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The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

Gorilla vs. Goose

Xaielao says...

I had a great grandmother at one time with geese and they were mean. You couldn't approach them without getting bitten. Same with her roosters. She was 'old school' in a real way. Time for a big family diner? Go catch a goose, chop its head off, gut and de-feather and throw it into a pot. Disgusted me as a small child but it was always delicious.

Rachel Maddow Hammers Home Why Fox News Is Bulls#@!

poolcleaner says...

Honestly, it's not that all news is bullshit, it's that most (all?) news outlets commit the same fallacious and detrimental information practices as always will happen in any system when experience is posited as "truth".

In the business world we are almost always working to change our perspective on how data flows and how best to store and distribute info; setting our educational bias aside when need be. One particular failed practice that does NOT get enough high level analyzing due to the nature of the bias in which the problem itself creates: Information siloing.

In this case, we have the American people silo'd (and if we don't have them silo'd, we actively seek to silo these "undecided" minds) as either liberal D or conservative R. Once you're silo'd, you now have the ability to be fed limited information, based upon limited experience, as the Truth. This is called a hook. A hook is exactly what you think it means and is not bad of itself, because hooks exist in all systems for better or for worse. Otherwise birds of a feather would not flock together. (They flock together because of hooks in their code and the world aka science around them which helps facilitate that hook.)

Now that the hook is in, we have separate news organizations that cater to the data bias you signed up for. You're a human with a blank slate, so don't you dare argue that your opinion is anything but inconsistent, even after education; because you assume that the patterns of existence taught as theoretical and scientifically posited "truth" scale in a reality based upon butterfly flaps of causation. Just accept it: You are fallible and the defects are inherent at every step of our civilization. (Algorithms of usefulness to engineers are only useful if they lessen the load on the user, otherwise we'd all be typing 1s and 0s; so the logic of simplicity suggests our systems are fucked and holding to them is an anarchy unto itself, where ultimate complexity becomes entropy -- LESSEN THE COMPLEXITY. That should be a rule for all government and economy.)

Liberals claim they cater to all sides and conservatives complain that if it wasn't for Fox, there would be no objectivity in the news. This further complicates the matter, but is itself a red herring because it's an argument that essentially says "YOU MUST GET YOUR NEWS FROM A MAJOR NETWORK." If you actually believe that these media giants are the end all be all to gaining information from the "truest" perspective possible, you are a dummy and you need to WAKE UP.

If you never made a thought pattern along these lines, you also need to wake up but I'm not mad at you. Information that deviates from a human's factory defaults (early family and life experiences in the form of fear induced bias) is difficult to objectively analyze. I fault you not, but your call to awaken is noted and will be remembered at the end of all (if you believe in any sort of karmic ending, Christians included). If you don't believe this, then your inability to rule the boundaries of your mind in the present is damning enough. Fuck you. And fuck your offspring. Subjective fear consume thee as your desperate and once nurturing stride for survival is abstracted into selfish, power seeking nihilism.

Information siloing creates tribal knowledge (which is information held by a select group, and then touted as negative patterns like nationalism and corporate thuggery), and tribal knowledge creates boundaries based upon a skewed perception of what the truth is; which in turn, creates subjective and often intangible competition within a system that should be making strides to improve its process via iteration.

MUD SLING AWAY. Or join me in narrowing the argument to its lowest common denominators and then objectively analyzing the system, starting at a generic starting point and building up to a truer understanding.

chingalera said:

Well we maintain that if people aren't convinced that ALL news corps are bullshit by now, they may never

The propaganda and diversion of socio-cybernetic engineering is the same no matter what your flavor.

How do you deal with drunk women passed out on the couch?

Incredible Balance!!!

Incredible Balance!!!

BicycleRepairMan says...

That would be a horrible way to cheat, since the heavier the feather is, the heavier the entire thing will be, every stick has to be heavier and/or longer to counterweight all the previous sticks. Someone more clever than me needs to work out the formula, which is hard, since he places every stick off-center for the proper leverage. But bottom line is, that if the feather was heavy, he would have 3 problems: Combined weight, length of sticks increasing and/or large, clumpy counterweights on each stick, making them hard to manuver.

The one "cheat" I can see him using, is tiny markings on each stick, indicating where they should be placed for ideal balance. However this means that hes either a)done lots of math to work that out or b) done hundreds of attemps, or , perhaps most likely c) both.

No matter how you look at it, this is both impressive and beautiful on so many levels.

LiquidDrift said:

Sweet act, never seen anything quite like that.

I do wonder if he added weight to the feather; wouldn't be hard to stick something in the shaft of it. Great showmanship though, could have done it with a little twig, but a feather is way more interesting and gives the crowd something to focus on.

Incredible Balance!!!

LiquidDrift says...

Sweet act, never seen anything quite like that.

I do wonder if he added weight to the feather; wouldn't be hard to stick something in the shaft of it. Great showmanship though, could have done it with a little twig, but a feather is way more interesting and gives the crowd something to focus on.

Incredible Balance!!!

Native American Shuts Down Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protest

chingalera says...

