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God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

Okay forgiven but what I am getting at is what Paul preached. Which is saved in Christ and Christ resurrected..I don't know what socio-economic conditions have to do with being saved but i have done my research. I used to live with a pagan so I was exposed to the occult and pagan religions. I also had a background in the abrahamic religions, hinduism as well as buddhism, zen buddhism, kundalini yoga, i mean really esoteric stuff..babylonian, enki and enlil kind of stuff..and also i was around people who welcomed evil spirits in their lives..and they would meet these spirits in the astral plane by engaging in astral travel..i knew someone who could do it at will..its all very interesting seeming but it is straight from's all for evil, this is how people get misled in the pagan world, some spirit makes them think they are spiritually powerful so they become arrogant and think they are above God. Which is what the devil thinks, coincidently. God has never disappointed me or let me down..I trust in Him and His holy name. That's my point. I don't know how you could really define my views..according to my experience I was elected by God..God is entirely real to me, if I said He wasn't I would be a liar. So I witness to that and to the gospel as the word of the living God. What would you call that? And no I am not a pretriest..Christ has yet to come again..

>> ^enoch:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since January 21st, 2011" href="">shinyblurry
i just read your recent post.
well thought out and i agree with the points pertaining to the differences between jesus and the other myriad of resurrection deities.
i dont know why that post didnt appear when i first came to this thread.
maybe it was during the time of me writing my previous post.please forgive.
that was very well done.
that is precisely the difference and also how i too..resolved that issue.
i thank you for your answer.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

enoch says...

i just read your recent post.
well thought out and i agree with the points pertaining to the differences between jesus and the other myriad of resurrection deities.

i dont know why that post didnt appear when i first came to this thread.
maybe it was during the time of me writing my previous post.please forgive.
that was very well done.
that is precisely the difference and also how i too..resolved that issue.
i thank you for your answer.

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^JiggaJonson:
@rottenseed you don't need that comma there. (as opposed to "You don't need that comma,[pause] there")
Grammar nazi awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I dont know why I do that I think that I have intentions of writing something else but change my mind or maybe I just dont know how punctuation works youd think as ive been writing with this language such a long time that id have mastered it but I havent so go figure

thats the thing about language and punctuation and spelling and functionality and peoeplw who care about stucture everyone acts like they arer above that kind of stuff until its bnot being used enoug to that you can make out what people are saying when they are tryintg to say one thing but then they cannoteven communicate the idea because thier words are bting jumbled up and pauses are where they should not by and no one is using things they way they were in tended in wring to used be so that ideas are organized in such a was (way) as that they are dicsernable to others thats really the whole point of language structure and it bothers sometimes me when peopl e act like itis not important do you no wat i meen!

Oh, you're talking about westy.

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^JiggaJonson:
@rottenseed you don't need that comma there. (as opposed to "You don't need that comma,[pause] there")
Grammar nazi awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I dont know why I do that I think that I have intentions of writing something else but change my mind or maybe I just dont know how punctuation works youd think as ive been writing with this language such a long time that id have mastered it but I havent so go figure

thats the thing about language and punctuation and spelling and functionality and peoeplw who care about stucture everyone acts like they arer above that kind of stuff until its bnot being used enoug to that you can make out what people are saying when they are tryintg to say one thing but then they cannoteven communicate the idea because thier words are bting jumbled up and pauses are where they should not by and no one is using things they way they were in tended in wring to used be so that ideas are organized in such a was (way) as that they are dicsernable to others thats really the whole point of language structure and it bothers sometimes me when peopl e act like itis not important do you no wat i meen!

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

rottenseed says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

@rottenseed you don't need that comma there. (as opposed to "You don't need that comma,[pause] there")
Grammar nazi awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I dont know why I do that I think that I have intentions of writing something else but change my mind or maybe I just dont know how punctuation works youd think as ive been writing with this language such a long time that id have mastered it but I havent so go figure

Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day

westy says...

this advert comes across as an attack on men , i'm sure there are plenty of inequalities towards women but attacking the issue in a one sided way is simply idiotic and not the most constructive way to improve the situation.

i dont know why but for all these iniqualty typ promotional things they always seem to be put together by morons that do more damage then good. look at stuff like "frag dolls"

The advert would have gone down better if it was about how everyone should be vidulaent to inequality to both sexes and present a solution or tell people what they can do to improve the situation.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream

Fleeing Suspect Impaled On Fence

The Bear Marketing System

JKL: This Week in Unnecessary Censorship

rasch187 (Member Profile)

This will change your mind about speeding!

westy says...

I dont know why we use MPH kilometers r so much better and easy to understand , i guess England just loves to be retarded probably costs to much to change all the signs.

probably roman heritage as most our main roads were built by them and marked on maps by them.

Swedish Broadband Commercial Reminds Me Why I Love The Web

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