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We are a totally peaceful racist group' Straight Pride ...

Colibri: an organic motion sculpture

Watch German official squirm when confronted with Greece

radx says...

You are absolutely right, the results of elections in Greece do not create an obligation for fiscal transfers from other European countries.

But that plays right into what Varoufakis has been saying for years, doesn't it? The program over the last seven years has reduced Greek output by a quarter, and thereby its ability to service and reduce its debt. The troika is offering more loans, loans that cannot be payed back, in return for a further reduction in Greece's ability to pay back those loans in the first place. Extend and pretend, all the way. Nevermind the humanitarian cost or the threat to democracy itself.

It is either counter-productive or aimed at a different goal entirely. Greece wants an end to those loans, and all the loss of sovereignty that comes with it, while the Eurogroup in particular wants to stick to a program that only increased Greece's dependency to a point where they can throw the entire country into unbearable misery at a moment's notice (e.g. cut ELA access).

Take the privatisation demands as an example. The program demands that Greece agrees to sell specific property at a specific price. Both parties are keenly aware that this price cannot be realised during a fire sale, yet they still demand a promise by the Greeks to do so. Any promise would be a lie and everyone knows it.

Same for the demanded specificity of Greece's plans. After decades of nepotism, a fresh government made up entirely of outsiders is supposed to draw up plans of more detail than any previous government came up with. And they cannot even rely on the bureaucracy, given that a great number of people in it are part of the nepotic system they are trying to undo in the first place.

Taxes, same thing. The first king of Greece (1832'ish) was a prince of Bavaria who was accompanied by his own staff of finance experts, and they failed miserably. Greece went through occupation, military junta and decades of nepotism, and the new government is supposed to fix that within months.

Those demands cannot be met. The Greeks know it, the troika knows it, the Eurogroup knows it.

Zizek called it the superego in his recent piece on Syriza/Greece:

"The ongoing EU pressure on Greece to implement austerity measures fits perfectly what psychoanalysis calls the superego. The superego is not an ethical agency proper, but a sadistic agent, which bombards the subject with impossible demands, obscenely enjoying the subject’s failure to comply with them. The paradox of the superego is that, as Freud saw clearly, the more we obey its demands, the more we feel guilty. Imagine a vicious teacher who assigns his pupils impossible tasks, and then sadistically jeers when he sees their anxiety and panic. This is what is so terribly wrong with the EU demands/commands: they do not even give Greece a chance – Greek failure is part of the game."

Aside from all that, the entire continent is in a recession. Not enough demand, not enough investment, unsustainable levels of unemployment. Greece was hit hardest, Greece was hit first. It's not the cause of the problem, it is the canary in the coal mine. And Italy is already looking very shaky...

RedSky said:

You can't argue that just because Syriza won, the rest of Europe is obliged to give you more money. What about what the rest of Europe wants, do they not get a vote?

Bill Nye makes fun of Neil deGrasse Tyson's reply to Dawkins

Babymech says...

That's because most people have read stuff like Jung and Freud, and are too stupid to understand that all that talk about ghosts and using cocaine to cure psychosis of the nose is actually just simple math. Totally is.

coolhund said:

Agreed. Thats also why psychology is actually mostly mathematics. Ask any 1st semester student. Its really just cause and effect. What really shocks me all the time is that most people just dont get this simple fact.

Making cocaine in Colombia

Trancecoach says...

Yes, you're ignored, and I read your comment anyway.

No, in saying "use drugs," I was not "implying cannabis." I said "use drugs" because I meant "use drugs." Rather than trying to interpret or 'read into' what I'm saying, it might help if you responded to my post, and not what you post in your mind on my behalf.

And I will take you up on your 'challenge:' below is a list of ten "highly intelligent" people who have used cocaine (note: at no point did I say "encourages the use of cocaine." I said "use drugs" without becoming addicted, and being able to function), so that you can provide me with 10,000 more** whose lives and families have been destroyed by it. (**And note here, we're talking about individuals whose lives were destroyed by the use of cocaine itself, and not by the pointless drug laws that imprison people for having a mental or emotional condition that provokes "self-medication" as a form of treatment. Nor are we talking about the illegal status of cocaine which, itself, gives rise to violent cartels that function in the shadow of its legal status.)

