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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You going to CPAC?
Prepare for Covid.
So many got covid from the last two when they denied it was a thing that now you must sign a waiver waiving your rights to sue them if you get Covid and die, and stating that you 100% accept the risk of exposure, contracting, and spreading covid…and include your children in that waiver so when you bring home covid and they die, CPAC isn’t liable.

CPAC, where cons go to share memes and rant now, is SO important it’s worth your children dying or being severely disabled for life, and yourself, and your wife, and your workplace, and your community. That’s the right for ya. “Our right to party outweighs your right to live”.

You must be proud.

Er mer gerd the Elon move is hilarious. Couldn’t stand that Biden’s tweets were more popular so he rewrote the algorithm to force/push his tweets to everyone, followers or not, by bypassing all the filters that personalize recommendations and raising his ranking by a factor of 1000 artificially….because he’s a little baby who can’t stand that he’s not liked! ROTFLMFAHS!!
This has resulted in #blockelon trending.
So much for caring if Twitter plays favorites, right? Doesn’t matter one bit if they favor right wing stupidity, but call a congressional hearing if they follow their own terms of service in favor of a liberal. You people are not serious people, you’re infants.

Edit: it sounds like Trump was just subpoenaed in criminal court….BY THE PROUD BOYS as a co-conspirator! LOL! Not good for him, they have the pictures and texts from Trump and Co both at the White House Residence (where no one goes without personal invitation from POTUS) and the coup headquarters at the Willard hotel with other administration officials (like Stone, Giuliani, Flynn).

D’oh. Tesla fired dozens of workers who were organizing a union. These were people who code the autopilot system….a system just recalled and badly in need of an update. Multiple deaths and dozens of serious crashes. Not good when unemployment is this low and you’ve already turned off any and all workers by treating them as easily replaceable or worthless.

luxintenebris (Member Profile)

Spy Balloon Cold Open - SNL

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

newtboy said:

Santos has now admitted everything he claimed about himself was an outright lie.
He never worked for the companies he claimed.
He never graduated from anywhere.
His grandparents didn’t flee the holocaust.
His animal rescue charity is a total fraud that never rescued animals.
He was homeless, pennyless, and jobless, then 1 year later somehow loaned his campaign $700000 he claimed he made running a family real estate company that owns no real estate and has no clients.
And don’t forget he’s actually in real life a fugitive from Brazil that stole check books from the elderly invalids his mother cared for and bankrupted them by stealing all their money.
Guaranteed no Republican/MAGgot thinks any of that disqualifies him in any way, but would be absolutely insistent he never be sworn in if it were a Democrat lying about any one of these things.
More MAGA lies and liars, more MAGA criminals. Everyone of you is a liar, every single thing you say is a lie or at best delusional.

Tesla’s down ANOTHER 8% today. Oof.

Skeet Surfin

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

You’re a liar. Watch the video.

He said some “dinners”….with the justices families at their second or third estate in I think Wyoming (definitely including private jet travel there and back, and limousine rides to and from airports) and hunting trips to South America were what he was personally specifically aware of and could recall off the top of his head, not that that was ALL they gave the justices, he certainly did not say the efforts were limited to cards and prayers. Watch it, you must not have or you wouldn’t be making up such easily disproven lies.

I have issues with anyone hosting a judge they have cases before….or will. More so a justice. Major problem if it’s a billionaire getting hours of private lobbying time for personal gains. I don’t and won’t have a case before the Supreme Court, but I don’t want any of them at my home either, I’m not starstruck by celebrities or public figures….but yes, any citizen is worthy of such. They are justices, not gods.

Definitely a problem for justices to socialize with senators….but you’re just posing hypotheticals about Pelosi and Soros not anything that actually happened ever, I’m talking about what HAPPENED regularly with Con justices who have no ethics, and reality is 10000 times worse than your fantasy hypothetical.

If you are a justice, the appearance of impartiality is as important as the impartiality….and they failed miserably at both.

Having a normal social dinner is a far cry from what he testified to, lavish almost certainly multi day vacation-“dinners” at billionaires estates across the country and lavish first class hunting vacations to South America for the family all as ways to get days of private lobbying time with judges they have cases before at a minimum….but you are deathly allergic to honesty so it’s no surprise.

The Con justices sold their decisions and time. You excuse this with a whataboutism fantasy hypothetical that still wouldn’t be acceptable if it were true, but it isn’t. Every baseless accusation is an admission….what other senators and billionaires did the conservative justices sell out to? You just told me there are more.

I’m a blind tool to think that, as they are required by sworn oath to do, Supreme Court justices should avoid even the appearance of impropriety, bias, or favoritism and should certainly avoid actively engaging in them or be impeached and removed from the bench. Ok buddy. Noted.

Such an infantile mind you have. Always prepared to defend the indefensible with nonsense and blather, never fact.

bobknight33 said:

Spin to your hearts content.
That what he said.

You just want to read was more into it.

So you want the SCOTUS to have dinner at you house? Are you worthy of such event?

But you have not issue if SCOTUS had dinner at George Soros / Nancy Pelosi house?

But have dinner with like minded folk you get you panties in a twist.

Such a blind tool you are.

CAN I get Tom Scott to LAND a B737MAX, ALONE?!

Understanding Pink Floyd's, Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Phooz says...

Pink Floyd are genius but this album in particular is one of my favorite. So moving, a journey, human, and masterful. It, along with Dark Side are perfect masterpieces.

Anthony Jeselnik Helps a Friend Get an Abortion

The Origin Story Of The South Park Theme Song

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Are you out there picketing your local Cracker Barrel?
You know you’re supposed to be, right?

The right has decided to cancel their favorite restaurant chain….because it had the audacity to add impossible sausage to their choices, and offering vegetarian options the right opposes won’t be tolerated.
Yes, this is a real thing, “conservatives” cancelling their favorite chain because it “went woke” by offering a new menu item. Next they’ll be complaining how leftists cancelled their favorite restaurant. That’s who the right is now. Thanks Trump.

Midterm uphill battle for Democcrats

newtboy says...

Lol, and he said we should try injecting disinfectants or internal uv light against covid not vaccinating, he stared directly into the sun on live tv, and said the favorite thing he has in common with Ivanka is sex.

robdot said:

Trump said on live tv that George Washington had airplanes. Vaccines cause autism, and he wants to date his daughter.

Foggy Brittany warming up in the morning sun

36 Quotes from MARK TWAIN

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Normally would let this go but was called on this, here, some time ago, so am now sharing the wealth...

Anger: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Younger)

but Twain probably said it too.

My favorite ATTRIBUTED Twain quote...

"The trouble ain’t that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain’t distributed right."

...and right here is a distribution of Lightnin

Ex-RNC Chair leads discussion on the fall of the GOP

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