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Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

luxintenebris says...

was gonna post this...

...but thought it was appropriate in the discussion.

it's a public safety issue. easy to see if one looks at the actual reality of the situation.

Here are a few of the values listed in the Denver Police Department Operations Manual*...

- Integrity: Faithful performance of our duties and always doing the right thing for the right reason
- Accountability: Demonstrating responsibility in all activities
- Respect: Treating others as we would like to be treated
- Customer Service: Exceeding our customers’ expectations

... so if they ask employees in retail to wear masks, factory workers for drug tests, or a hairdresser to pass hygiene training - it's not a stretch to ask a cop to get a vaccine. their own handbook calls for getting vaccinated.

again, public safety.

Can y̲o̲u̲ respect that?


TangledThorns said:

Your body. Your choice. Liberals should respect that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's not CNN, it's directly from Trump himself. Trump's tweets are fake news?! Wow, that's progress.

He's going to try to shit on the constitution, again. He has zero respect for it, guaranteed he's never once read it through. He's not tossing it out completely....yet.

Schools are safe?! Students and teachers in them aren't. It's insanity to claim they even might be.
Kids aren't immune, kids under 10 still get sick from covid they just rarely die but many are permanently disabled, and they bring it home to mom, dad, older sister, grandma, etc. Kids over 10 are the same as the rest of us Covid wise. Classrooms are Petri dishes, it would be hard to design a place more likely to spread diseases, dozens of kids in close proximity with no ability to social distance, no hygiene, eating together hip to hip, basically being irresponsible children with little supervision. Note, schools aren't safe enough for Trump to send his child back.

Trump's team can't tell the difference between peaceful protests and rioters, that's why time and time again they're filmed attacking peaceful protests, beating and macing seated calm protesters, using tear gass on peaceful protests including shooting canisters at people's faces from point blank range, trapping crowds in enclosed areas with one exit, blocking that exit and attacking en mass, intentionally targeting media using weapons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and capsaicin bullets, driving vehicles into crowds with intent to harm peaceful protesters, beating and mace bukakke-ing peaceful and calm veterans who just stand and take it without even defending themselves, cracking elderly skulls open not rendering aid and claiming the victim was faking, etc. Trump has tried to label BLM a terrorist organization, and directed his shock troops to treat them as such. Repeatedly they are on camera trying to spark violence by attacking peaceful protesters, and have been filmed supervising white people vandalizing in the name of BLM, even directing the vandalism.

Yes, fake news like OAN, Glen Beck, and Fox can't tell the difference and hope you can't either, that's why they fake photos, adding in armed antifa, using old out of state burning riot photos to pretend Portland is on fire, never mentioning that those caught starting fires, shooting cops, driving into crowds, shooting into crowds, etc have been far right wing boogaloo boys, not protesters. Never mentioning the protests are limited to about a 4 block area of Portland, not the entire city. They pretend that when peaceful crowds are shot at and gassed and a few toss back empty water bottles as they retreat, the crowds instigated it and forced "police" (not really police) to use excessive force (ignoring the fact that the agents shot first) by being violent....but oddly have no video of violent protesters to corroborate their unbelievable stories in dozens of cases. In the list of violent acts that drove the unwanted deployment of federal thugs, 9/10 were graffiti. Fake news can't seem to tell graffiti from firebombing.

Where were they when crowds of armed thugs were taking over state capitals and calling for the mob execution of governors and officials over quarantining a few weeks back? What was different there? Hmmmm...

bobknight33 said:

Quit buy into fake news,
Not going to toss out Constitution,
Tooling to CNN for actual unbiased news is like asking a junkie not to take your drugs while you step out for the day.

Schools are safe.

Trump/police are to stop riots not peaceful protests. Fake news can't seem to identify one from another.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. All PROFESSIONAL doctors agree....and social distancing with good hygiene is not shutting down for the most part.
(There are dozens of ways to achieve relative safety and keep even schools open, but just going back isn't one of them. For instance, staggered school days, splitting classes into 5 equal groups that each attend one day a week could allow social distancing and more personal attention, online classrooms could supplement at home schooling the other 4 days a week. What won't work is Trump's plan of just sending everyone back to overcrowded classrooms all at once, that's a guarantee of new large scale outbreaks nationwide.)

Now we know the doctors that agree with you are the same doctors that say alien DNA is used to make medicines, gynecologic issues are caused by having sex with demons in dreams, hydroxychloroquine is safe and effective, and 1/2 the government is lizard people and other aliens.
Trump's got the best doctors.

