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Kid Staring at Cheerleader’s Goodies during Hawks Game

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Belgian Basketball Player Misses 4 Shots at His Own Basket

Smarter in Seconds: Behind the Scenes At The White House

chingalera says...

I'd change the cabinet meeting room a bit.
~Replace seats with sensory deprivation chambers
~Replace the cabinet with the IBM Gene/Q "Mira, a 10 peta-flop supercomputer, and name it Woodrow.
~Turn the basketball court into a miniature horse arena tended by a newly-appointed staff of performers from Cirque Du Soleil
The new color motif for the White house would be using the following HTML colors339
9FF 99C
9FF 996
6CC 663
399 330
066 990
F33 33F
F66 009
933 00C
C66 33F
F99 99F
CCC 006
6CC 669
9CC 999
9FF 999
9CC 993
3FF 660
0CC 660
099 CC3
F66 66F
F99 33C
C66 009
966 66F
CCC 669
999 003
366 336
699 666
6FF 666
6CC 666
699 330
099 993
6FF 990

Check Out this Football Player!

bcglorf says...

The reality is unfairly that testosterone does give males a huge athletic advantage when it kicks in. Similarly, most professional level sports are extremely dependent on athletic ability. Speed is included in that. There is a reason that the male world records for every sprint are faster than those for females. That reason is genetics and it doesn't care about political correctness or being fair.

In HS our senior girls basketball team had much better game sense, court awareness and overall basketball IQ, than the boys junior team. Those of us on the senior guys team were getting tired of the lack of respect the junior guys were showing for the senior girls and so we arranged a game between them. Knowing how much smarter and aware the girls were on the court we figured it'd be very humbling for the young guys to get beat. We were unpleasantly surprised to watch the younger guys simply running circles around the girls from one end of the floor to the other. They were just plain faster, a lot faster, and all the smarts in the world just didn't make up that difference.

It may not be fair, but that's the way it is. If smarts could make the difference, Michael Jordon would still be getting better every year, but realistically as age cuts into his athleticism smarts just aren't enough anymore and the torch is passed on to those in their prime.

>> ^Sepacore:

>> ^Stu:
>> ^Sepacore:
There is no reason a female couldn't achieve the same at teen or pro level. Speed and balance (and timing) is all it takes to be highly competitive.

There's a huge reason. If a female were to play in college or some how make it to the professional level. She may have tons of skill and balance like you say, she might even be the next Barry Sanders, but even he got hit. you put a 140 pound-150 pound girl in at running back, she will get injuries that would end the career as soon as it starts. Quickness is a lot, but men's natural ability to have that extra muscle and padding is why they keep men and women in different leagues.

If we were focusing entirely on brute-force forms of football, I agree. Except I wasn't, I was thinking more in the direction of how she could continue to utilize her honed skills.
I'm not disputing that males have a significant muscle advantage for handing out and taking impacts, but nor was I forgetting there are multiple versions of football, given that I loosely referenced such as a precursor to my point. My statement was an alternative to the 'testosterone wins everything' view.
To clarify, I specifically had Touch Football in mind when stating there would be no reason females couldn't effectively play with men post-puberty.

Nasty 'Killer' Hummingbirds In UltraSlo Motion

xxovercastxx says...

They make this high-pitched squeal/screech when they attack, too. When I was in HS, living at my dad's house, I had a basketball hoop in the driveway. I was out playing one day and the ball rolled into the yard by the humming bird feeder. As I bent over to pick up the ball, I heard EEEEEEEE!, along with that harsh buzzing noise their wings make, shoot over my head.

As I stood up and looked around, I spotted the little guy hovering about 8' up. He made the screech again and darted back and forth. I got the ball and got the hell out of there. I'm sure he couldn't seriously injure me, short of taking an eye out, but who wants to be poked full of little holes?

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

Yogi says...

