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Let's talk about how SCOTUS helped the Democratic Party

cloudballoon says...

The cold hard facts is, the more undereducated peoples living in the red states goes, the more hate they'll get by watching even more Fox & OAN. The more paralysed the Feds are, the more they'll blame the Democrats. The more the "little blue collar guys" get screwed by the tax-evading millionaires & billionaires, the more they think Republican's drip-drip Trickle-Down Economics works for them! These are the only ways of thinking are make sense to (i.e. drilled into) them. I'm afraid they're too far gone.

Roe v. Wade Cold Open - SNL

luxintenebris says...

Lifted from Wikipedia (Margaret Sanger);

(for distribution of contraceptives) Sanger and Byrne went to trial in January 1917. Byrne was convicted and sentenced to 30 days in a workhouse but went on a hunger strike. She was force-fed, the first woman hunger striker in the US to be so treated. Only when Sanger pledged that Byrne would never break the law was she pardoned after ten days. Sanger was convicted; the trial judge held that women did not have

"the right to copulate with a feeling of security that there will be no resulting conception."

Sanger was offered a more lenient sentence if she promised to not break the law again, but she replied: "I cannot respect the law as it exists today."For this, she was sentenced to 30 days in a workhouse.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

And what is the Republicans new plan?

Federally, block the fed from functioning.

In Texas, it’s start a trade war with Mexico by doing a “safety inspection” on every truck crossing the border, causing day long lines and making it impossible to ship perishable produce. Texas stores expect empty shelves by tomorrow.
This is forced, unnecessary inflation for a political stunt that he (Abbot) says hurts Mexico, but those spoiled goods belong to Texans, the higher shipping costs are paid by Texans, higher produce prices will be paid by Texans. The overtime is paid to Mexican drivers. Not sure how this hurts Mexico, or why that’s desirable in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

When Gas Prices Are Too High Even For Motorcycles

cloudballoon says...

Friend, don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Bobs... most of them can't work themselves up enough to think independently even if their lives depend on it. They'd rather turn on their OAN/Fox, fed a spoonful of racism, fear and unreality, then go the "Interweb" to parrot the same OAN/Fox "alternative facts" ad nauseaum, without even processing what their heard.

They can't comprehend the fact that news outside their "U S of F**king A" exist, let alone read them, nor the fact that countries exist & operate outside of US politics.

newtboy said:

I must be insanely optimistic, but I was hoping that by not explaining he might actually think about it and come to that realization.
I give @bobknight33 too much credit it seems.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

This man is POTUS

This man is POTUS

bobknight33 says...

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

newtboy said:

You would think the Republicans would stop blocking the filling of the federal reserve board, the government body that is tasked with fighting inflation. It’s blatantly obvious they would rather lay false blame over inflation than allow any solution that Biden might get credit for (deserved or not). Another case of party over country, this time for no reason than to deny Democrats a win….at the expense of the nation.

Such a whining little baby, grow up and learn something. Stop with the “I don’t know how things work, so I’ll just blame everything on whoever I hate” stupidity please.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, you want to remove all actual Republicans, especially any with scruples, morals, or love of democracy, and replace them with more know nothing, bat shit crazy, hypocritical, abusive, insanely thin skinned, anti democracy asshole morons like MTG and Bobert that always put party before country, and Great Leader before party….right?

Because you say they are real Republicans, not the people who shaped the party your entire adult life….right?

Only the people who follow Trump, the lifetime Democrat who changed parties because, as he himself said, you can convince the right of any crazy thing and get them to vote based on nonsense (paraphrased, not quoted), who are vehemently against tax and spend, but love borrow and spend, who care deeply about the debt and deficit only when they aren’t in control, who care so much about inflation that they block any nomination to the fed, making it impossible to take real meaningful action to fight inflation.…..only they are actual Republicans. Right?

You are such a silly man.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Average gas prices are temporarily $.06 higher than 2008. Oil prices are dropping fast. Oil companies aren’t pumping oil they have and aren’t near top production levels at refineries, but are complaining they can’t have more preserve land and offshore preserves to drill on.
You want to compare to 2020, and you want to ignore the absolute disaster of leadership that made the economy so bad that gas prices dropped significantly and oil went to -$40 a barrel at one point. You want to forget the -36% gdp and 750000 dead Americans, and between $10-16 TRILLION dollars in wasted money it took to have those lower gas prices (with no where to go because everything was closed, and nothing to buy because all supply chains were broken).
For a family of 4, the debt left by Trump’s Covid failures is well over $200000. How many tanks of gas would that have bought you?
Yes, I maintain my position that the pandemic response team global response unit could have likely identified and stopped Covid in the very early stages and evaded even an epidemic in China had they not been eradicated, and you can’t prove different. That puts it all on you know who’s shoulders.

BTW, liberal California is poised to rebate every taxpayer $400 to cover increased gas prices thanks to our functioning economy and budget surpluses.

