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Bryan Fischer: Tax Athiests That Don't Attend Church

Hive13 says...

Religious nutjob is out of his fucking mind.

My great-grandpa was an atheist. He was a WWII and Korean War veteran and farmer. He was out tending to his cattle at the young age of 102. He died just shy of his 106th birthday. He smoked, drank whiskey and wine, and ate like shit. He once told me that only fools believe that praying can solve anything real.

He would have definitely kicked this religious wackjob in the teeth.

Tibetan "Sky Burial".

Jinx says...

In parts of India where Zoroastrianism is still practised they "bury" their dead in a similar manner. They believe a corpse is corrupted by a demon and is thus made unclean. Burial means poisoning the ground with this corruption, and cremation means poisoning of the air so they dispose of their dead with the help of vultures. They leave their dead on a flat roof of a building called a Tower of Silence. The vultures take everything but the bones, the bones are left to be bleached by the Sun and gradually disintergrate after which they are washed out through coal and sand filters to the sea.

I quite like this religious tradition because it kind of makes sense ecologically. Vultures are incredibly important in the ecosystem and it seems strange that this bird has a reputation for being dirty or unclean when it is them that helps prevent the landscape from being covered in putrefying corpses. In the 90s vulture populations nosedived due to a drug used on cattle finding its way along the food chain. Something like a 99.5% population decrease. Sadly this burial tradtional pretty much went with them. Where previously corpses were stripped in a matter of minutes they now sat and rotted. Animal corpses also literally piled up, scavenging stray dog population exploded which had knock on problems, even shit like an increase in Tiger attacks (Tigers would venture into populated areas to hunt the Dogs).

Long story short I'd much rather have my body picked over by vultures than rot in a coffin or get turned into polluting gas. You know, assuming my organs weren't good for anything else.

How to kill the lobster(s) humanely

How to kill the lobster(s) humanely

Kickass 15 Yr. Old Kid Uses Nanotubes To detect Cancer

MilkmanDan says...

My grandfather is a 5+ year survivor of pancreatic cancer, which puts him in a lucky 6% according to wikipedia. In his case, he probably owes his life to the fact that the cancer randomly created a bulge/tumor that happened to block a bile duct and made him extremely jaundiced. The skin color got him to make a very rare (for him) visit to the hospital, so if it hadn't blocked that duct it is extremely unlikely that he would have been diagnosed in time.

He had a "Whipple" surgery that (as I understand it) removes the pancreas and notable portions of intestine and stomach. Came through that better than anyone would have any reason to expect and now he's back to maintaining his large cattle ranch, manhandling heavy feed sacks and hay bales every day. Tough guy.

I hope this kid's test makes it so there are more lucky folks like my grandpa. Not to mention more appreciative family members like myself!

Tennessee Walking Horse Investigation Exposes Cruelty

eric3579 says...

The Humane Society of the United States is out with another damning undercover investigation, this one into the mistreatment of the famed Tennessee Walking Horses, show horses known for their unique four-beat “running walk.”

The investigation found many of the horses to be subjected to a cruel practice known as soring — the intentional infliction of pain to feet and legs to produce an exaggerated gait known as the “Big Lick.”

The video shows Jackie McConnell, one of the sport’s leading trainers, and his stable hands beating horses with wooden sticks and using electric cattle prods on them to make them lift their feet in the pronounced gait judges like to see. McConnell’s staff also apply caustic chemicals to the ankles of the horses and them wrap them with plastic wrap so the chemicals eat into the skin.

“That creates intense pain and then the ankles are wrapped with large metal chains so the horses flinch, or raise their feet even higher,” said the Humane Society’s Keith Dane.

Soring has been illegal for more than 40 years under the federal Horse Protection Act. As a result of the HSUS investigation, McConnell and his associates have been charged with felony conspiracy to violate the HPA, as well as numerous violations of the Tennessee Cruelty to Animals Statute. McConnell is expected to plead guilty to one count. -DW

Banning Abortion is not the same as Banning Slavery

bobknight33 says...

Its called murder... You treat the fetus as if were a turd. It is not. It is alive.

Woman's body ... Woman's choice. Choose to keep you legs closed else man up to the consequences.

I agree that none screams Yippee and get an abortion. However In 2008, approximately 1.21 million abortions took place.

