet and reached 840mph.
How the Pink Tax Is Ripping Off Women
I'm pretty sure that the women paid twenty cents on the dollar comment is highly debatable. My understanding was that when you actually compared apples to apples it was around six or seven percent. Still not zero where it should be but also not twenty as was stated. (edit) John says 4-8%

And just for fun i wanted to check the prices myself for the items in the video.
The CVS Menstrual pain medication they compared are NOT the same.
The menstrual product has Acetaminophen AND two additional ingredients
The razors are not on CVS website but are on BICS website. Comparing prices of the two products shown in the video, the "womens" one was actually cheaper by fifty cents. Also can't be sure that the razors they are comparing are exactly the same. Probably close enough though.
Womens Soleil Twilight
Mens Flex 3
The same kids snorkel i found on Amazon. The one shop who actually has it in pink and also has two other colors are selling them for the same price.
The baby walker i found on Wallmarts site, and the pink one cost more. The other has been discounted from its original price.
The Underwear were as stated in the video. Different quantity at the same price.
Well that was a fun little project
The Real National Emergency Is Climate Change: A Closer Look
10 year plan. Twice as effective as the USSR's 5 year plans
...Fully rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, restoring our natural ecosystems (needed), dramatically expanding renewable power generation (needed, but it also doesn't mean we should be throwing money away on stupid shit like solar roadways), overhauling our entire transportation system (regional flights, which sort of make up around 70% of total flights, would be targeted for elimination and massively expensive (slower) electrical trains would be put in their place), upgrading all our buildings (most businesses are already moving to green solutions) , jumpstarting US clean manufacturing (see highly expensive and non-competitive with cheaper overseas mfg), transforming US agriculture (forcing a move from cows/pigs/chickens to plant based proteins)...
While we are at it, might as well do the following:
A job with family-sustaining wages, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security (Nice, but you can't just make these jobs available. They are supply and demand.)
High-quality education, including higher education and trade schools (Needed)
High-quality health care (Needed)
Clean air and water (Needed)
Healthy food (Subjective, is meat considered healthy?)
Safe, affordable, adequate housing (because this works, ie Projects...)
An economic environment free of monopolies (Technically this exists already, except in countries outside of the USA and EU)
Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work (SWEET! SIGN ME UP FOR THAT CHECK!!!)
I get that his spiel is comedy based, but the GND is about half reality and half looney tunes.
Disney's Aladdin - Special Look...
My main point is not that the genie could only be played by Robin Williams, but that Will Smith is a terrible fit for this role. Will Smith can act if he is forced to by the director, Ali proved that. But if you just hire him because you wanted a comedian to play a role, you are going to get Will Smith acting as Will Smith.
That can work sometimes, IE MIB, but in other roles it is going to distract the audience from the scenes the actor is in (Suicide Squad).
There we many other actors that could have slid into this part and done it better. I'll wait for the movie, but I suspect that Smith is going to ruin the character for me.
All actors are in a league of their own. Each with their own followers. Each with the same end goal. Robin Williams is still a powerhouse, even in death. But he didn't collect everyone. Not because he wasn't good, but because some people like apples more than oranges.
So, plant based eaters have Vegan superpowers that prevent colon cancer?
You ridicule my take on statistics, which you are wrong about as the 18% chance still ends up being a 1% chance OVER A LIFETIME, but you think that being Vegan means you will never experience pre-cancerous polyps or full blown colon cancer?
ANYONE can get colon cancer, Vegans still have a lifetime risk of 5% like everyone else. Even the link I quoted says they simply recommend choosing fish, poultry, or beans instead of red meat and processed meat. They DON'T say "GO VEGAN AND NO CANCERS FOREVER LOL".
That is why this is propaganda. The PCRM and it's lead Vegan doctor founder would have you believe that if you go Vegan that all of life's ails would simply be gone. You will never get those nasty sicknesses the meat eating brutes get...without acknowledging that diet is NEVER going to overrule genetic predisposition for certain ailments and conditions. It certainly might help very slightly in the long run, but the PCRM would have you believe that eating meat is equivalent to chainsmoking 4 packs of cigarettes a day, ie, you WILL get cancer if you aren't Vegan.
Trust me, I also understand having people that you love dying sucks. I've lost my entire biological family and many of my wife's family due to various reasons. All I have left is my wife's family and my biological mother. But I also realize that every single person is going to die. I also know that a lot of times that death isn't going to make sense or even be fair. You might be able to salvage a few years by restricting yourself from the pleasures of life, but statistically you still could die in a shitty way.
That is why I don't agree with the Vegan outlook or the ideal they promote that going Vegan will give you the longest lasting life with all happiness. There are many other diets that could provide the same minor edge in extending life, but Vegans typically refuse to acknowledge that. I view them as a pseudo-science cult, much like Breatharians.
