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Vox: Is it time to worry about bird flu?

newtboy says...

I don’t know about bird flu, but I had the flu last week and it was much worse than Covid for us.

Bird flu is transferred to cattle and pets….and has been found in milk and meat. It is beyond time to worry, especially since our pandemic response team has been fired….again…just like it was before Covid (by the same person who learned nothing).
The FDA and CDC are run by a man with severe brain damage both from decades of heroin abuse and brain worms eating a significant portion of his brain (although to eat the rotting road kill and get brain worms, he had to have serious brain damage already)…he doesn’t believe in vaccinations and seems to believe the best thing is full epidemic and let whoever dies die.
With Medicare and Medicaid in limbo at best, hospitals are already struggling to stay open, just wait until they are chocked full of patients but few if any staff. Its coming.

Buy PPE now while you can. N95 masks are already gone from shelves here, so is hand sanitizer. Things will get weird, and there will be no public health warnings telling you it is happening. They have been banned outright.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

First, nice paraphrasing what you say are gods perfect words. He would be pissed at you fudging them to protect Donny…if he existed. You fucked up big time. These are the commandments dummy….

#1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

#2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

#3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

#4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (That day was Saturday.)

#5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

#6. Thou shalt not kill.

#7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

#8. Thou shalt not steal.

#9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

#10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Now that he’s president and has murdered thousands, which of these has Trump not broken repeatedly?

1. He has always put himself before any god.
2. He made a gold idol of himself and displayed it for you to worship.
3. He has only ever misused the name of god. He wouldn’t know how to use it in any way besides as a sword or shield.
4. He fucks porn stars on the sabbath, and cheats at golf, and business…he’s never kept anything holy in his life, especially the sabbath.
5. He’s said some terrible things about his immigrant parents and by not fighting the charges but paying millions in fines has admitted they were racist bastards.
6. He killed hundreds as collateral damage from his intended targets for murder.
7. Adultery….he’s never been with any woman he didn’t cheat on, especially all those immigrants he married.
8. Theft…Convicted repeatedly of theft by fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions.
9. Has never given honest testimony or statements in his life, he’s incapable of honesty.
10. He covets everything he sees, especially his friend’s wives that he brags about trying to sleep with and their land he tries to steal.

What was your point? That rapist DJT is really the anti-Christ? 😂

Side note, his home in Florida is seeing a number of biblical plagues…disease like malaria and leprocy are becoming rampant (thanks to anti science health policies), the seas are boiling (over 101 degrees), and a plague of semi-aquatic reptiles are decimating wildlife (pythons), rivers are turning red (, livestock pestilence (…just need darkness (wait for the next hurricane). Sounds like any first born children should probably leave the state immediately! 😂

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

newtboy (Member Profile)

Feeding Cattle Seaweed Cuts Methane Significantly

newtboy says...

Red seaweed (e.g., Asparagopsis taxiformis) has been praised for inhibiting methane production from cattle by more than 80 percent because of its high bromoform content. trihalomethanes, such as bromoform decreases methane emissions from cattle belches.
Unfortunately, red seaweed is difficult to farm.

This particular video above is 4 years old, and seaweed supplements are now past the initial testing phase.

A few more recent articles I found include….

Stormsinger said:

Honestly, that sounds way too good to be true. I'd love to see something about the metabolic pathways that explain how replacing such a small amount of feed could lead to 90% reduction in methane.

This screams for a LOT of replication (and explanation) before anyone gets too excited about it.

Interesting video, though.

Marine Biologist-Why Have Billions of Snow Crabs Disappeared

newtboy says...

I expect this is just the beginning.
Populations of marine animals will migrate to new areas less suited for them (or try and fail), causing disruptions in their new location, spurring more migrations….
When this happens, local fishing industries collapse because their prey is gone and new invasive species either aren’t edible or aren’t caught with the gear they have (like Lionfish, inedible to most fish and mammals, and all but impossible to catch except by spear fishing).
Between ocean acidification, deep water warming, overfishing, invasive species, pollution, loss of ice packs, and other as yet unknown factors, the ocean’s ability to produce food is going to be severely limited in the near future. It already is, in fact.
The crab collapse isn’t the canary in the coal mine, it’s not even the first miner to drop dead. It’s like 1/4 of the entire night shift just disappeared….and they are all the engineers that keep things functioning.

This is like a massive corn blight on land. It not only kills the corn, it takes out everything that relies on corn too, like pigs, chickens, cattle, goats, pretty much any livestock, and an insanely large percentage of the calories humans eat too. A shitload of the ocean relies on crab meat, and more rely on crabs to keep the ocean floors clean….important if we don’t want clouds of hydrogen sulfide erupting from the ocean making all coastal states dead zones.