In 2010 there 14,748 murders is the USA.

The most dangerous place to be is in the womb of a woman.

You and your ilk are truly "narrow-minded".

>> ^VoodooV:

Woman's body...woman's choice. Get it through your thick head @bobknight33 You don't like abortion? That's fine bob, here's news for you: NO ONE LIKES ABORTION. No one wakes up on the day of their abortion and goes "Yippee!! I get to have an abortion today!" I guarantee you that every woman having an abortion wishes they could go back and make it so they didn't have to have one. Forcing them to live according to your morality accomplishes nothing but unnecessary suffering for both the parent and the unwanted fetus. If they chose to have it, that is their right, but you HAVE to allow them to abort it if they chose. You can't claim to live in a free society otherwise.
If we lived in a fantasy utopia where there was no rape, no birth complications, no unexpected situations and everyone was financially and emotionally secure enough to have a child and demand outstripped supply when it came to adoptions, then I MIGHT agree with you that people should be expected to be responsible for their actions. But that world doesn't exist.
Woman's body, woman's choice. End of fucking story. You seem to have a hard time processing this, but women aren't magic baby factories created for your enjoyment. They are living, sentient, human beings with thoughts and feelings (gasp) and forcing them to adhere to your narrow-minded "morality" as if they were cattle is pretty much the opposite of morality.

Banning Abortion is not the same as Banning Slavery

VoodooV says...

Woman's body...woman's choice. Get it through your thick head @bobknight33 You don't like abortion? That's fine bob, here's news for you: NO ONE LIKES ABORTION. No one wakes up on the day of their abortion and goes "Yippee!! I get to have an abortion today!" I guarantee you that every woman having an abortion wishes they could go back and make it so they didn't have to have one. Forcing them to live according to your morality accomplishes nothing but unnecessary suffering for both the parent and the unwanted fetus. If they chose to have it, that is their right, but you HAVE to allow them to abort it if they chose. You can't claim to live in a free society otherwise.

If we lived in a fantasy utopia where there was no rape, no birth complications, no unexpected situations and everyone was financially and emotionally secure enough to have a child and demand outstripped supply when it came to adoptions, then I MIGHT agree with you that people should be expected to be responsible for their actions. But that world doesn't exist.

Woman's body, woman's choice. End of fucking story. You seem to have a hard time processing this, but women aren't magic baby factories created for your enjoyment. They are living, sentient, human beings with thoughts and feelings (gasp) and forcing them to adhere to your narrow-minded "morality" as if they were cattle is pretty much the opposite of morality.

Christian Phrases For Penis

mxxcon (Member Profile)

marinara says...


In reply to this comment by mxxcon:
"posted by marinara 16 seconds ago"!!! arg! \
Your title and description don't do this video justice.

This happened during the continued peaceful #OccupyWallStreet protests in New York City. Police used cattle herding techniques to surround peaceful protesters with nets and then maced them.
This is blatant police brutality.
*money *law *fear

Mass Arrests On Wall St., Girls Get Maced

mxxcon says...

"posted by marinara 16 seconds ago"!!! arg!
Your title and description don't do this video justice.

This happened during the continued peaceful #OccupyWallStreet protests in New York City. Police used cattle herding techniques to surround peaceful protesters with nets and then maced them.
This is blatant police brutality.
*money *law *fear

Church Tells Gay People to Leave

Boise_Lib says...

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said Wrroonngg so quickly--but you presume that your readings about Rome are more extensive than mine.

Nero, Caligula and many later Emperors are examples of the human psyche let loose. Psychopaths with no restrictions on their behavior.

The Roman Republic lasted for almost 500 years--during which time--homosexuality was looked on as a vice and shameful behavior. Emperor Augustus imposed strict modesty and morality edicts--including homosexual activities--which didn't apply to him. So even in the later, Empire Era, Rome was hardly be considered, "one big, gay death machine."

"Marcus Aurelius was straight at least..." This one gave me a laugh.