Unfortunately there's nothing I can do to stop your comments from appearing once I'm on the page, but they are blanked out. I made the mistake of revealing your comment. But I can assure you I have learned from that mistake.
If you don't like the statistics then take it up with the World Health Organisation.
The other thing is, go and get a colonoscopy. Colon cancer can be symptom-less until spreads to your other organs. You likely already have it, and even if you don't I can guarantee you have the pre-cancerous polyps in there, everyone does, except for plant-based eaters.
Vox: Why gamers use WASD to move
An old EQ tale:
I was invisible and running through the Karanas one day when I noticed a young gnome near the gypsy camp. He was fighting a lion and though it looked like he would win the battle, being a fellow gnome, I decided to help the guy out.
I targeted the lion, clicked on my mesmerize spell, then started to type: "I'm mesmerizing the lion for you." I got as far as: "I'm " when I remembered that I had replaced my mesmerize spell with an Area of Effect mesmerize spell... and that I was standing next to an NPC enchantress. Gulp.
My movement keys are mapped to "w a s d" so I frantically stabbed at my keyboard, trying to MOVE and interrupt the spell.
I forgot that I was in typing mode.
The gypsy enchantress didn't like my attempt to mezz her so she promptly charmed me [IE Mind control] and made me go after the gnome I had been trying to save. I watched in horror as my peace-loving character, knife flailing like a crazed sushi chef, chased the little guy down and stabbed him to death.
I found my victim later and apologized profusely... I even gave him a nice weapon and a piece of armor. He was great about it, and laughed when I told him what happened.
He said he didn't know WHAT was going on. One minute he was fighting a lion, the next minute a strange gnome appeared out of NOWHERE, announced: "I'm wwwaaaddd", then sliced him up like Freddy Krueger.
Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation
The simple point is that as soon as we realized the capability of the Zero we easily and quickly designed a plane(s) capable of combating it.
The Yak-3 didn't enter the war until 1944, at which point the war had massively turned in Western Theatre. For the bulk of the conflict, they were using the Yak-1.
The Mig 25 and Mig 31 are both interceptors, they are designed to fire from distance and evade. The Su 35 is designed for Air Superiority. We have held the edge in our capabilities for years compared to them.
Every expert I know of is skeptical of China's claimed Railgun weapon. As to why they would bother mounting it and making claims, why not? It is brinkmanship, making us think they have more capabilities than they do.
The laser rifle is a crowd deterrent weapon. It would serve almost no purpose in infantry combat because it cannot kill. Yes, it can burn things and cause pain, but that is all. Again, this was claimed to be far more effective than experts think during our diplomatic arguments over China's use of blinding lasers on aircraft. We have no hard evidence of it's capability.
Yes, Russia could sell such a missile to our enemies versus using it directly against us. The problem is that as soon as they do so, the genie is out of the bottle. It will be reverse engineered quickly and could be USED AGAINST THEM. No country gives or sells away it's absolute top level weaponry except to it's most trusted allies. Allies which, for all intents and purposes, know that using such a weapon against another nation state risks full out retaliation against not only them but the country that sold it to them.
Our carriers are excellent mobile platforms, but they are not our only way of mounting air strikes. If we were somehow in a conventional war situation, we could easily fly over and base our aircraft in allied countries for combat. Most of our nuclear capable aircraft are not carrier launched anyway. Even if somehow all of our carriers were taken out and somehow our SAC bombers were destroyed as well, we would still have more than enough land launched and submarine launched nuclear warheads to easily blanket our enemies.
My points remain:
1. It is in the greatest interest of our enemies to boast about weapon capabilities even if they are not effective yet.
2. Most well regarded experts consider many of these weapons to either be still in the research stage, early production stage (IE not available for years), or they are wildly over hyped.
3. There is no logical reason for our enemies to use these weapons or proliferate them to their closest allies unless the weapons can prevent a nuclear response. Merely mentioning a weapon that would have such a capability creates a situation that could lead to nuclear war, like SDI did. I don't know if you recall, but I do clearly, how massively freaked out the Soviets got over our SDI claims. For two years they started threatening nuclear war as being inevitable if we continued on the path we were, all the while aggressively trying to destabilize our relations with our allies. 1983 to 1985 was pretty fucking tense, not Cuban missile crisis level maybe, but damn scary. Putin has acted similarly over our attempts to set up a missile barrier in former satellite states of Russia, although we still haven't got to the SHTF level of the early 80's.
The Zero's Chinese performance was ignored by the U.S. command prior to pearl harbor, dismissed as exaggeration. That's actually the crux of my point.
Exceptional moments do not change the rule.
Yes on occasion a wildcat would get swiss cheesed and not go down, but 99% of the time when swiss cheesed they went down.
Yes, there were wildcat aces that did fairly well (and Zero aces that did even better), but 99% of wildcat pilots were just trying to not get mauled.