I trust your sentiments for promoting this viddy include some overtones of racism-May I point out once again (and god we know how people hate to reflect upon their past mistakes), that in your history here on the VS burdturg, you mistakenly construed a remark I made as racist? As none recall save myself (since I was banned because of your OVERREACTION and not welcomed back until the old gaurd fizzled-out), YOU took personal offense when there was only derision directed at your manner, tone because I used the word "monkey" to try and relay my disgust for your PROCESS....

The internet has no color, brother and had I known your were a black man I would have used other language to describe your fucking idiocy at the time-

Why choose here to voice my grievance? Because I lost a few years on a site I love to your ignorance and attitude. I probably deserved it, I was a prick to a lot of people, and I offer an olive branch and a formal apology for ruffling your feathers.

Now-About these imbeciles protesting something they have no control over. Their signs should read-"We fucked-up and watched as 6 Administrations fucked us in the ass, and now were whining."

"Fast and Furious Social Destabilization-More Guns For Criminal Nationals From Mexico to Incite Race-Hatred...Fuck You Obama, Bush(s), Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Carter and Johnson."

Thrown in a few drunk native-Americans left to represent the pack and hurl insults at other ineffectual monkeys, and you've got a bunch of inteffectuals who'd be better off in Washington on the white house lawn, camping-out until something is done about the white fucks running the show.
You have to know at this stage in the game, that racism is used to incite idiots to make decisions (react) when they have no actual say in the decisions concocted for them because of a fucking broken government, or in the case of the United States, one that has been hijacked by criminal cunts. This includes immigration and the social destabilization that comes from the continuing dilution of our culture, language, and western civilization in general.

burdturgler said:


Proof That Raptors Can Fly.. But Not Land

Mac & Moe Playing The Keyboard

Crazy Landing!! Kids, do not repeat this at home!!

jimnms says...

He's not doing anything dangerous or putting anyone at risk. He's operating the aircraft within it's designed limitations. An engine failure would cause the props to auto feather which would remove the breaking effect, and the aircraft could go about flying normally.

GeeSussFreeK said:

He is placing himself in the situation that any minor, non-catastrophic failure would most likely result in the loss of the aircraft. I am fine with that, just as long as he isn't doing over other peoples houses. Good airmanship is more than being able to handle dangerous things, it is not putting yourself in them. But that is coming from someone who is terrified of flying, so take it for what it is worth

Golden Eagle Snatches Kid

ravioli says...

There is a report showing a brief "making of" of the NAD Centre students' work at this link. Its in French but the CGI screens tell all. At some point, a bird specialist explains the feather pattern is impossible on this kind of bird. And at the end, we learn that their teacher promised them they would get a perfect grade (100%) if they attained 100,000 views, with their video...

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

Sagemind says...

It's an interesting conversation, one I wish we could all have in person as typing is so cumbersome at times.

It's not only about the testosterone which guides the male libido (The penis has nothing to do with it - unless the entire process actually leads to sex - which it can - but most often it doesn't)

It IS, as Enoch points out, about attention. As long as the process of flashing the colourful feathers, gets the attention that is needed, then the individual is validated.

Just a glance or a stare can be enough to bolster a girls confidence (from a male, a female, a family member, a boss or whoever.) And if wearing the right shoes does the trick the validation is achieved. If wearing designer labels works, then validation is achieved. If being seen in a Lamborghini does the trick, then validation is achieved. Everyone has triggers. Sometimes they are emotional triggers brought on by personal trauma - sometimes they are learned triggers brought on by advertizing and society.

Male or female, Validation is all anyone ever wants. Those that have had constant validation in their lives, may not be a slave to the process. But in a society where advertisers constantly try to make us feel like we are not good enough so that they can create a market based on everyone's self image this is the way things work.

If it didn't work so well, they wouldn't do it. I work in advertising. I have been trained to find a way to sell things to people that they don't need. The problem is, I'm a cynic and I can't do it. So every time I have to do it, I find a way around it. That's why I now work at a college (a microcosm of political correctness where I don't have to sell stuff using sex - in fact we go out of our way not to)

So there are two sides to this equation:
1). There is the side where everyone seeks validation either emotionally, physically or by accomplishment.
2). And there is the side where advertising exploits our biological AND emotional needs to sell stuff.

Although they are two very different things, they form a symbiotic relationship and feed off each other.

I know that @bareboards2, you are trying to say, that this "advertising" needs to stop. And ideally, you are right. If you find a way to stop it all let us know. But I also know that this type of marketing is so targeted to our needs at the most basic levels, that this type of thing will never go away. Our personal needs, and desires need it too badly.

To try to explain all this is difficult - I trained for 6-years in art school to manipulate what people see and how to make them see what I want them to see. How to lead them and bring them to my way of thinking through visual media. Advertising is an attack and a science into your needs, sensibilities, emotions and psychological image of your self.

I expect the only way to battle media is through media - The person with the most media and money wins. (it's a propaganda war)

If you want to delve deeper into the psychology of it all - It's an in-depth study - here is a place to start. Start with John Berger's, "Ways of Seeing". (first episode of four) (final episode - Advertising).
The book starts with classical art and leads right up into modern advertising. Check Amazon for reviews.

Hilarious "Cooking Game" Playthrough

braschlosan says...

I raised my own chickens, both for eggs and for food. I cut off the heads, plucked the feathers and removed the innards so when I watch this video my first thought towards PETA "Was that supposed to gross me out or make me hungry?"

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