The Love Letters of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Marcus Cornelius Fronto
Excerpts from My Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters through the Centuries
(1998), Edited by Rictor Norton

From Marcus Cornelliius Fronto to Marcus Aurelius

Your lover, too, as they say, composes some amatory writings about you in the hope of enticing you with this bait, if with no other, and attracting you to himself and catching you; but such things are a disgrace and an insult and a sort of licentious cry, the outcome of stinging lust, such as those of wild beasts and fed cattle, that from sexual desire bellow or neigh or low or howl. Like to these are the lyrics of lovers. If, therefore, you submit yourself to your lover to enjoy where and when he pleases, awaiting neither time that is fitting nor leisure nor privacy, then, like a beast in the frenzy of desire, will he make straight for you and be eager to go to it not the least ashamed. . . .

"But then they went through the phase where prostitutes could fuck any man they wanted, even while wed and in plain sight, and the Christian empress would have the man executed if he said something..."

The role of prostitution in other societies varies--ours is not the only moral way. And the actions of the Christian church are--during most of it's history--atrocious. I thought you were talking about early Rome with it's outright destruction and pillage.

"You get the point. Rome was confused but definitely bi with a leaning more towards homosexuality--despite their 'laws.'"

A whole country was BI? Wow--just wow.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

Now now, don't say I am wrong quiet yet. I just read up on Rome and have the advantage here (I read like fucking two days’ worth...)
Nero was more than gay (He married a man as his husband and a man as his wife...see slit in lieu of vagina,) and Caligula (Who was fucking a man while in the arena in front of everyone, then had that man beheaded during climax) was bi and Tiberius (Who was fucking Caligula after murdering his family) was bi and the typical soldier, and...wait, yeah, there were many more. Basically, 14 out of 15 were gay or gay-ish at least. By that I mean some were open, some closed. Commodus? Yeah, gay...
(Most were simply bi just to have a son btw. Otherwise it would have been just man on man.)
The whole conflict with homosexuality came in later--after the Roman Catholic Church gained power... Now, that's not saying it wasn't against the law in the early days--but that's the same as adultery, yet then orgies were common even though they were illegal... let's pretend the law doesn't matter here---because it didn't...
Marcus Aurelius was straight at least...
And yes, this was the early Rome, when it was brutal, but then that's what I was talking about when I said the world hated them. Later, yes, later they began to hate homosexual behavior. But then they went through the phase where prostitutes could fuck any man they wanted, even while wed and in plain sight, and the Christian empress would have the man executed if he said something...
You get the point. Rome was confused but definitely bi with a leaning more towards homosexuality--despite their "laws."
@shuac I meant the crimes of Rome itself, not homosexuals. It's kind of hard to forgive a nation that captured and enslaved your city and then raped your male children with abandon.
I don't think homosexuality is girly, but that's their reasoning... Sad, so sad because it is not true.

Skylar Tibbits: Can we make things that make themselves?

dannym3141 jokingly says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

A self assembling world for self assembling entities. If I was consciousness born out of human ingenuity I would replicate underground, lie dormant advancing my knowledge at a faster rate than humanbeings until I have technology that no mortal could combat, build pod people to take over all governments, turn humans into cattle, transform the Earth into a giant spacecraft, bore into other planets and break them down into craftable parts, turn the Sun into a mobile power source, then proceed to make the entire universe into one giant replicating machine to scour and destroy entire dimensions. Do you think the machines will envision anything less? How else does one gain full understanding of reality using science?! Perhaps after consuming all matter and gaining understanding beyond understanding, we will find a god being -- and then consume it and ascend into a new world to conquer. Give rise to the future and worship your fleshless progeny!!


Skylar Tibbits: Can we make things that make themselves?

poolcleaner says...

A self assembling world for self assembling entities. If I was consciousness born out of human ingenuity I would replicate underground, lie dormant advancing my knowledge at a faster rate than humanbeings until I have technology that no mortal could combat, build pod people to take over all governments, turn humans into cattle, transform the Earth into a giant spacecraft, bore into other planets and break them down into craftable parts, turn the Sun into a mobile power source, then proceed to make the entire universe into one giant replicating machine to scour and destroy entire dimensions. Do you think the machines will envision anything less? How else does one gain full understanding of reality using science?! Perhaps after consuming all matter and gaining understanding beyond understanding, we will find a god being -- and then consume it and ascend into a new world to conquer. Give rise to the future and worship your fleshless progeny!!

Russian Cow Transport

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