Hellcat didn't enter combat till mid 1943, and it is the correction to the mistake. The F6F should have been the front line fighter at the start of the war... and could have been made sooner had Japanese tech not been ignored/dismissed as exaggeration.
Russian quantity as quality? At the start they were shot down at a higher ratio than the manufacturing counter ratio (by a lot). It was a white wash in favor of the Germans.
It took improvements in Russian tech to turn the tide in the air. Lend-lease only constituted about 10% of their air force at the peak. Russia had to improve their own forces, so they did. By the end, planes like the yak3 were par with the best.
The Mig31 is a slower Mig25 with a digital radar. Their version of the F14, not really ahead of the times, par maybe.
F15 is faster than either mig29 or Su27 (roughly Mig31 speed).
F16/F18, at altitude, are moderately slower, but a wash at sea level.
Why would they shoot and run?
We have awacs, we would know they are coming, so the only chance to shoot would be at max range. Max range shots are throw-away shots, they basically won't hit unless the target is unaware, which it won't be unaware because of the RWR. Just a slight turn and the missile can't follow after tens of miles of coasting and losing energy.
Chinese railgun is in sea trials, right now. Not some lab test. It wouldn't be on a ship without first having the gun proven, the mount proven, the fire control proven, stationary testing completed, etc.
2025 is the estimate for fleet wide usage.
Try finding a picture of a U.S. railgun aboard a U.S. ship.
Why would a laser rifle not work, when you can buy crap like this :
There's ones made in China, too :
That will light paper on fire ~instantly, and it's just a pitiful hand held laser pointer.
An actual weapon would be orders of magnitude stronger than a handheld toy.
It's an excellent covert operations weapon, silently blinding and starting fires form kilometers away.
Russia does not need to sink a U.S. carrier for no reason.
And the U.S. has no interest in giving Russia proper a need to defend from a U.S. carrier. For the very reasons you mentioned.
What Russia can do is proliferate such a missile, and effectively deprecate the U.S. carrier group as a military unit.
We need carriers to get our air force to wherever we need it to be.
If everyone had these missiles, we would have no way to deliver our air force by naval means.
Russia has land access to Europe, Asia, Africa. They can send planes to anywhere they need to go, from land bases. Russia doesn't /need/ a navy.
Most of the planet does not have a navy worth sinking. It's just us. This is the kind of weapon that disproportionately affects us.
FOX's take on border separations
The twist to try to blame Obama for this is pure evil genius. Had to watch a second time to catch that trick.
This is actually a pretty interesting video overall, just happens to be a video of an evil asshole and his friends and guests.
Basically the radical Trumpist position is that it is OK to hurt children (or anyone) for a political cause and it is everybody elses (ie democrats) fault that they dont respond to blackmail faster.
I think its a shame these videos get downvoted so readily. Not quite the holocaust, but enough of a warning.
Terrible flaw in expensive crowdfunded padlock
Meh, padlocks are not for securing valuable property or for securing property against someone with any sort of tools at all. They are for preventing opportunistic theft. 30 seconds to defeat the lock is plenty long enough for that. Of course, that is a pretty stupid design, so good video nonetheless. If I owned one already, a little solder or permanent loctite on the inner screws would probably do the trick.
Mostly though, The lock company lost me at $100 for the lock. A traditional dial is not *that* hard to work and I'd be worried about false negatives and dead batteries even with a high-quality finger print reader. Just buy a $10 padlock at the hardware store to lock up your garbage cans, or proper u-lock or quality cable to lock up your $600 bicycle (ie, something that will require 15 minutes to defeat).
NVIDIA Research - AI Reconstructs Photos
As hamsteralliance says, ContentAware uses proximity matching and relative area matching. If you tried to fill in the white space with ContentAware, it'd be full of everything except eyes. They nVidia folks used thousands of images to train the neural net (ie generate the model using training data) which has more discrete sequential or spatial relationships between features (ie. eyes go to either side of the nose, below the eyebrows, level, interpupilary distance etc etc). The neural approach ALWAYS needs training data sets - it doesn't appear to (from reading the paper) any adaptive or learning algorithm outside of the neural framework (so, it's not AI in the sense that it learns from any environmental stimulus and alters its response... that I can see anyway. The paper doesn't get into the minutiae). But I'd still date her, if only she'd have me.
I think one of the key things is that it was filling in the eyes with eyes. It was using completely different color eyes even and it knew where they needed to go. Content Aware only uses what's in the image, so it would just fill in that area with flesh and random bits of hair and mouth. This seems to pull from a neural network database thingymajigger.
1954 How to dial your phone by Bell System
Thank you! I've always wondered WTF the names were for. Just never remembered to Google it.
ie. Jenny 4, 867-5309
I remember as a child people referred to the prefix 729 as Randolph 9. And 242 as Cherry 2. It turns out that the operator stations were located on Randolph Street and Cherry Street!