With all the Trump and Trumpist failures, I think it could be a total ass kicking BY Democrats. The shine is off the Trump penny, and everyone outside the cult can tell it’s just a blank slug painted copper…that includes many in your party, causing a deep divide for Democrats to exploit. Numerous Republican candidates are being challenged in court to bar them from public office for being part of an insurrection….including Trump in 6 states. Can’t win if you can’t hold office. D’oh!

Are you sad about duckduckgo? It seems your ilk are outraged that the platform has decided to limit (not even censure) Russian propaganda, moving it away from the top of their news feeds, and without their Russian propaganda spoon fed to them, they’ve started throwing tantrums and stomping away in search of a site that will tell them the lies they want to hear. Such infants. Are you one? Be honest. (Ha, like you would)

bobknight33 said:

You paying 20$ more for a tank of gas. That hurts millions of people.
I use a tank a week -

With all of Biden administrations failures you think mid turns will be be a total ass kicking of Democrats?

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

No, the point of discussion to come to an understanding IMO, not to just argue.

You KNOW this, eh? I think you just believe that, but Ok, then where do we get a well functioning reserve bank? We certainly don’t have one now, we don’t even have a fully staffed reserve board capable of doing business. The gold standard isn’t constantly relying on a functioning fed….good thing because we haven’t had one for decades and don’t seem likely to have one anytime in the near future….by design.

Coin clipping went out with edge minting. Please. Nobody was using pieces of 8 of $20 coins.

vil said:

That is the point of discussion, right?

I know a true gold standard is inferior to a well functioning reserve bank issuing paper money and an international exchange standard based on mutual trade agreements.

I am not sure I can explain it well or convince you, but I like you so I try.

Unfortunately the matter seems to be complicated.

The fact that something has, as you put it, "real" value is actually a bad thing, as clipping gold coins is as old as gold coins.

So let us assume gold coins are out and we are going to use some form of symbolic money...

Nope this will not fit in this thread.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Elon is dumping Tesla to pay some enormous capital gains and income taxes he’s avoided for the last decade by taking out loans against his stocks instead of selling any. He likes to say he’s paying the most taxes anyone ver has, and right wing propaganda is trying to back that up, but he didn’t pay any taxes for over 10 years while becoming the richest man ever…so divide by 10 and try again, liar, and his stock gains are also from his companies making artificially high profits by not paying taxes.
If reports are to be believed, he’s worth $200 billion now, so really that amounts to 5.25% total taxes (fed and state)….hardly his fair share…because he’s really a socialist welfare queen!
Be prepared for a massive slump in its value. He’s planning on selling off 10%, but prices will drop far more.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Just gonna leave this here….
Child and animal rapists and kiddy porn producers deputy Dennis Perkins and Cynthia Perkins.

Raped and videoed themselves raping children and animals, and mixed his semen into cupcakes they fed to her students and photographed the children eating them for later sexual gratification.

She’s plead guilty and accepted a 40 year sentence in return for testifying against her cop ex husband, he’s forcing his victims to relive the abuse in court.

Another fine example of our boys in blue.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

A German mark had value….until it didn’t. Your opinion of “fiat money” isn’t universal by any stretch. You say it’s universally better. I wholeheartedly disagree, and point to Germany and Venezuela as proof. They aren’t outliers either, (looking at Africa).

Gold is useful and valuable. Digital footprints aren’t. Paper notes aren’t. Printed circuits, connectors, anti oxidation, actual physical money, jewelry, etc. gold has intrinsic value, a dollar bill has about 13210 joules, so its intrinsic worth is about 1 small 1 gram stick as kindling and little more….no matter if it’s a $1 or $500 bill or a check for billions. Again, see Germany, where bills were more valuable as firewood than money.

This deflation idea again. Give me 3 examples of deflation harming/ending a nation on the gold standard please, I’ve never heard of it happening. (Edit: as far as I can find, I’m no economics professor, for the most part the gold standard was abandoned worldwide in the early 1930’s and the last remnants removed in the early 70’s by Nixon)

Explain how unsecured notes guard against speculation….don’t just claim it. I don’t see it, people made a mint short selling Venezuelan (and other failed) dollars….speculating they would crash….they did. What?

GDP is the metric that imparts value to unsecured notes offered by countries.

I think you had a mini stroke, the paragraph starting USofA is a word salad with no meaning.

Name 3. I named Germany post ww1….they didn’t get to borrow or ignore their debts. What are you talking about?

So, the only ones that don’t/can’t borrow are all the ones that need to.

Pretending basing your dollar on Bitcoin is the same as basing it on gold is outrageous idiotic bullshit. Just nonsense. Utterly moronic and pure fantasy. Don’t try moving the goalposts, that’s what you said.

Yes, the fed will take gold. They don’t take Bitcoin, do they? How about shells? Pebbles?

