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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Pennsylvanian Republicans just lost another case trying to toss out their own mail in voting law after it didn’t help them in 2020 or 22. 😂

Seems MAGA is losing cases left and right in their desperate attempt to block any voters that aren’t retired white people or corporations. (Yes, Republicans are trying to give any corporation a vote in elections as if they were citizens).

Fortunately, they’re just too dumb to understand the law and constitution and are losing bigly, like with multiple MAGA states who implemented hyper biased redistricting intended to favor republicans now being forced to create new democratic districts. Trumpism destroyed your party and it’s prospects.

Bonus- DC Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson who just ordered Donald Trump to sit for a deposition in the wrongful termination and retaliation cases brought by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. They got around the “apex doctrine” because Trump repeatedly bragged publicly that he was 100% responsible for having them fired, and his lame excuse that he didn’t have time ignored because he has time for dozens of frivolous lawsuits against others, so he has time to be deposed. Not a huge deal, but likely another few million of your political donations will go to hand Trumps enemies huge judgements and settlements (and pay his horrific lawyers). Lots of that going around.
Also the DC bar report on Giuliani recommends his disbarment for his part in the big lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Donald Trump’s former press secretary Stephanie Grisham has admitted under oath and in interviews to witnessing Trump unlawfully showing people without clearance highly classified top secret documents on multiple occasions.

Ruh-roe. Another “never Trumper” I suppose…another RINO? Odd how many never Trumper worthless crazy people Trump appointed, isn’t it? 😂

Oof…. Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s top immigration advisers, allegedly advocated using U.S. predator drones in 2018 to blow up migrant boats full of unarmed civilians suggesting they were not protected under the U.S. Constitution because they were in international waters, so could be killed by the military legally, according to an upcoming book by former Trump Department of Homeland Security appointee Miles Taylor, and had to be repeatedly informed that the plan violated international law and was a war crime. Not proof it happened, but 100% believable.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for leading a far-reaching plot to keep then-President Donald Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election.

Remember, that violent Jan6 attack against America by BLM/ANTIFA…I mean that totally normal tour of the capitol by civicly minded upright citizens calling to hang their VP like happens every day/nothingburger?
Odd how so many MAGA people are getting convicted for domestic terrorism and sedition that you claim never happened.
Sure is looking like your ever changing takes aren’t convincing judges, even Trump appointed totally unqualified “judges”.
Not looking good for Trump’s multiple cases. Firing squad is NOT off the table. His family should suffer the same fate….including Barron.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Its the same as Biden claiming that the economy is doing great firing on all cylinders. Political BS speak.

Did you see the signed letter from Stormy Danielsl from 2018..

he letter read:

“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Daniels said.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened,” she said.

“I will have no further comment on this matter,” she said.

Yet another failed attempt form bought elected officials to stop an none bought elected official.

newtboy said:

Trump- the disgraced con man who just publicly threatened massive “death and destruction” from his terrorist cult if he’s charged.
You- the sucker prepared to deliver it

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

After losing the election but well before Jan 6 Trump hired (using campaign funds, not his own money) the Berkeley Research Group to look into his claims of fraud, which reported their findings also before well January 6, they reported to Trump that they found no significant voter fraud in battleground states.
Trump knew well before his “wild” rally (seditious riot and treasonous coup) that there was no election fraud by Democrats and the election was not stolen, this report and it’s findings were actively hidden from the Jan 6 committee.
Trump still held his coup on Jan 6 anyway because it was never about truth, it was about seizing power and keeping it forever as a family dictatorship.

In short, Trump absolutely knew from multiple sources including his own investigation that his big lie was a lie (honestly he knew that before the election when he came up with the plan to simply declare victory and deny anything else, but it had been proven through multiple investigations, including this secret, hidden, requested and paid for by Trump investigation that also found NOTHING.)

Just in case you don’t understand, this is proof positive of mentes reae, criminal intent by Donald Trump. Treason is a death penalty crime. Supporting an insurrection, and giving aid and comfort to those who have, is treason. You know what to do.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More MAGA felony election fraud…..
felony plea agreement for campaign finance violations by MAGA Republican candidate Lynda Bennett who was a close family friend of Mark Meadows and supported by Donald Trump who knowingly and willfully accepted a $25000 campaign donation far in excess of the yearly limit and claimed she personally loaned that to her campaign to hide it.
Another one bites the dust.

Train plowing through truck carrying massive concrete beam

BSR says...

Weren't you watching‽

Didn't you see the massive concrete beam that was struck by a speeding Norfolk Southern diesel locomotive‽

You didn't hear Priscilla's orgasmic yelp‽

Didn't you notice the Border Collie was in the video above the one you're questioning‽

You don't think a giant Barbie Ken cause such a crash‽

Ever heard of Donald Trump‽

Are you questioning yourself‽


StukaFox said:

So what exactly happened here? A train hit something? Is Priscilla ok? Were any Border Collies hurt? Did a giant Barbie cause this? Can a bunny really eat a horse's face off?

So many questions in life -- who has time for it all?

Shit, that was a question too, wasn't it?


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What have you done now, Bob?