Is Meat REALLY Bad For The Climate?

newtboy says...

Locally, all the beef in my area is grass fed. All unnatural pastures were created as a byproduct of the logging industry, not for cattle. It’s butchered and stays local. I must guess our beef here is that outlier at 9 kg CO2 equivalent per kg….or better.
I also must assume they give no value to the rest of the carcass in their calculations…bone meal, tallow, etc are also valuable commodities not accounted for here.

The biggest issue with food production is the number of mouths to feed. We about 8 billion today and rising. The maximum number that can be supported is estimated to be between 8 and 10 billion, but the maximum that can be sustained naturally without depletion of essential resources is only 1.5 billion, assuming they use the same resources per capita.
To actually be sustainable as a species, we need to eliminate over 80% of the population AND adopt far less destructive behaviors.
Ain’t gonna happen. Start making your chain mail dresses and shoulder pads now, it’s almost time for Thunderdome.

Anti Masker Wears Zoro Mask

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jebus...
The hospital that treated her is now the subject of dozens (or more) terroristic death threats, and a threat of a lawsuit from some of Trump's lawyers, because they didn't just treat her with cattle dewormer.

Your people, @bobknight33, terrorists making death and bomb threats to doctors killing themselves treating almost exclusively right wing assholes who won't get vaccinated.

They should be turned away at the door, go home to your family and die. Their stupidity and inaction caused their illness. I fully support no hospitalization without a covid's too dangerous, they have immunocompromised people in there they should protect from the intentionally infectious. Put them in a camp like they suggest for immigrants....Better, ship them to Mexico with a lengthy process to return after they're covid free.

Don't count the unvaccinated, and Covid is under control.

Northerner terrifies Londoners by saying "Hello"

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have had personal proof of this outside of London as well...even the UK...and believe this is the norm in most cities with a population over "the bomb can't get them all".

but not always the case either.

have been treated better in some metros than in other backwater burgs or cattle conurbations.

in fact, one of the most 'Mayberry moments' ever experience was on an 'L' train. a short story that can't seem to tell w/o it being over an hour in length - but it was in a word - lovely.

Urine Crazed Goats Fly Home

StukaFox says...

They do that.

There's talk here in WA about re-introducing Grizzly Bears into North Cascades National Park and Olympic National Park, but the eastern Washington cattle associations get their tits in a wringer anytime this topic, or the similar one involving the re-introduction of wolves, comes up.

Incidentally, if you're ever in Winthrop, Twisp or Mazama and feel like getting your ass kicked, just tell a local you like wolves. Those fucking people...

moonsammy said:

I don't understand why they needed to do that with the animation at the very end. Is that a thing goats actually do, or were they just leaning into "let's make it clear to the people: these goats will fuck" ?

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

If the remarks being contradicted are not only smug they're also ridiculous, devoid of fact, racist, and or dangerously stupid (like insisting in May that Coronavirus is a hoax that's not dangerous and is a "nothing burger", and everyone should be back at work), and contradicting them with facts and references and +- 1/4 the disrespect the original remarks contained makes people vote for Trump, that does indicate they were already trumpsters imo.

Edit: It's like Democrats have a high bar to clear, but Republicans have no depth too deep to stoop to.

Trump changes Bob's beliefs daily, every time he changes a position Bob changes his belief to make the new position seem reasonable to him. He is not consistent. No other opinion matters to him.

I don't hold beliefs, I have theories. It's easy to change your theory when given new information, I do all the time. Beliefs don't work that way, so I avoid them as much as possible.

Yes, and I eat animals because they're delicious. I would eat people if they were raised and fed better, but we are polluted beyond recovery imo.

You may be correct, but eating meat is hardly the worst thing humans are up to. Killing for sport seems worse, so do kill "shelters", puppy mills, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, etc....I could go on for pages with that list. I try to eat free range locally farmed on family farms meat, not factory farm meat. I know the difference in quality.

I gladly discuss vegetarianism with honest people, but I'm prepared when they start spouting bullshit like " eating any red meat is more harmful than smoking two packs a day of filterless cigarettes" (yes, someone insisted that was true because they didn't care it wasn't, it helped scare people, I contradicted him every time he lied.) The difference is, I could agree with some of their points that weren't gross exaggeration, I agreed that excessive meat eating is horrible for people, I agree that most meat is produced under horrific conditions, I would not agree that ALL meat is unhealthy in any amount and ALL meat is tortured it's entire lifetime because I know from personal experience that's just not true. We raised cattle, free range cattle, in the 70's. They were happy cows that had an enjoyable life roaming our ranch until the day they went to market, a life they wouldn't have if people didn't eat meat.

I've never met a vegan that wasn't a bold faced liar in support of veganism, so I'm less likely to give them a full chance at convincing me. The fact checking part of my brain goes on high alert when talking with them about health or other issues involved in meat production, with excellent reason.

