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oritteropo (Member Profile)

Tom Hanks + Dan Aykroyd = rap?

"Get off my dock-ling"

lucky760 says...

Funny. I totally have the same thought every stinking time I see someone attacked by those fowl creatures.

Not in this case, though, since the daddy swan had good reason to be upset and wasn't attacking attacking.

Yes, run away from the big scary bird! Pssh.

Either people are too gentle (or scared of arrest) to beat an animal or maybe there's something ancient in our DNA like a built-in fear of dinosaurs or something.

All's I know is if one of dem beasts attacks me or my family, I'm goin' break my foot off in they ass.

Yogi said:

I'll never understand why people don't kick them. They have giant fucking weapons protected by shoes. Kick the fucking things until they learn not to fuck with you!

Spider-Woman's Big Ass Is A Big Deal - Maddox

T-Barlow says...

Besides, objectification isn't even the problem, the real problem that liberals ignore is DEHUMANIZATOIN. Spider-woman is far from dehumanized. She's a very complex character, you learn all about her. You learn her favorite color, he dreams, her interested, her fears. You learn of her needs, the things she hates.

Through pin-ups you learn all about her sexuality as well. It is not the artist or the fan that thinks of spiderwoman as something dirty or subhuman for expressing her sexuality but the critics that reduce her to an object. In truth they do this not to defend spiderwoman, but to dehumanize her fans. They are told they are subhuman beasts for having sexual thoughts. That they are monsters for having interested in a female as anything other than a role model. It's total and complete hyporacy. The fans of spiderwoman view spiderwoman as nothing less than a complete human being, the fans themselves are reduced to nothing more than animals. Once the object is reduced to a level below humanity, any level of decadent violence can be done to them by the feminist, and that's the point.

Comcast put him on hold until they closed

newtboy jokingly says...

I love this new series of DirecTV commercials.

I'm thinking people need to start a movement where no one pays their Comcast bill....NO ONE. There aren't enough bill collectors for them to sell the debt to and they would likely die fast. Starve the beast.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on aliens going to hell

Payback says...

Actually, he's already going to Hell. Scripture would classify aliens as beasts and we can eat them.

MMmmmm, saute'd Ewok on a bed of whole grain rice.

00Scud00 said:

Ken Ham dies and discovers that the aliens he said were going to hell are in fact our creators and is then sent to hell himself for his lack of belief.
A man can dream can't he?

Mad Max: Fury Road

The news camera guy versus the fire bomber

SFOGuy says...

thank you!
Personal fantasy; in my next career, I want to be a fire bomber pilot (twin engine propeller would fine)---flying beat up old aircraft into giant smoke plumes...1000-2000 gallons on each pass

The DC-10 shown here is a beast of an entirely different nature. It can drop 12,000 gallons---

There is even, though I've not seen San Diego footage---a 747 conversion that can drop 20,000 gallons on each pass

kulpims said:


A Bunny Eating Raspberries

Alex Honnold climbs three big walls in a day ... free solo

ghark says...

Those comments added in by his friends were really good, and I thought the comment saying he's the only person in the world who can do what he do describes the situation quite well. It's just astonishing, he's a complete beast.

Bryan Cranston Scared Sh*tless in new Godzilla Trailer

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

chingalera says...

Dude...You gotta read Philip José Farmer's (Riverworld Series), 'Image of the Beast (1968)'

Vaginas......with snakes that have human heads on the end with piranha teeth comin-all-outta vampire-alien bitch's snatches...(who head major business cartels 'n shit)
Twisted sci-fi erotica squared, creep-ya-tha-FUCK-out-kinna vaginnies with teeth kinna shit!! Oh, and the little vagina-snakes with man-heads are like some tiny-alien-demons they lured then trapped-off they pusssies' n shit....YOW!

That Philip José Farmer was one fuuucked-up cat!

Brilliant story-teller.

TheGenk said:

What do sharks and vaginas have in common?
Oh god, it's teeth, isn't it?!

18-Month-Old Healthy Giraffe Publicly Killed and Dismembered

chingalera says...

Like lucky suggests regarding, the "meat of the argument" and as Jinx so referenced in his cite, a question: How much lion meat and other stuff could a zoo buy with $680,000 from a private individual and who gives a rat's ass what the guy would have done with the beast?

Fuck me and the human condition.

Marshawn Lynch -- 67 yard TD run

Marshawn Lynch 67 yard TD run-with instant replay

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