“A hardcore Trump supporter in North Carolina has been arrested after sending death threats to a liberal fact checking group because he believed that the fact checkers were defaming Donald Trump. And then as he was being arrested by FBI agents, he threatened to kill one of the agents, which of course has now gotten him slapped with even more charges because these individuals that support Donald Trump are just that deranged. Let me read this because this is absolutely horrifying. This is from Huff Post. The man, Steven Williams sent an email in September to progressive fact checking organization, good information Foundation, ordering members to cease and desist all defamation and slander of mega Republicans and Donald Trump. According to the complaint,” this is treason an act of war, and we will treat you accordingly.” He wrote, Williams allegedly also warned “lethal action will be necessary if any physical detainment is attempted.”

When FBI agents showed up at the door of his Stokes Tale (Scottsdale?) home last month after being alerted by the fact checking organization about the threat, Williams told one of the agents, “I'm going to take you out” the complaint states, he's now been charged with threatening to kill a federal law enforcement officer. “

Another MAGA terrorist outraged by facts.

This on top of the uncountable death threats to election workers over more false vote fraud accusations, including against Republican election workers, forcing many into hiding or into the protective custody of the police, all because you babies can’t accept you lost another election bigly.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Trump and Eastman just lost attorney client privilege because a federal judge just ruled that they both likely conspired to commit crimes in connection with Jan 6 so cannot hide behind attorney client privilege! Called the crime/fraud exception. Their “work product” must now be turned over to the Jan 6 committee….and then handed to the DOJ. D’oh! Bye Felicia.

“ A federal judge in the Central District of California Judge David Carter just ruled that Donald Trump more likely than not engaged in criminal conduct including obstruction and conspiracy in connection with January 6 and ruled that Trump-lawyer John Eastman could not assert the attorney-client privilege and work-product privilege as a result. ”

Biden To Pardon All Federal Simple Marijuana Possession

surfingyt says...

Joe Biden pardons weed smokers.

Donald Trump pardoned grifters, shady lawyers and war criminals, pardoned 4 russian spies, also got God knows how many (of ours and our allies) killed like the names of the cia agents in those classified docs he stole, first degree murder, recognized only the Taliban not Afghanistan govt and botched the withdrawal, and don't forget that he's tried/trying to get us to kill each other. Oh yes, can't forget that he also did his best to get COVID's kill count as high as possible.

Trump is still cuck tho lol lol Manchurian lol. You can't escape any of these truths beewwwb hahaha!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Ask trump if he broke the law by possessing the documents, what does he say?

"I DECLASSIFIED THOSE" - but classification status isn't in question - and the documents are not declassified. ANDDDD it doesn't matter if they're classified or not, it's POSESSION of the documents that breaks the law.


After trump went to office HE is the one who made punishments for possessing documents that usually travel around in a handcuffed suitcase - HE is the one who made that particular law harsher and more enforceable as part of his campaign against Hillary Clinton.

Here's a full transcript of trump's first press conference where he lays out in some detail how people who handle or mishandle classified info or top secret documents are traitors and he explains what to do about them

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Derp. Of course not. As I said, that’s classified level information, just the topics of the documents he stole are classified….fuckwit. That’s the sensitivity level of what he STOLE on his way out, then lied about still having.
Also Trump’s lawyers are fighting (poorly) to keep even the topics hidden from even the FBI and DOJ. They’ll go to the Supreme Court to keep them from becoming public. Why, if there’s nothing there, are they going to such lengths to hide the evidence?

Can you name one sensitive document Clinton had? I seriously doubt it after hundreds of millions and a dozen or more investigations, and those were lowest level classification documents not even labeled classified.

What was found was over 700 pages of classified documents, including at least 11 separate top secret classified sets of documents, at least 3 the highest top secret level not allowed out of secure facilities and that cannot be declassified by the president, usually meaning nuclear secrets but possible non nuclear but just as sensitive highest level state secrets.
You don’t need to know EXACTLY what the secrets are to know it’s criminal to have them, and to keep them unsecured, and to lie to the FBI about having them. You only demand that information because you know it won’t be produced….it’s an artificial bar you’re floating in the sky and saying “you haven’t reached that bar yet”….the fifth or sixth bar this scandal. It will be great if Biden decides the public knowing outweighs the secrecy and declassifies that information….won’t it?

I would point out, the documents being classified is not a requirement of any of the 3 laws cited in the warrant…just that he took them, kept them, and hid/lied about having them. There’s no doubt on all 3.

I’ve never claimed to KNOW they were nuclear secrets, others claimed that, I said they were likely nuclear secrets or might be other secrets of the same import and classification.
“ Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.”. To be honest, I haven’t read the redacted warrant to see if that’s what they were specifically looking for, but word is they found what they were looking for.

