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Goose Herding!

Martin Freeman in New Series 'Fargo'

chingalera says...

Alright....take back what I said, better than the movie and sure to be the next feather in the Cone Bro's hats....thank god, their movie makin' scores-to-fouls ratio had me gasping for their collective creativity units to pop-back on.....Don't recant the analogy though, Jews will always burn through semolia laughing as they passs the rest the fuck up!

Two Legged Boxer Puppy's First Trip to The Beach

Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

chingalera says...

@MichaelL, dude, it's only a personal pet-peave of mine, please take anything I spew with a grain of salt. The comment you made caused my brain to rumble and flex a bit , and that's always good thing. I was speaking to a certain personally-perceived pretension which I address here (and that not infrequently and wholly unsolicited), and for that, I apologize if it ruffled feathers which incidentally, are worthy of ruffling if they be but feathers.

@ Payback, guess I'd owe you $5 had I taken the bet, correct by half, as I am often at least 1/4. THERE's the pretentious statement I was looking for. Dost thou assume incorrectly sir or madam that I have some retarded grasp and disrespect of both science and the English language????

We think so and as often, this is the ACTUAL case, ACT-UALLY!!

@lucky760 We're both on the same page with the magnetic phenomena.....
wizardry or some other unseen forces-only possible explanation.

Great post mintbbb. It contained absolutely no human tragedy or catastrophe and no fluffy creatures doing cute things. Nice change 'o pace

Atheist TV host boots Christian for calling raped kid "evil"

enoch says...

wasnt arguing brother,just clarifying.

agnosticism isnt a belief or lack of but rather simply not knowing.

i was just trying to be helpful.
didnt mean to ruffle any feathers.
carry on.

10 Ways A Condom Can't Protect You

Obamedia Fail

CNN on Toronto City Mayor, Rob Ford

Yogi says...

Basically this, it's sort of like cheering for Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. Even though he's a piece of shit, he is ruffling the feathers of establishment assholes, so fucking keep him going. The system is fucked, let's keep it that way and maybe it'll eat itself.

messenger said:

It's a thing now, and I am fully within its grip. I live in Toronto and I have vowed to vote for Rob Ford in every election I'm eligible to vote for him, just for the entertainment value he gives me, which far outweighs any harm he may cause me as my mayor/MPP/MP/Prime Minister.

Twins were born, but haven't realized that

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

chingalera says...

Show them how they're warehoused at Tyson lucky, much more cruelty there than a yard bird scratching-free all her life then snapping that neck...Eggs are better than their meat anyhow, the liver being the best part.

Raise 'em, then decide if you want to eat 'em after removing their feathers and dressing them.....Rabbits are way easier and you can always add fat to Mr. Tablebunny with oils, stuffing, etc.

Chickens. The girls are for eggs, and the boys for alarm clocks.

Yardbirds crack me how no matter what you do with em, they never seem to give any fuck at all....

Virgin Galactic's Second Rocket Powered Flight Tail Footage

heathen says...

Re-entry might be gently falling like a feather, but it sounded like they were fighting several gee during the ascent around 0:28 - 0:44.

Not sure how many civilians would be able to handle it, myself included.

Would be a shame to pay all that money for a trip into space and then be blacked out for half of it.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

I feel that we've reached a stalemate. Perhaps I'm the only person who perceived shang's initial comment about enjoying violence to mean that HE ENJOYS VIOLENCE. My first thought when reading his comment (and what I continue to believe) was that he was trying to get a rise out of the vegetarians and animal lovers. Why else would he make a statement about wishing the bird in the video would be eaten by a predator and that he enjoys violence and hunting? This video had nothing to do with violence or hunting so why bring it up? I wasn't taking his subsequent comments seriously either because I thought it was a ruse to ruffle some feathers (or so to speak) and that is why I responded in a joking manner. Not everyone appreciates my humor, and in this case it appears I've pissed more than a few people off. What can I say? I am an acquired taste.

You think I don't know any hunters that aren't psychopaths? That is not a correct presumption on your part. As I stated in my previous message, I grew up in a community full of hunters and I have a great amount of respect for most of them. Many I still have as friends that continue to hunt. My father-in-law also hunts. Normal people hunt for food. They don't "get off" on hurting animals. They don't have an addiction to killing. (or at least that's what they tell me)

You referred to those who don't believe in hunting as "single minded, unenlightened self-righteous twats". I'm more than a little surprised that a vegetarian didn't have anything to say about that, or someone that has an issue with guns. Who are we to say that hunting is right and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong? To me, that is a self-righteous statement.

