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Giant Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog

This Video Seems Silly, But It Makes A Good Point

RedSky says...

I felt the same way, but then I saw the animated dinosaur and found it very convincing.

Payback said:

Mr. Mandela wasn't as nice as people like to think.

Not saying he was evil. Just... I don't know... sanitized?

3D Scans unlock secrets of 'first bird' - BBC News

Bring your dinosaur to work day

Payback says...

When "Walking with Dinosaurs" comes to a stadium near you, buy tickets.

Xaielao said:

Those dino-suit/robots are f'ing cool. I'd love to see one IRL. Glad to see it's feathered too. Folks are finally starting to accept that fact after so many years of them looking like lizards.

RedundantAgain (Member Profile)

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?"

College Humor: Engagement Rings Are A Bullshit Scam

eric3579 says...

Ive been under the impression for quite some time that the diamond ring thing is a dinosaur from the past. Seems like most (in my life) think it's just a silly waste of money better spent on travel or saving for a down payment on a home.

HBOs 'Questioning Darwin' - Creationists Talk Creationism

The Lost World: Jurassic Park Compy Attack

14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

newtboy says...

I'm back Chingalera...I took you off ignore. It didn't seem to work anyway.
And actually yes, I can deny that... you accidentally proved the point that climate change is possibly the MOST important thing to cop to (or deny). Contrary to popular belief, the dinosaurs seem to NOT have gone extinct due to the impact, they were already in MAJOR decline and mostly extinct when it hit. The proof of that is that, in the KT boundary layer, there is not an abundance of dinosaur fossils, they are conspicuously absent. In fact, the fossil records show they had been in decline for centuries (eons?) before the impact and were mostly already gone. Climate study indicates that a climate change was likely happening to them long before the asteroid hit, this was apparently the same thing that caused the first mass extinction as well. I wish more people knew this.
To me, that means that it's not so important if you think climate change IS man driven now, one should think it's happening, it's dangerous, and it's controllable to a point, and we should probably work towards either preparing for it's effects or minimizing them, or both.

chingalera said:

Dude, climate change is the very least of anything you should be worried about folks copping-to or denying. Epochs. Yugas. Eras. HU-mans may or may not get off the planet but the molecule will survive, until the fucking sun assplode, eh? I am so FUCKING tired of hearing about climate change and the pathetic fallacy of an individual's, individual (green) responsibility to the goddamned planet, aren't you??

The fucking dinosaurs should have grown thumbs and made huge spaceships, but they fucked-up and then a giant rock hit and we started over to get to this point to where assholes scream wobal glorming from a mountain of their own shit. Can't deny THAT, can ya??

14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

chingalera says...

Dude, climate change is the very least of anything you should be worried about folks copping-to or denying. Epochs. Yugas. Eras. HU-mans may or may not get off the planet but the molecule will survive, until the fucking sun assplode, eh? I am so FUCKING tired of hearing about climate change and the pathetic fallacy of an individual's, individual (green) responsibility to the goddamned planet, aren't you??

The fucking dinosaurs should have grown thumbs and made huge spaceships, but they fucked-up and then a giant rock hit and we started over to get to this point to where assholes scream wobal glorming from a mountain of their own shit. Can't deny THAT, can ya??

GeeSussFreeK said:

Oh liberals and their anti-gmo stance, just about as irrational as any conservative anti-science position, bedfellow to climate change denialism.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Hear this guy out!!

KUNG FURY Official Trailer - AKA Best Movie Trailer Ever

9547bis says...

Yeah. The logo (an 80s cliché), and dinosaurs (another 80s cliché). "Everything" indeed.

Has it occurred to you that two works both based on 80s B-movies, and therefore not original material, will likely share many traits, without having to copy each other (the Kung Fury project was started around a year ago, according to its kickstarter page)?

80s revival did not start 8 months ago. A number of retro music projects, rebooted film franchises, and B-movie parodies have been popping up for the last few years, it was only a matter of time before a mid/maybe-full length movie happened. Who's late-blooming again?

artician said:

Everything from the logo design to riding dinosaurs.

KUNG FURY Official Trailer - AKA Best Movie Trailer Ever

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