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The Fastest Way To Defog Your Car Windows (And Why It Works)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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Can You See the Fire? -- Extreme Science #2

Key And Peele - Neil deGrasse Tyson

People hate Bill Nye?

People hate Bill Nye?

President Obama & Bill Nye Talk Earth Day in the Everglades

ChaosEngine says...


He's not taken seriously by one guy who's a student and tv intern and one other meteorologist. It's hardly "by any meteorologist", but hey, 2 people is absolutely a representative sample for the climate denying brigade.

Most meteorologists agree with Bill Nye

Regardless of the cause, do you think that global warming is happening?
Yes 89%
No 4%
Don't Know 7%

How sure are you that global warming is happening?
[Asked if answer to Question 1 is “Yes”]
Extremely sure 46%
Very sure 37%
Somewhat sure 16%
Not at all sure 1

But it's funny to watch climate deniers desperately try to paint meteorologists as being on their side.

Trancecoach said:

Bill Nye, the bloviating low-information "climate guy" not taken seriously by any meteorologist.

President Obama & Bill Nye Talk Earth Day in the Everglades

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

Right Wing Media Needs a Science Class

Grimm (Member Profile)

Grimm (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Bill Nye makes fun of Neil deGrasse Tyson's reply to Dawkins

Bill Nye makes fun of Neil deGrasse Tyson's reply to Dawkins

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