Again, that would be long held theories in my case, and it's not hard to change them. Mad cow disease got me to change until I was certain it wasn't in America. No, I'm not recoiling. I'll listen to anyone who's respectful and honest.

Here's the thing, Bob consistently trolls in a condescending, self congratulatory, and bat shit crazy way. Turnabout is fair play.
As the only person willing to reply to him for long stretches, I know him. I've had many private conversations with him where he's far more reasonable, honest, willing to admit mistakes, etc. (Something I gave up when he applauded Trump lying under oath because "only a dummy tells the truth under oath if the truth might harm them, Trump winning!") When someone is so anti truth and snide, they deserve some snidely delivered truth in return. Bob has proven he's undeserving of the civility you want him to receive, it's never returned.

Bob does not take anything in from any source not pre approved by Trump. I've tried for a decade, and now know he only comes here to troll the libtards. It doesn't matter if you show him video proof and expert opinions, he'll ignore them and regurgitate more nonsense claiming the opposite of reality. He's not trying to change minds, in case you're confused. He's hoping to trick people who for whatever reason refuse to investigate his factless hyper biased claims and amplify the madness. That he comes here to do that, a site he regularly calls a pure liberal site (it's not) is proof enough to convict him of just trolling.

Trolls deserve derision.

I spent years ignoring his little jabs, insults, derisions, and whinging and trying hard to dispassionately contradict his false claims with pure facts and references, it was no different then.
While privately he would admit he's wrong, he would then publicly repeat the claims he had just admitted were bullshit. When he started supporting perjury from the highest position on earth down as long as they're Republican but still calls for life in prison for democrats that he thinks lied even not under oath, he lost any right to civil replies imo. He bought it when Republican representatives said publicly in interviews that they have no obligation to be truthful with the American people, and he applauds it and repeats their lies with glee.

Edit: in general I agree that dispassionate fact based replies with references are better at convincing people than derision, there are exceptions, and there are those who are unconvinceable and disinterested in facts that don't support their lies. How long are you capable of rebutting them with just fact and references when they are smug, snide, insulting, dangerous, and seriously delusional if not just purely dishonest?


eoe said:

Fair enough.


God damnit Chug.

newtboy says...

Just pointing out that your stated plan, abandoning all dairy for stuff like almond milk, leads to a water shortage disaster without halting cattle death one whit. It would actually cause exponentially more animal deaths, most by thirst, a far more brutal and painful death than veal get....but you didn't think it through, did you?

There's no question that I enjoy eating meats of many kinds, I've never once hidden or denied that...I would eat long pig if people didn't spoil that meat. That said, I don't eat veal.

....and you say I make everything an argument?! You're style is why people hate vegans. You personally insult them, then whine and get pissy if they contradict your falsehoods and poorly thought out "solutions".

Besides...I thought you quit me. What gives? Enthralled by my swinging cod? Sorry, it's spoken for, and it's too beefy for your taste. ;-)

Edit : btw, the meat industry "hiding" it's methods isn't about the horrific violence at all, it's about hiding the violations of regulations that delineate how they are to be raised, killed, and which can't be used at all. Many smaller producers don't agree with that, they want to be seen doing it right, it's industrial meat production you're complaining about, not all production as you want to claim.

HerbWatson said:

Killing baby cows and pretending like your doing for the good of saving water LOL

At least the other guy has the balls to admit he likes eating them.

Gregg Godfrey World Record Semi-truck Jump

Mexico's Magical Fireflies

Payback says...

Yes, I agree mostly, but the only thing worse than eco-tourism is developers with no oversight. The public is shit, but at least there would be an outcry when someone "needed" the land for cattle or coffee.

StukaFox said:

Please don't tell anyone where this is. Let it be a secret. Let it be left alone to be magical and natural, even if no one is there to see it. Let there be one undisturbed wonder of the world. It doesn't need a YouTube channel; it doesn't need a million Instagram followers; it doesn't need to be shared a trillion times on Facebook -- the Fireflies are doing perfectly fine on their own.

Many will die shortly

wtfcaniuse says...

Pretty sure those are trees or shrubs, I can't see anything that is obviously a person on the dam wall. They move a lot quicker than the people near the bottom and they seem far too big. They might be cattle or something as Dandyman suggested but I don't think they're people. Impossible to say for sure.

I don't mean to be callous but it wasn't until I noticed the people and the car that I was able to get an idea of the scale of the collapse. The trees and buildings don't really give a sense of scale like the people did.


diggum317 said:

Actually, it looks like there are people on the dam itself. If you look center/right on the hill, it appears there are multiple figures starting to run when it breaks.

Life - Stoat kills rabbit ten times its size - BBC One

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