Jesus, you just want to argue. You’re rambling, switching positions and going off on tangents.
It’s not about whether someone might accept it, it’s about whether it’s universally accepted at one value and about holding its accepted long term value. People once gladly accepted beanie babies as payment….stupid people.
Arcata Ca printed up Arcata dollars….you could get them cheap, businesses took them. Wanna put your nest egg into them? You say that’s good money, as good as dollars. I’ll sell them to you for gold, and let’s see who’s doing better in 10 years. Or I’ll sell you pebbles for gold. Any currency you want, I’ll sell you for gold. How’s that working with pebbles or shells? Can you buy currency with them?

It has everything to do with how much it’s worth. Stop jumping subjects because your point is failing to convince. An economy based on pebbles fails because their neighbors don’t value pebbles, but if their pebbles are gold, they succeed because gold is valued universally.

What are you talking about, the gold standard’s ability to keep up? Huh?! No keep up necessary, no slow down required, gold trades exactly as fast as everything else. What is this nonsense?!?

You mean you can’t overspend and go deep into debt?! And that’s bad?! In your opinion, not many economists….and what makes you think you can’t borrow against gold? Secured loans are easier and cheaper to come by. WHAT?!?

Yes, unsecured paper money can just be printed forever, you CAN “sell the universe”. (Or sell dollars who’s overall value is based on your country’s value) over and over, then print more and sell 9/10 again, print more, sell again. Eventually that money is worth less than it costs to print, and your creditors get paid off in dollars worth a tiny fraction of what they lent you. Not if it’s backed with gold.

Miracle cure?!? Quote it. I think you misread. Secured notes being better than unsecured notes is not “miracle cure” or perfection, it’s just measurably better, safer, and more stable. No system is perfect.

vil said:

A dollar has value if you can buy shit for a dollar.

Gold likewise has no exchange value if you cant exchange it for goods and services. Its rare and chemically stable and good for memorial coins, has many technical uses and looks cute, but otherwise it hardly matters what symbol for money you choose. There is 200 years of experience with fiat money and gold and silver standards and fiat money has been better, not just usually better or better in some scenario, universally better.

Symbolic money is practical and facilitates quicker turn around prevents deflation makes speculative runs on currency harder and smoothes the economic bumps in the road in general.

GDP is just a metric. Not a bad one but not the actual goal.

USofA is teh most developed. Should have used growing. Deflation in an economy that is growing kills growth.

Restarting countries not only get to ignore their debts, they immediatelly start borrowing again.

The only countries that dont borrow are countries no-one will lend to and countries so rich in some silly resource they can float high in the international currency system without borrowing. Borrowing is good for bussiness.

What is outrageous idiotic bullshit? Believing pegging the value of your paper note to some hoarded luxury makes it a better representation of the mean value of goods and services bought and sold? I could do without gold except for the jacks on my audio cables (just kidding). It does not matter what I exchange for food and gas, if it gets me food and gas, its good money.

Money is what you can pay taxes with. Do they take gold?

If you insist your dollar has the value of some weight of gold how does that influence the willingness of someone else to sell you shit? Unless they specifically intend to buy gold at a fixed price they dont care. They are going to use your dolar to buy some other shit from someone else. So if you take the actual currency out of the equation, when you decide on buying and selling shit you are intuitively comparing that decision with all the other decisions about buying and sellin that you know of. The currency is just a good way to count the measure of usefullness of a product or service and compare among many. Pebbles, bottletops, dollars, gold, pearls, all just a number.

A dollar could be backed by gold or it could not, this has zero impact on the transactions made. What matters is how many transactions are made, at what value, and how much money is available to the entire marketplace in a given period of time. Transactions quickly pass the ability of a gold standard to keep up. If you want a gold standard you have to slow transactions down because you dont have the money for them.

This is why markets need some regulation, otherwise someone might sell the universe twice and then default on one. But a gold standard, at least the type of gold standard I believe was talked about in this thread as a miracle cure, would be too limiting.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

newtboy says...

IMO….The fed printing money is (one reason) why the economy is a disaster.
Every dollar the fed prints makes every dollar worth less….and eventually worthless.
The fed keeping a moderate reserve and releasing some to stabilize the economy AND RECAPTURING IT LATER keeps economy swings moderate. (You just have to not listen to morons who don’t ever want to rebuild the reserve because it cools off hot economies, and instead they want to live on credit).
Printing money is NOT a permanent solution to not having enough money, and doesn’t keep the economy stable long term. Ask Venezuela.

Basing your dollar’s value on gdp means another 2020 and it might disappear altogether instead of just seeing high inflation for years….no advantage there

vil said:


A gold standard provides none of the perceived advantages.
There was never any stability under a gold standard.
Unless its just a Bretton-Woods type "gold" standard where the gold is symbolic. The fed printing money is what keeps economy swings moderate.

Why I’m ALL-IN On Tesla Stock

vil says...


A gold standard provides none of the perceived advantages.
There was never any stability under a gold standard.
Unless its just a Bretton-Woods type "gold" standard where the gold is symbolic. The fed printing money is what keeps economy swings moderate.

surfingyt said:


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