>> ^bmacs27:

@JiggaJonson, you still haven't gotten why they were cheering losing their own quarterback. It had nothing to do with cheering a hit. It had to do with being happy their shitty QB wouldn't be starting anymore. It's not bloodthirstiness. It's a roster issue.
@Yogi, people die from playing all sports every year. That's my point. Soccer is often considered the worst for concussions (as repeated low level concussions are more problematic than single big ones given time to heal) and cardiac arrest concerns (talk about over exertion) and basketball is often considered the worst for overall injuries (e.g. joints). I don't think football is unique in this regard, and at least they are trying to make rule changes to do something about it. If you want to stop concussions, don't allow headers in soccer, or make them all wear helmets and padding. Go ahead and see how that flies with their fans.
Finally, why is this guy wrong to criticize fans for cheering an injured human being? Because of your stereotyping of football fans? That's a specious argument to say the least.

He's wrong because they're the customer. If he doesn't like the customers demands he should pack it in. The point is he's saying this isn't the Roman Colosseum when it clearly is, because the fans decide what they cheer and they've been cheering big injuries for awhile now. They're the blood thirsty mob, if you don't like it than don't participate. I didn't play my senior year of High School Football, largely because I was congratulated by half the defense after injuring the other teams QB so badly he needed to be Airlifted off the field in case of paralyzation. He got up luckily, we got to see a Helicopter land and take off on our field.

High School coaches have always taught kids how to hurt the opponent, you've done a good thing if you put their star player out of the game. This is the sport, this is how it works.

Eric Winston Tears into Fans Who Cheered Quarterbacks Injury

bmacs27 says...

@JiggaJonson, you still haven't gotten why they were cheering losing their own quarterback. It had nothing to do with cheering a hit. It had to do with being happy their shitty QB wouldn't be starting anymore. It's not bloodthirstiness. It's a roster issue.

@Yogi, people die from playing all sports every year. That's my point. Soccer is often considered the worst for concussions (as repeated low level concussions are more problematic than single big ones given time to heal) and cardiac arrest concerns (talk about over exertion) and basketball is often considered the worst for overall injuries (e.g. joints). I don't think football is unique in this regard, and at least they are trying to make rule changes to do something about it. If you want to stop concussions, don't allow headers in soccer, or make them all wear helmets and padding. Go ahead and see how that flies with their fans.

Finally, why is this guy wrong to criticize fans for cheering an injured human being? Because of your stereotyping of football fans? That's a specious argument to say the least.

NBA Worst Flops of All Time

NBA Worst Flops of All Time

This is One Lucky Basketball Shot!

Fusionaut says...

That was my initial reaction as well but I can't find it... It's possible that this video is SO old that no one bothered to post it since it MUST have been sifted already. I remember this one from ifilm. Remember that site? >> ^Deano:

Has to be a dupe.

Penalty Show-Off Fail...!

ReverendTed says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

I've never understood why they don't just curl it into the top corner. It would be impossible for the goal keeper to get to the ball. The amount these people are paid I'd expect them to be able to do it every time, without fail.

Makes sense, but bowlers don't always bowl a 300, and basketball players miss free-throws all the time.

Kent State's Andre Parker Wrong Way Punt Return Fail

Upset Football/Soccer Fan Throws Ball at Ref's Head

Blunder at the Olympics After Serena Williams Wins Gold

spoco2 says...

>> ^Deano:

Does anyone stop to think why the hell are we staring at flags like they're amazingly important and significant. I'm beginning to feel abnormal seeing the number of wide-eyed flag-waving Brits on the tv. They really buy into this nationalistic crap.

Look, you can go the pessimistic route and say that the games are just the Colosseum all over again, placating the masses by entertaining them with a grand spectacle.

OR, you could enjoy it and see it as encouraging some pride in achievement, hopefully showing some good sportsmanship (almost every games there's some great example of someone being a great sport over winning), and getting kids excited about sport. Considering obesity these days, anything that gets kids excited about participating in sports is a good thing.

My kids have been running race after race after race around our house during these games as the eldest is obsessed with Usain Bolt. There's also a lot of basketball being played as the Australian basketball teams are doing well. And the kids are also going extra hard in their swimming lessons the last two weeks.

So lighten up a bit, let yourself get carried away with the moment. I for one have been getting almost tearing over OTHER country's victories, and our competitors close victories moreso than wins by my country (maybe because Australia has had ONE gold only so far... amazing!)...

You can bemoan how much money goes into training these athletes, but I'd take money being spent having people compete in games and at peak physical fitness any day over it being spent on military spending.

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