So, while certainly many of the following list of "highly intelligent" (non-cognitively deficient) and successful "celebrities" may no longer be using cocaine, all of the following have used cocaine and are/were not addicted and function(ed) just fine:

Sigmund Freud
Thomas Edison
Oprah Winfrey
Stephen King
Tim Allen
Hunter S. Thompson
Angelina Jolie
Robert Louis Stevenson
Steven Tyler
Robert Downey, Jr.

There are others (like William Burroughs, Eric Clapton, Grover Cleveland, David Crosby, Arthur Conan Doyle, Isadora Duncan, Ulysses S Grant, Abbie Hoffman, Elton John, King George V, Larry Kudlow, Sir Paul McCartney, & Barack Obama), but I thought I'd stop at 10.

And if you post the 10,000 names of those whose lives and families were destroyed by cocaine (and not by the pointless drug laws or its illegal status) by the end of the week, I'll take your point.

mxxcon said:

"use drugs" and "use cocaine" are extremely different things. I'm sure in your statement you intentionally and covertly implied cannabis.
However, having said that, for every "highly intelligent" person that you'd show me who encourages the use of cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that had their lifes and families destroyed by it. For every 1 "highly intelligent" person you show me that did not get addicted to cocaine, I'll show you 1000 more that did.

Alas, I'm ignored, so have a good cocaine-filled day, crackhead.

Best of Hitchslap: Part One

enoch says...

"everytime i attempted to quantify love i end up describing sex" -sigmund freud

love is that thing in-between,the glue that holds the intangible together.

and yes..i am a romantic.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

VoodooV says...

Wow...calling Dr. Freud. You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.

first you're obsessed with your lesbian friend, now you're fantasizing about being raped in prison. I can't believe you went there. I mean the whole being raped is one thing...but is going to prison a real possibility for you to think about yourself in that scenario???

nevermind the whole hyper-inflated ego that seems to make insecure people such as yourself think that gay people just won't be able to resist themselves and rape you the first chance they get.

You just seem to be thinking about the activities of homosexuals...

...a lot.

I think you've got some serious soul searching to do.

I knew a guy like you. constantly defensive. most often heard words out of his mouth were gay jokes, Constantly bringing up what the gay people at work were doing even though no one cared. constantly accusing them of being attention whores..yet he was the one who made the biggest fuss about it...He was constantly talking about this other guy who had quit years ago as someone found out that he had a sex change. No one cared. Or if they did, they kept it to themselves for the most part. Except for this guy...

All I can say is that you have to be honest with yourself dude.

For someone who doesn't care, you're having a real hard time walking away.

lantern53 said:

I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one.

I'm more irritated by homosexuals who apparently can't function unless they are featured on the front page of every newspaper.

They seem to be attention whores, always the first ones to get married if the state/city makes it legal.

Whenever it becomes thoroughly accepted, they'll have to think of something else to draw everyone's attention.

Canada creates Gayest video ever

shatterdrose says...

Think of it more like a slap in the face. Like, saying: "hey, dumbass, you're a dumbass and here's why." It's illustrating the ridiculousness of Putin's stance on "public displays of homosexuality." Come on . . . football . . . a bunch of men in tight spandex grabbing each other's asses while grabbing for a ball . . . wrestling is nothing but a bunch of sweaty men groping each other . . .and neither allow women . . . all while millions of people watch who get's to be on "top" and "dominate" the other. It makes Freud proud.

A10anis said:

OK, I'll be the devils advocate and say; Are ads like these necessary? Don't ads like these make the homophobes react with; "See, they are now promoting being gay." My question is; Who are these ads directed at? Being "gay" is totally accepted by right minded, 21st century individuals so, it would seem, ads like these are directed at the homophobes which, surely, is self defeating. If I don't like something, seeing an ad will certainly not change my mind.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

enoch says...

beat me to it.
freud was a cunt.
his nephew was a cunt.
mass marketing=propaganda systems anyone?

see? a family of elitist privileged cunts.
and for anybody working in mass marketing?
kill yourselves.
you are satans little helpers and you need to end yourself.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Stormsinger says...