Feeling like you're being lied to yet?

Or are these conspiracy theorist nutbags, the only ones who agree with Trump, the best and brightest doctors (in your mind) and those millions of professional and sane health care workers are in a huge perfectly executed global conspiracy designed solely to hurt Trump even in countries that love Trump like Brazil and Russia, murdering hundreds of thousands and maiming millions and starting a global depression to further the fraud?

Second question. If every nation in the world is willing to murder it's own citizens and destroy their own economies to hurt Trump, shouldn't he be removed for the good of the nation and planet? If his "leadership" has made enemies out of every other country, how does that benefit America?

bobknight33 said:

First of al not ALL agree to stay shut down or to mask up.

% of deaths to infected is small. Is It worth shutting down and loosing mom and pop shops and much more worth it?

I say mask up and go to work.

Kids are the safest demographic.

Darkest Car in the World - BMW Covered in Vantablack

SFOGuy says...

If it's really Vantablack...No thanks..
Carbon nanotubes...
"These results suggest that carbon nanotubes are potentially toxic to humans and that strict industrial hygiene measures should to be taken to limit exposure during their manipulation."

I suspect this is a vanity armored car for vaguely disreputable

Teacher Fed Up With Students Swearing, Stealing, And Destroy

JiggaJonson says...

I disagree. Pinpointing the problem isn't very hard if you have some idea of where to look.

As someone who was 'coming of age' in my profession when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and its successor the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), I can provide some insight into how these policies have been enacted and how both have been detrimental to the public education system as a whole. The former is a GWBush policy, and the latter is an Obama policy meant to mend the original law, so both liberals and conservatives are to blame to some degree, but both are based on the same philosophy of education and teacher-accountability.

There are some other mitigating factors and outside influences at work that should be noted: gun violence, the rise & ubiquity of the internet, and universal cell phone availability, all mostly concentrated in the past 10 years that play a large role. Cell phones, for example, are probably the worst thing to happen to education ever. They distract, they assist in cheating, they perpetuate arguments which can lead to physical altercations, and parents themselves advocate for their use "what if there's an emergency?!?!"

The idea of "teacher accountability" is the biggest culprit though.

Anecdotally, I've caught people cheating on papers. A girl in my honors English class basically plagiarised her entire final paper that we worked on for close to a month. The zero tanked her grade, which was already floundering, and the parent wanted to meet. I'd rather not go into detail to protect both the girl and my own anonymity, but suffice to say, all of the blame for this was aimed directly at me. How? Well I (apparently) "should have caught this sooner and intervened." Now, the final in that class is 8 pages long, I have ~125 students all working on it at the same time. but my ability to check something like that and my workload are beside the point. I'M NOT THE ONE WHO COPY PASTED A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE AND DOCTORED IT UP SO IT COULD SQUEAK BY THE PLAGIARISM DETECTOR (shows she knew what she was doing, IMHO). Yet, I'm still the one being told that I was responsible for what happened.

Teacher-accountability SOUNDS like the right thing to do, but consider the following analogies

--Students are earning poor grades, therefore teachers should be demoted; put on probationary programs; lose some of their salaries; and if they do not improve their test scores, grades, and attendance; be terminated from their positions.

as to

--Impoverished people have poor oral hygiene/health, therefore their dentists should be forced to take pay cuts from insurance companies. If the patients continue to develop cavities and the like, the dentist should be forced to go for further training, and possibly lose his practice.

I have no control over attendance.
I have no control over their home life.
I have no control over children coming to school with holes in their shoes, having not eaten breakfast.

@Mordhaus the part about money grubbing could not be further from the truth.

I'll be brief b/c I know this is already too long for this forum, but Houton Mifflin, McGraw Hill, Etc. Book Company is facing a shortfall of sales in light of the digital age. It may be difficult to blame one entity, but that's a good place to start. They don't sell as many books, but guess who produces and distributes the standardized tests and practice materials? Those same companies who used to sell textbooks by the boatload.

When a student does poorly, they have to retest in order to recieve a diploma. $$$ if they fail again, they retest again and again there is a charge for taking the test and accompanying pretest materials. Each of which has its own fees that go straight to the former textbook companies. See:

In short, there is an incentive for these companies to lobby for an environment where tests are taken and retaken as much as possible. Each time a student has to retest that's more $ in their pocket.

How can they create an enviorment that faccilitates more testing? Put all the blame on the educators rather than the students.

