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Rock Hard To Pillow Soft In 0.25 Seconds

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, agreed, the fake elector scheme to steal the presidency was BS. Just like the election fraud fraud was BS, and the attempted coup was BS, like the effort to have the military seize voting machines then declare Trump the winner was BS. Like all the fake house hearings with all their disgraced fake whistleblowers that are in fact Chinese spies or convicted seditionists in prison for assaulting congress or disgraced ex fbi agents mad they were fired for serious causes (like sharing/selling classified/secured information or refusing to serve legitimate warrants or threatening other agents) and paid by Kash Patel to lie are BS. Pretty much everything the MAGgot party has tried since losing the election in a mega-slide in 2020 has been BS…and nobody is buying any of it. Not one person has heard MAGgots whining in the last 2.5 years and thought “hmmmm…they’re right! There’s no way anyone would be prosecuted for theft of hundreds of top secret super sensitive documents and showing them directly to Chinese agents, or for trying multiple plots to illegally subvert the election and steal the presidency, or decades of tax evasion, or repeated slander and libel, or (etc. etc. etc), and their Chinese spy said Hunter is a bad guy…I’m now on team Trump.” The denials, poo pooing, whataboutism, attempts to distract, false accusations, etc are 100% for you, the cultists. No one else believes a word, we don’t even believe you believe it, you just have nothing else to try in Trump’s defense (Neither do his lawyers!) and can’t, under any circumstances, ever admit you’ve been w-w-w-wrong. “BS”….HA! How’s that theory working out for you?

No, just like the fake electors, if you sign a license you got in a (the phrase is) Crackerjack box and sign it, you aren’t legit to drive, and just like the fake electors that used their crackerjack box elector status when they signed affidavits stating they were the official electors knowing they were not, if you tried to use it it’s a crime…and like the RNC is, Crackerjack would be in deep shit for producing fake licenses….and like Trump if you tried to hire them and knowingly use their fake licenses as real for his benefit, like driving his fleet of trucks or stealing an election which Trump undeniably tried in multiple ways, each time you do it is a felony. That’s 84 more felonies for Trump.
So….what was your point? That the electors Trump knowingly tried to fraudulently use to steal the presidency weren’t legit? Um…yeah, sure, OK….so just BS. 🤦‍♂️
The courts are unanimously disagreeing, including those Trump appointed.
Sure, another nothing burger…because massive election fraud and attempted overturning a valid election are nothing when your guy does it, but the imagined fraud of not allowing illegal and illicit revenge porn of a political rival’s family member to be part of Trump’s public Twitter campaign is the biggest election fraud ever and means Biden isn’t president, so by default Trump now is. 🤦‍♂️
you’re so delusional and indoctrinated you think that last sentence is perfectly reasonable and rational.

Yes, any and every patriotic American is interested in prosecuting any man who tried multiple times to steal the presidency including by multiple frauds and at least once by force…so leftists are going after these seditious and treasonous crimes but not anyone on the right is interested. Understand?

How you like Manly Traitor Greene’s Biden for President commercial? 😂

bobknight33 said:

More BS.

So If I get a license to drive from a Captain Crunch box and sign it I am legit?

That is the kind of stuff Leftist are going after. Just BS

The MSG Sphere In Las Vegas

noims says...

Man, I knew Monosodium Glutimate got a bit of a bad rep over the years, but I'm surprised to see it sponsor a project of this size.

Good job, MSG! Here's looking to more tasty chemicals cleaning up their image.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re, not you, not your, not yor. This is grade school stuff even Jethro knew. This is MERICA, learn the language or GET OUT! 😂

Only to you, sir, and you deserve every bit of smug arrogance, every instance of derision and ridicule. It’s impossible to not seem elitist when presented with your ignorant, uneducated, aggressive, faux superior douchebaggieness and hatefulness. I am not special. I’m not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I’m the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but I’m not a steaming pile of toxic shit like yourself.

I walk around with a smile on my face and puppy kisses on top of that smile. All my bile is reserved for you and criminal cops. You admitted once that you go to bed irate and seething more often than not, I don’t.

Only you get the answer for everything, because you, with no answers or facts, are the biggest natural constant victim I’ve ever known besides Trump. I’m happy to research and learn how idiotically ignorant every position you take is, it prepares me for other Trumpists I know who aren’t learning deficient, just duped. You are a lost cause.

I’m no victim. Nearly every right wing attack I defend against is NOT against myself, I’m an educated upper middle class straight white male property owner with no debt, I’m exactly who your party thinks it wants in charge. D’oh!

Acab? Again, I don’t speak conspiracy nutjob, can you try English?

BLM is good, they triggered a long overdue police reform that’s finally slowly bringing consequences back to murderous criminal police actions. It’s disgusting they had to exist and go to such extremes to get police reform, but clearly it wouldn’t have happened without them. Even if you dishonestly blame all the damage done by Trump’s boogaloo boys and proud boys to BLM, <$200 million is cheap for real police reform, and less than 1/2 the cost of Jan 6 and the extra security required immediately afterwards.
Trump is bad, he destroyed the economy to a negative gdp, exploded unemployment, eroded our international standing, divided the country more than any issue, destroyed our national credit, damaged our election system badly and tried to subvert it, tried a violent coup and failed, stole classified nuclear secrets and showed them to anyone and left them in public ballrooms, hallways, and bathrooms, was convicted of sex abuse, and his idiotic racist policies led to well over a million unnecessary American deaths and 3 times that in severely disabled survivors while countries with intelligent leadership avoided nearly all covid (NZ, Australia, etc).

Grooming is good, it makes one presentable, less stinky, and prevents disease. You should try it, you must smell disgusting and look as disheveled as you speak.