Since there's nothing more I can say to enlighten you or the rest of the group, I'll be on my merry way. I'll finish off by attaching a link of a debate on whether animal hunting should be banned. The results are 50/50 and include plenty of comments.

Last note: pumkinandstorm, I am not offended in the least and have also enjoyed the discussion.

enoch said:

let me first start by apologizing to @pumkinandstorm for derailing her thread.i always seem to do it to her posts.poor thing must hate me.

as for @carnivorous, i usual dont respond to any other posts after i rant (unless its shinyblurry) but i feel you are worth the time.i have read many of your comments and i sense you are a decent sort.

and though i am loath to do it i shall form my response in bullet form,more for expedience than laziness.(bullet responses are a lazy form of argument in my opinion). comment was not directed at you specifically,hence my generalizations and the use of the open-ended pronoun of "you".though you were certainly included in that use of "you".if i had issue with YOU i would have formed my comment in that manner addressing YOU..specifically.

my problem with some of the comments was not with a moral conflict but rather:presumption and ignorance.your commentary displayed both.

this is not an attack on you nor is it a reflection of how i feel/think/react to you.
it is just a statement based on your commentary.
i was hoping that my rant would possibly illuminate that fact for you (and others).

please reread your commentary in regards to @shang.
notice anything?
you presumed to know and understand @shang 's intentions,even when he stated the opposite.
or decide.because your whole premise is based on how YOU feel/think about a certain activity and you projected that morality onto @shang and found him lacking.
because @shang participates in something you find abhorrent,it appears by your commentary this gave you the right to chastise and judge him,based on YOUR morality.

2.i do not think you are a bully.i think you were being presumptuous and your commentary.

3.your rebuttal was no rebuttal at all but rather a conflation.the family you used as your example as "hunters"were not hunters.we have a name for people like that "sadistic psychopaths".appears they made it a family affair.
but to conflate those sick individuals and hunters is obscene and reveals an utter lack of understanding in regards to actual hunters.

4.i respect a man who stands up for what he believes in and i would never ask you to apologize but thats not what my commentary was addressing.

i was addressing the presumptions you were making about @shang based on pretty much nothing.
and while he was responding in a decent fashion you kept sniping at him from the bleachers.

its all trumpets and parades for standing up for what you believe in but how about a little bit of respect and appreciation for someone taking the time to respond to your questions?
especially in regards to something you obviously know next to nothing about?

you cant demand respect for your morals and beliefs and then turn around and deny anothers right for the very same thing.

i mean,think about it man.
you missed out on an opportunity to understand the mindset,motivations or passion for an activity that is alien to you.

your understanding has not moved an inch because of a pre-conceived notion based on what?
a childhood memory?
a few anecdotal experiences?

what a wasted opportunity.
would you have still disagreed?
yeah..most likely.
but at least you would have understood more.
and this practice is also known as empathy.

ah well...
i hope you read this is the context it was written.
with humanity and not an attack on you.

NSA (PRISM) Whistleblower Edward Snowden w/ Glenn Greenwald

dystopianfuturetoday says...

@dag - What I like best about your comment is that you present constructive criticism, while the rest of the media, government and public are preparing the tar and feathers.

I'm frustrated by the way we focus on personality and ignore the systemic nature of these kinds of issues. Once we tar and feather Obama, the next president will find herself/himself in need of effective national security measures and will likely go along with whatever the NSA thinks is best. Hillary is Stalin! Rand Paul is Hitler! Rinse and repeat. This is part of the reason why nothing ever seems to get done.

As an aside, I've certainly been on the offensive side of these crusades with Bush, McCain, Hillary and Romney, so this newish perspective is something of an epiphany. Not to say I didn't voice legitimate gripes, but I took cheap shots aplenty.

In short, I'm probably feeling what the rest of the world has long known, that Americans are immature, aggressive and completely unproductive in the way we manage their civic affairs, and it's not going to stop till we wise up.

(So just give up)


Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal and gets violent

chingalera says...

Jeeez fellas, duped it without watching it, said so and responded civilly to all-Take the dupe powers and do with them as you will-It's really not that big of a deal to me, sorry to ruffle so many dainty feathers.

lucky760 said:

@chingalera - The other video is only 37 seconds and this one 3 seconds. As is required before ever invoking *dupeof or *isdupe, you must watch both videos first. Your *dupeof privilege has been revoked, at least temporarily.

The Incredible Power Of Concentration - Miyoko Shida

jatoha says...

Updated the description to give credit to site, I apologize, I didn't realize people see the descriptions as the submitter's words, I certainly did not intend to plagiarize.

Also, I was interested to see how alike the related video's act is, I wonder who originated this performance. I do think using a feather as the starting point is a nice addition.

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