That sounds a little tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory-ish, but the lobbying they do is very real:

That, combined with exceptions for charter/private schools where students have the option to opt-out of said testing is skewing the numbers in favor of all of these for-profit companies: << one example (you can't opt-out in a public school, at least in my state)

@bobknight33 idk if i'd call business-minded for-profit policies "liberal"

Mordhaus said:

Instead of focusing on who 'created' the problem, which I guarantee you cannot tie to any one specific group or ideology, we should be instead looking for a solution to the problem.

At some point we are going to have to quit beating our drums about 'bleeding heart' liberals or 'heartless money grubbing' republicans and work together. If we can't, then we deserve everything we have coming.

Whale Shark Says Hello | Get Out of the Way!

nanrod says...

True, but there's a big difference between getting hit by 4 tons against a brick wall and getting hit by 4 tons while floating in the ocean. I suspect the only damage is to his ego ... and perhaps to the hygiene level inside his wet suit.

Payback said:

Newton's 1st Law states getting hit by 4 tons of filter feeder still causes damage.

Japanese Street Food: Takosen

All Your Burning Questions About Weed, Answered

Batch o' Bouncing Baby Feisty Ferrets

00Scud00 says...

Their habits are similar to cats actually, they will tongue wash themselves like they do. The smell isn't a hygiene issue, that's just how ferrets smell, I had them for years and eventually I just got used to it. Most pets have some kind of smell to them, but since ferrets are less common than cats or dogs I suspect people have stronger reactions to them.

artician said:

I wish ferrets had the same grooming habits as cats, because you just want to cover yourself in their furry love, but then you smell them.

School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!

Curious says...

Great hygiene all around, from washing AND sanitizing hands to brushing teeth afterwards. It's something that should be taught everywhere.


Payback says...

I've always found it odd that hygiene has almost no bearing on whether your child (or anyone for that matter) will get lice, and that good grooming actually increases the likelihood. The lice don't like oils and too much dead skin.

Adam Ruins Everything: Polygraph Tests

Lawdeedaw says...

This should never have been is pointless. "Adman ruins vaccine deniers" or "Adam ruins people who think it is hygienic to wipe their noses with shit paper."

Nothing he says is very funny because it doesn't reveal a single thing. And yet he says it like it is revolutionary. I get that some courts allow people to take it and a select few people still believe in it...but yeah.

Health warning!!! Lemon wedges in your drinks can kill you!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Diseasecausing , fecal and other bacteria are literally EVERYWHERE. They get on to everything we eat and drink, the stuff we touch.. everywhere. They are however pretty harmless in small quantities.

For instance, I'd probably worry more about using an Iphone, and then touching the rim of the glass afterwards. If you wanna get paranoid about it, try microscoping a swab from the glass of your phone touchscreen. thats the dirtiest place on earth.

Our bodies have evolved to live in dirty environments, so dont worry too much about it. wash your hands and do the normal hygiene stuff, and you probably wont die from fecal bacteria.. Just order a strong drink and wait for the alcohol to kill it

It's hard to be a girl in a country song

Jerykk says...


So you genuinely believe that make-up has nothing to do with sexuality? Make-up makes women look more attractive to men. That's why it exists. There is no distinction between "attractive" and "sexually attractive." They are one and the same. Society tells women that without make-up, they are unattractive. It's also a double-standard, as men are not expected to wear make-up (unless they're on TV).

And basic hygiene is not a valid analogy. Hygiene is a matter of practicality. If you didn't bathe or wear deodorant, you would stink and annoy those around you, increasing friction and reducing productivity in the workplace. Make-up, on the other hand, is purely cosmetic. It serves no purpose other than making yourself more sexually appealing. It's the same reason why women are expected to shave their legs and armpits and have slim but curvy bodies. It's the same reason why they wear high heels.

Idealized gender representations exist solely for the sake of increasing your sexual appeal. If you don't live up to these representations, society looks down upon you and makes you feel like shit. Women wear make-up because they are insecure about their appearance. They're insecure because society has created notions of beauty that are unattainable through natural means.

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, it's almost like I'm dumb enough to think that someone was seriously suggesting genocide.

Seriously, though... grammar nazism?

I know that wit, originality, intelligence, decency, understanding, honesty, modesty, acumen, empathy, humour, logic, hygiene, taste, insight, imagination, integrity, courage, resourcefulness and self-awareness are not on your list of positive attributes, but you could at least try to come up with something vaguely approaching a decent comeback.

Trancecoach said:

Not quite. If you haven't learned basic grammar by the age of 36, I've little faith in your ability to grasp something as advanced as logic, but keep at it. The world needs folks like you.

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