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Bill Gates drinks water that used to be human poop

bobr3940 says...

Everyone has already done this you just don't have the direct link back that Bill does. Think of all the bodily waste that you produce, then multiply that by the number of people that exist today add in all the animals that exist then multiply that by all the humans and animals that have ever existed. The water you drank at lunch today was probably at one point dinosaur urine or maybe your neighbors from last week. Yum!

Joel the Lump of Coal by The Killers (asst. by Jimmy Kimmel)

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

newtboy says...

Actually, the new theory is that the dinosaurs may have been 'wiped out' by an asteroid, but they were already far into an extinction event when it happened. This is proven well by the fact that there are not large deposits of bones in the K-P boundary layer. Climatologists and paleontologists are coming to understandings that the climate was changing on the dinosaurs, making most extinct long before the impact. It wasn't a dinotopia one day and wasteland the next.

Oh, and the rest of the first world IS on board with the theory, and most are more than alarmed. We are fairly alone in our stance that it's not our problem, odd since we (the US) created most of this problem. Our position makes us look like the least responsible country in history.

Asmo said:

Yes, but just like the dinosaurs, the bulk of the 2nd and 3rd world have no idea what is coming...

Hell, most of them don't even know what they are missing out on (see the vid on cocoa farmers in the Ivory Coast tasting chocolate for the first time), but as they become aware, they want what we in the west take for granted.

And let's face it, most of the first world where we have the luxury of information at our fingertips and the resources to try an affect change isn't alarmed.

In some ways, I think the dinosaurs had it easy. They just kept on eating, pooping and making little dinosaurs right up to the point where they got fucked good and proper. Ignorance is bliss right?

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

Asmo says...

Yes, but just like the dinosaurs, the bulk of the 2nd and 3rd world have no idea what is coming...

Hell, most of them don't even know what they are missing out on (see the vid on cocoa farmers in the Ivory Coast tasting chocolate for the first time), but as they become aware, they want what we in the west take for granted.

And let's face it, most of the first world where we have the luxury of information at our fingertips and the resources to try an affect change isn't alarmed.

In some ways, I think the dinosaurs had it easy. They just kept on eating, pooping and making little dinosaurs right up to the point where they got fucked good and proper. Ignorance is bliss right?

nock said:

Isn't that like saying the dinosaurs had bigger problems to deal with than an asteroid hurtling towards earth?

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

nock says...

Trancecoach "In China and India (where pollution is no doubt a significant problem), there are hundreds of millions of people who have far bigger concerns and more pressing problems than some remote notion of a "warming planet" or some looming "catastrophic collapse of civilization." (In fact, the same can be said for the majority of the population of the planet.) "

Isn't that like saying the dinosaurs had bigger problems to deal with than an asteroid hurtling towards earth?

Two Typhoons go vertical after take off using afterburners

billpayer says...

20th century dinosaurs.

Drones cant take unlimited G's and likely wipe their asses with this antique.

bye bye fighter pilots, you useless sacks of meat

Big Think: Bill Nye on Rosetta comet landing

Big Think: Bill Nye on Rosetta comet landing

The Wonderful Call of the Kookaburra Bird

"Get off my dock-ling"

lucky760 says...

Funny. I totally have the same thought every stinking time I see someone attacked by those fowl creatures.

Not in this case, though, since the daddy swan had good reason to be upset and wasn't attacking attacking.

Yes, run away from the big scary bird! Pssh.

Either people are too gentle (or scared of arrest) to beat an animal or maybe there's something ancient in our DNA like a built-in fear of dinosaurs or something.

All's I know is if one of dem beasts attacks me or my family, I'm goin' break my foot off in they ass.

Yogi said:

I'll never understand why people don't kick them. They have giant fucking weapons protected by shoes. Kick the fucking things until they learn not to fuck with you!

Blue Heron catches and eats gopher

Sen. Whitehouse debunks climate change myths

Januari says...

@Trancecoach Lets take a HUGE leap and say everything in that article is 100% true...

6 of 7 !!!!

How do you reconcile that with the fact that 6 of the worlds 7 most profitable companies are energy corps? TRILLIONS of revenue and hundreds of billions in profit, to say nothing of the track record for that particular industry, and yet THEY are the victims of some 'eco-friendly' conspiracy....

Just a few headlines from that 'source'

Group Claims 80% of U.S. Population Growth Is From Immigration

Globalists Push EU-style “Union” for Middle East

University Fires Scientist After Discovery Challenges Dinosaur Theory

That last one was my favorite... his 'theory' was thousands of years old... not millions.

RedSky said:

I just don't understand how you can think that the power to influence public debate through politics and the media of pro green energy groups can compare to that of the size and influence of the old energy sector.

Green energy is a cottage industry compared to old energy. The power of environmentalists and even a few activist minded billionaires would pale to the spending power and incentive to act of old energy companies.

Surely if you're concerned about money muddying the debate, the first group you would focus on is the ones with disproportionately more money?

Also your arguments I've seen previously echo the tobacco / lung cancer debate. Aren't you concerned you're being duped by these supposedly authoritative blogs?

How Do You Dismantle a Dinosaur?

Poko, a cockatiel, sings Totoro movie theme.

Britney Spears - Alien (NO AUTOTUNE)

Fairbs says...

Manufactured music has pretty much always been awful. They just promote the crap out of it and once it hits a critical mass, it's all over.

Personally, I don't really care if a singers voice isn't great. A fairly well know example would be Bob Dylan. It's the passion or the message that is important to me. I actually think most of the music I like has pretty lackluster singers. Primus, Superchunk, Dinosaur Jr. come to mind. And then there's bands like the Pixies who have great vocals and the passion.

Autotune should be banned except for Karaoke where it should be mandatory.

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