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RadHazG (Member Profile)

Star Trek TNG Bluray Old Vs New - Unbelievable Difference

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

They should really start with seasons that don't suck if they expect to generate interest from fans.

Mostly this. In actuality, all of the Rick Berman Star Trek seasons (from TNG to Enterprise) have good episodes and very BAD episodes in them. Season one was predominantly the bad episodes, but there were a few really good ones in it. By season two the balance shifted and it was about 50/50 good/bad episodes. Then by season 3 they hit their stride and it was mostly good episodes with only a few bad ones here and there.

But yeah, if they really want this to fly they should have started with Season 3. I really hope that they keep this up because I'd love to get Deep Space Nine in Blu-Ray, but I don't expect the effort will sustain that long. They are charging and arm and a leg for Star Trek seasons, and I'm just not willing to pay more than 30 to 40 bucks a season for ANY show.

What Happened When Portugal Decriminalized Drugs? -- TYT

ObsidianStorm says...

Well, duh.

On a related note, it's interesting to me that, with more than 15 years of legalized medical marijuana in the US (California being the first in 1996), you would think that the the opponents to relaxation of the drug laws would have mountains of evidence to back up their claims of social armageddon (at least with respect to marijuana).

But, of course this isn't the case, demonstrating in sharp relief the fact that the drug war is nothing but a huge business enterprise with strong interests perpetuating an ongoing persecution of our citzenry for the profits of said interests.

Fuckin' ridiculous.

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

mxxcon says...

>> ^budzos:

Why don't you just stamp I LOVE COCAINE on your forehead?
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^mxxcon:
Hell no!
NCC-1701-D is better!

Someone on AICN said the other day that the Enterprise D is one of the most cocaine-fuelled designs ever. He said the entire thing looks like a giant porn set.
don't care. it's still better.

Why would I put a stamp on top of the same tatoo?

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

budzos says...

Why don't you just stamp I LOVE COCAINE on your forehead?

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^budzos:
>> ^mxxcon:
Hell no!
NCC-1701-D is better!

Someone on AICN said the other day that the Enterprise D is one of the most cocaine-fuelled designs ever. He said the entire thing looks like a giant porn set.
don't care. it's still better.

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Truckchase says...

>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^DarkenRahl:
If we all sat around watching you playing at your hobbies in your off time, we'd likely ask the same thing about your chosen profession, and likely be much more bored having watched what you consider hobbies...>> ^bmacs27:
Does he ever... like... do science?

Seriously though, does he have any real scientific credentials? That is, is he more Feynman or more Hawking?

Ask Pluto.

Quboid (Member Profile)

mizila says...

>> ^Quboid:

Sexist Astrophysicist. He's got some degrees and stuff too but this is the key one.
>> ^bmacs27:

Seriously though, does he have any real scientific credentials? That is, is he more Feynman or more Hawking?

As hilarious as it would be, I think you missed an "e" in your link. Should be: "Sexiest Astrophysicist" not: "Sexist Astrophysicist." Nailed Astrophysicist though :-)

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Fletch says...

You are absolutely right, NDT. Of course the original Enterprise is the greatest starship of all time. You'd have to be daft not to know that. Now sit down and shut up, attention whore!

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

rottenseed says...

He's probably promoted from research to educator of the masses. He doesn't have to spend years in a lab collecting/analyzing data to find out the total mass of the universe and such. He just has to stay current on findings and report them to us in a way the lowest common denominator can understand...>> ^bmacs27:

Does he ever... like... do science?

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

bmacs27 says...

>> ^DarkenRahl:

If we all sat around watching you playing at your hobbies in your off time, we'd likely ask the same thing about your chosen profession, and likely be much more bored having watched what you consider hobbies...>> ^bmacs27:
Does he ever... like... do science?

Seriously though, does he have any real scientific credentials? That is, is he more Feynman or more Hawking?

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

DarkenRahl says...

If we all sat around watching you playing at your hobbies in your off time, we'd likely ask the same thing about your chosen profession, and likely be much more bored having watched what you consider hobbies...>> ^bmacs27:

Does he ever... like... do science?

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