Freud was more of a lunatic than most of his patients...very little of what he claimed has panned out, and even less offered any value. I'm not sure how his evidence-free thought experiments bring any benefit to this subject. Maybe his opinion on the relative recreational value of various doses of cocaine would have some merit, but not much else.

Procrastinatron said:

As Freud put it, insanity is defined by an inability to see reality, and I have met very few people who could, in fact, see reality. In my experience, most people are too busy looking at the world through the murky lens of their particular flavour of religion or ideology to actually ever want to be bothered with reality, and should even the tiniest sliver of the nasty stuff make its way past their defenses, the ensuing emotional (over)reaction is sure to keep their attention diverted to less offensive matters.

Most people are such a garbled mess of emotions, cognitive laziness and stupidity (because stupidity never seems to go out of style) that they're always bordering on... well, if not insanity, then at the very least obscene absurdity.

Going to the extreme ends of the spectrum just makes it more obvious.

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Procrastinatron says...

As Freud put it, insanity is defined by an inability to see reality, and I have met very few people who could, in fact, see reality. In my experience, most people are too busy looking at the world through the murky lens of their particular flavour of religion or ideology to actually ever want to be bothered with reality, and should even the tiniest sliver of the nasty stuff make its way past their defenses, the ensuing emotional (over)reaction is sure to keep their attention diverted to less offensive matters.

Most people are such a garbled mess of emotions, cognitive laziness and stupidity (because stupidity never seems to go out of style) that they're always bordering on... well, if not insanity, then at the very least obscene absurdity.

Going to the extreme ends of the spectrum just makes it more obvious.

Chairman_woo said:

Their not crazies, THEIR FUCKING PEOPLE!!!

And I know this because I've yet to meet a truly "sane" human in my life.

News Reporter Draws Penis

A Song For Freud ~ zefrank

bi polar-psychology of being

enoch says...

this doesnt even fit into any definition of religion.
how you extrapolated religion from this video is a stretch of logic.
disagree with premise? thats fine.
calling it religion? not a chance.i dont see any dogmatic approach based on you?

which brings me to @Engels commentary.
this video proposes an alternative way of dealing with bi-polar.this alternative has been proven to work in some cases.
does this mean that we should dump modern psychology?
well this video does not make that assertion.

it simply offers an alternative way of dealing with people in crisis.
who are you to judge the validity or success of something that may work for some people?

or has psychology answered all the questions pertaining to consciousness and i just missed the memo?

i understand your skepticism concerning methods such as represented in this video but as @eric3579 suggested.if you have never experienced:depression,mania,psychotic episodes then you are already at a disadvantage in your understanding.

medication is not the end-all be-all of answers.sometimes compassion,understanding and empathy are far better fascilitators in helping a person overcome episodes of depression or mania.

when we consider just how prevalent diagnosis and medication have become:

we should all stand up and take notice.
or do you feel the 1 in 5 numbers are correct?
that even pre-teens can be bipolar?
and if so.could you please tell me the conclusive test a psychologist uses to determine if someone is bipolar?

i am in no way by my commentary dismissing the exceptional works psychology has brought to the human table.i am just saying that it is still a work in progress and the field of psychology has not answered every question.

on a side note.freud along with his nephew edward bernaise helped create mass marketing and propaganda systems.
so....yeah.fuck freud.

bi polar-psychology of being

Engels says...

I have never heard such a bunch of codswaddle in my years of studying psychology. Aside from the outdated and wildly prejudiced anti-Freud ramble, which is apparently still 'hip' to do, the entire field of existential psychology dedicates decades of study to this approach, whereas this twit makes it sound like something you can pick up as you go along as long as you're young and think you're Diana Troy.

You can't 'just be' with someone in psychosis. It takes a lot of training and experience to even navigate to the place in consciousness of an ordinary individual, never mind that of someone having a psychotic break.

Also, the perpetual stream of images of people having 'happy moments' all over the place like a hallmark card machine gun should be the first indicator to you that this is shameless profiteering.

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