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Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

chingalera says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^doogle:
what's his point here? It's a beautiful ship because what came before it was some sort of saucer from the <garble mumble> movie?

The original "The Day the Earth Stood Still". The silver-undies-wearing guy he refers to would probably be Gort. I think his point would be NCC-1701 is a "revolutionary" step from previous "space ships" as opposed to NCC-1701-A, which is an "evolutionary" step. Sorta the 1964 1/2 Mustang compared to the 1968/69.


saber2x (Member Profile)

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

Payback says...

>> ^doogle:

what's his point here? It's a beautiful ship because what came before it was some sort of saucer from the <garble mumble> movie?

The original "The Day the Earth Stood Still". The silver-undies-wearing guy he refers to would probably be Gort. I think his point would be NCC-1701 is a "revolutionary" step from previous "space ships" as opposed to NCC-1701-A, which is an "evolutionary" step. Sorta the 1964 1/2 Mustang compared to the 1968/69.

Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about the Enterprise

RadHazG says...

His point was that before this ship, everything was simplistic, boring and ultimately, unimaginative. To the people first seeing the original Enterprise starship it was truly incredible because they had never before seen something like it. No audience afterwards could have quite the same reaction because now that the ship existed, nothing else could reach quite the same level because all others afterwards were derivative of the original. Something along those lines anyway. >> ^doogle:

what's his point here? It's a beautiful ship because what came before it was some sort of saucer from the <garble mumble> movie?

Anonymous Launches PedoChat

Picard gets his 3 weeks

deathcow says...

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise
Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise
Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise

M m M m M m M m Make it So
M m M m M m M m Make it So

M m M m M m M m Make it So
M m M m M m M m Make it So

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise
Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise
Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U S S Enterprise

best of remastered original star trek series

Payback says...

>> ^enoch:

>> ^Payback:
Fan made? Paramount re-did TOS episodes.

when i first came across this remastered series i remember it was a couple of dudes.
oh well.guess i remembered wrong.
thanks for the correction @Payback.

Oh, it's still awesome. I guess it WAS technically two dudes, by the way...

Under the direction of Star Trek producer David Rossi and long-time Star Trek technical consultant Mike Okuda, the visual and special effects were recreated to give Star Trek: The Original Series a more authentic feel and modern look. Special attention was given to such elements as the Enterprise, alien planets and their images depicted from space, planets seen from orbit, alien spacecraft, and technology such as computer readouts, viewscreen images, phaser beams, etc.

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

I'm a month into a new job in support, in the Unix and database group, at one of the premier enterprise backup providers in the world.

The company is really cool, and the people are really nice, but the job is difficult and soul-destroying. It's a 6mo contract-to-hire, so I'm sticking it out for now and I'll see what I want to do come fall.

Who was the best Star Trek Captain? (User Poll by gorgonheap)

gorgonheap says...

Ok, to address the Chris Pine issue. Lets consider that that first of all they are both portraying the same character. Second, that all of the Star Trek time continuity was utterly decimated, leaving it more then likely that people who had a family history in starfleet (i.e. Tom Paris, Kathryn Janeway, Will Riker, Geordi Laforge, etc.) are now at least bastard children or have had their DNA completely obliterated by Nero. (Not to include all the other continuity problems that the crap spin off Enterprise introduced.) Third, he's only done one movie, all the others, including Luke have done multiple movies or a series. Until the sequel with Chris Pine comes out I don't really see him as having a command until it's been more then 24 hours. Fourth, He was appointed by the previous captain, and considering his incredibly brief Starfleet training I'd have a hard time believing any Admiral in thier right mind would continue to let him remain in command of what is now Starfeets only ship. Fifth, I still haven't forgiven J.J. Abrams for the ending of Lost or the hour of my life that I'll never get back after Cloverfield.

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I do exhale a lot of CO2. I'm trying to stop that.>> ^luxury_pie:

I do enterprise application development in C# using .Net. Every morning 7:30 I start the zombie-mode and crawl to my office through a park. Work starts at 8 ends at 5. I also responsibly take care of various company websites not knowing why we have more than one. I guess profit.
@kulpims I want your job.
@dag so you are responsible for the climate-change. Can't say I'm surprised...

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

luxury_pie says...

I do enterprise application development in C# using .Net. Every morning 7:30 I start the zombie-mode and crawl to my office through a park. Work starts at 8 ends at 5. I also responsibly take care of various company websites not knowing why we have more than one. I guess profit.

@kulpims I want your job.
@dag so you are responsible for the climate-change. Can't say I'm surprised...

China News Confuses Rubber Vagina/Anus for Special Mushroom

vaire2ube says...

perverted, or enlightened!?

"Reporter Ye Yunfeng's amazing rediscovery of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's secret to longevity -- the taisui lingzhi mushroom -- has spurred local entrepreneurship and spawned a whole new industry.
One very enterprising street cleaner who makes additional income by hawking things off the street is now passing off artificial vajayjays as the long lost magic mushroom, and selling them for as much as 18,000RMB (US$2,800)!"

Why the "Star Trek" Universe is Secretly Horrifying

AeroMechanical says...

I never really got the whole having families and kids and stuff on the Enterprise. At least once a week the ship almost blows up, get assimilated by robodemons, or sucked into a subspace rift or something, only barely making it out intact at the last second when Jordy finally gets around to reversing the polarity on whatever. I'd leave my family at home.

Watch 56 Star Trek episodes simultaneously

Brief History Of Marijuana -- John Fugelsang

Sepacore says...

Yeah legalize it.

It's ridiculous how much money is spent trying to combat a substance that is in more ways than not safer or has greater benefits than alcohol. Estimates vary but most reviews I've seen range the cost of combating such a 'drug' as more than $10 billion per year in the US alone.

2010 had the US spend $15+ billion at Federal level and another $25+ at state level on the war on drugs.
That's $40 billion that could go towards medical, social, education programs, or even to work towards paying off some depts.

This site's stats seem to be including more than marijuana, but at near the end of April 2012, the total is already over $12 billion, almost 13.

An estimated 50% give/take of citizens have used or use the substance.

Supply and demand encourage drug syndicates to form and become more ruthless in their enterprises, the prohibition on alcohol is a decent example.

The substance when consumed is significantly safer with heavy machinery like public driving etc than alcohol (not saying that driving stoned should be encouraged, but far less dangerous then alcohol), and it's common place behavioral effects leave the consumer with greater control re social behavior and better rational processing opposed to alcohol when high levels of the substances are compared.
Not trying to smash booze, just highlighting that if 1 is acceptable, then the other dam well should be as well.

Governments allow smoking Tabasco to be legal because of the taxation/financial benefits despite the well known and documented issues with the substance.

The medicinal properties alone should be enough to give the substance leeway that most other recreational drugs wouldn't receive.

Rather than spending money against it, regulating it would make it safer for use while also turning a profit for the government and being legal it could then be taxed to further the financial return.

As far as i know, no one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana.

I personally haven't used it for a few years (save the rare one-off opportunistic occasions) but am a strong advocate that it's a good and/or reasonable substance for personal use.

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