You never agree when I’m undeniably right, you just ghost.
You never admit you were wrong. Not once in the near dozen years we’ve been “talking”. I bet elsewhere you still claim Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM but not a single Trumpist, despite reality being the exact opposite. I bet elsewhere you still claim 2020 was a stolen election (only the presidential race though, the rest of all the ballots are valid).
You can find dozens of times I’ve admitted I was incorrect, I usually thank the person who set me straight, but I don’t recall you ever correctly correcting me so likely not directly to you.
I’ve agreed with you on some points, but never your overall take. It’s always nuts.
You agree individual cops are bad, then say it’s always an outlier, one bad apple, then throw tantrums accusing me of saying things I had not said like we should have no police at all.
You rarely agree about evil criminal Republicans, sometimes you say they shouldn’t hold office but what about “x”, but soon forget and support them, or Trump does and you say nothing but just grin….or you just say crooks are better than lefties. Don’t you still support Gaetz despite the underage human trafficking, Bohbert despite supporting her husband exposing himself to two 15 year old girls in her presence, Judge Roy despite years of trolling for 13 year old girls at the mall, even Trump despite being best friends with Epstein for years and years after he admitted serial child molesting, partying in private with him and YOUNG girls and joking about sex with his daughter and other children (something actual child abusers do).

“My side” is often wrong (it’s not my side btw, I’m a Democrat based on sanity). Assault weapon bans for instance, are dumb. Either eliminate all clip fed semi auto without a licensed necessity or none. Cosmetics are just that. Your turn.

Again with the Magnificent Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched with his noodly appendage. You like to degrade what you think are my sources, but you have no clue what they are. I’ll just say CNN is never on my TV, and I really don’t know what MSM is, I thought you meant MSNBC, which I also don’t watch! 😂

Only facts matter to me, that’s why I’m willing to cite sources unlike you who is embarrassed of where your nonsense came from. I read both sides of an issue, and the original data the conclusions come from and decide for myself….usually agreeing with the left but not always, but never with the right because they are insane and delusional, believing only their alternate facts (what were called lies before Trump). Facts have never mattered to you, only partisan blame games.

Name a disastrous government response or responsibility you blame on Republicans. I’ll start, I’ll blame our current friendly status with Saudi Arabia on Biden, they should be on the terrorist state list, and it’s his call now. Your turn.

Edit: PS- Courts ruled last week that Barr outright lied about the contents of the Mueller report and about the idea that without a conviction on the underlying crime there could be no obstruction, ruled that there are 10 instances of legal obstruction listed in the report, and that Barr bold faced lied about it, hid it from the public, and did this intentionally to obstruct Justice, to protect Trump from valid charges that might have removed him from office during his impeachment….or as I’m sure you’ll say….”nothing burger” (because you have no problem with criminality if it’s from the right. The chances any evidence would make you say Trump is unfit are zero.)

bobknight33 said:

Nice reads.

The take away is from on of the articles you linked..

"We still do not, of course, know exactly what the FBI found"

You amaze me with you utter gullible nature.

You stupid fuck stick.
Tell me EXACTLY what was FOUND?

Enlighten me with FACTS!

Everyone is speculating and no one has FACTS. NO ONE! ( except you)

I only call out fools like you.
When you are right I agree.
I can't remember you ever agreeing with me.
When you post a bad cop vid I agree
When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

BSR (Member Profile)

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

It’s what he is trying to stop the FBI from looking at (3 weeks after they seized it-HA). Sorry, do you think the public will get to see the unredacted list of exactly what secrets they found there? Good luck, that’s classified. What we do have is a list of how many, and what classification was found, and that includes the highest level of classification never allowed outside secure locations (nuclear secrets would be in that category).
Be clear, nuclear secrets covers a ton, not just the launch codes some suspect.
P.s. based on past behavior, he may still have nuclear secrets too.
Also be clear, Trump’s legal team has made no moves at all to ask for more openness or less secrecy, the media has. Trump’s team has made a half assed attempt to keep even the FBI and DOJ from reviewing them with clearance in secure locations, trying to hide what he stole from anyone. Lol.

Where is it? Either the FBI or DOJ.

If being curious enough to investigate the things I don’t know AND the things I do know to be sure I’m correct in my memory is elitist, fine.
If calling out made up nonsense and liars is elitist, I’ll accept that gladly.
If debating using facts from reliable cited sources and reason is elitist, mea culpa.

Can you define the mindset, or would any definition suit you more than me so it’s better to not define your insult?
Elite-the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc. I am none of those, I might be one of the better researchers with a decent, not great education. The internet makes us all equal in knowledge if you know how to research….hint, it’s not by reading one article that tells you only what you already believe. I’m not the most rich, powerful, or educated here…are you calling me gifted?
…and you say you’re rich, educated, and I bet you think gifted….aren’t you elitist? You definitely think you know it all despite being demonstrably wrong near 100% of the time on any subject.

No, sorry friendo, you are an immense asshole constantly to nearly everyone, both personally and politically. I’m an asshole to you, because I believe that’s what liars deserve, and you lie constantly and absolutely never admit you were mistaken (why I say you lie and weren’t just incorrect).

bobknight33 said:

Trump HAD nuclear secrets????????????
Sorry where is this information ?

Don't need to be rich to be an elitist. Its a mindset and you , my friend have the disease.

I'm rich and only a small fraction of the asshole you are.

BSR (Member Profile)

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