I am against pedophiles training children for sex, but that’s your party over and over and over and over and over. You have one accused leftist mayor to point to, I have >10000 priests, >100 politicians, Epstein, Trump, and your alma mater Penn State to point at as disgusting criminal sex abusers who’ve been caught, prosecuted, and convicted on the right.

Lol…sick man! 😂 from you, a compliment.

It’s guaranteed you sucked that tit more than myself, friendo. I’ve never taken a handout, or loan from the government, I’ve been a property owner for near 3 decades without ever having debt, not even credit card or home loan debt. I paid for school in cash, and my house. I give away more than most, and take nothing…and I consistently overpay my taxes.

I bet you even tried to get an unsecured Trump ppp loan you didn’t have to repay like so many socialist righties…like MTG, Boebert, and every other red politician did to the tune of millions, I know you’re just loving that socialist handout and all the corporate socialism Trump practiced, and are thanking Trump for not allowing any vetting or loan securities by design. Every accusation is an admission, and the socialist accusation is one of the biggest instances. If government “handouts” were cut off tomorrow, red states would be bankrupt by Sunday, conservative businesses would fail, and conservatives would default on their massive debts at rates never imagined. I know, in your total ignorance, you disagree and see no need to look into that claim, you just KNOW it can’t be true… Gutfeld told you liberals are the takers. 🤦‍♂️

You’re a sick, stupid man from a disgustingly sick sexually abusive school made sicker and stupider by the absolute insanity and dishonesty of Trumpism, whining and sniveling about how unfair it is without Trump as dictator.

How you like your Penn State teacher Themis Matsoukas getting busted for having sex with his dog in public and recording it, not his first public sex crime? You took his class, didn’t you…Sandusky too I bet, they’re your kind of people. Did you take wrestling with Gym Jordan?

PS- how are those “whistleblower” committees going? Too bad every whistleblower turned out to be fake, the evidence nonexistent, those audio tapes a fantasy, the bank records ethereal, and the accusation so incredibly stupid and backwards it makes you a disgraceful laughing stock once again. Sucker. 😂

D’oh! Twump lost another case, this time his attempt to remove his cases from New York State court to a federal court under a Trump judge, but his inept lawyers provided no evidence and only one witness that had no material information about the case and lost the appeal/motion. Can you remember the last time Trump’s team was successful in court? I can’t..certainly not after he was tossed out of office (except the one activist judge that was reversed and reprimanded).

Bonus- the merger deal for Toth Senchal may be dead because members of the board of the SPAC are indicted/arrested for insider trading using confidential information surrounding the merger itself. Another Trump company circling the drain because of corruption at the top.

bobknight33 said:

You a perfect example of the elitist. Smug and arrogant.
You walk around with a chip on your shoulder and and and elitist answer for everything. You are a professional victim.

You walk in these ideas.
BLM is good
Trump is bad
Grooming is ok.

Your a sick man sucking the tit of liberalism.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You a perfect example of the elitist. Smug and arrogant.
You walk around with a chip on your shoulder and and and elitist answer for everything. You are a professional victim.

You walk in these ideas.
BLM is good
Trump is bad
Grooming is ok.

Your a sick man sucking the tit of liberalism.

newtboy said:

The courts are fake news now? 😂

If you earned it with your 3rd grade grammar and math skills, it’s not just easy, it’s simple. Most degrees require at least a basic grasp of English, math, and science, and you have displayed a total lack of understanding in every category consistently for years.

Perhaps I’m Jethro…but highly unlikely, but I wasn’t the very top student in my class. That said, he got a 6th grade mountain education, by 6th grade I (and my entire class) was reading at college level, doing algebra, and taking biology. At what grade did you achieve those milestones, or did you ever?

ant (Member Profile)

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

I really would agree….but only if that goes for everyone. No need to ever do a high speed chase or felony stop if you have the license and a photo of the driver….but that’s not how they operate.

Guaranteed if that wasn’t a cop, gun would be drawn, hands would go on, cuffs would go on, and in most cases feet would go into belly too for disrespecting their authority and trying to run. In no world would they be as calm and non confrontational with the public. I got all but the foot in the belly because a cop read my license plate wrong once, couldn’t tell a “5” from an “S”, then threatened me with unspecified retaliation if I complained…he said remember he had my address now if I cause him any trouble over this.

My point is the “good cop” gave the bad criminal cop treatment he never would give a citizen…if he did he would lose his job. It’s the preferential treatment I’m upset about. Criminal cops should be treated like the worst, most violent and vile criminal, because they are. Instead, they’re treated with kid gloves, given every benefit of a doubt and then some, and are given free vacation time on those few occasions they have anything at all happen for violating the law and the public trust. It’s an incredibly rare thing when the entire department doesn’t stand behind, and in front of shielding blatantly abusive criminal cops and attacking/harassing any accusers, which is chilling for any that might want to be “good cops”.

Why wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to let a violent aggressive and reckless speeder (in this case he was guilty of reckless evading, a felony) who is armed just scream at the cop and drive away? Because that’s shirking their duty to enforce the law. Have you ever heard of them doing any such thing (when it wasn’t one of their own)?

BSR said:

I think he handled it right. He had all evidence on camera that he needed to avoid a situation getting out of hand. No reason to start creating a more dangerous situation

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

BSR says...

I think he handled it right. He had all evidence on camera that he needed to avoid a situation getting out of hand. No reason to start creating a more dangerous situation.


Now the good cop needs to worry about other bad cops.

newtboy said:

A good cop would treat the obvious bad cop like anyone else…meaning pull his gun on the driver that tried to flee the stop, pull him out violently and face down in the street at gunpoint, and handcuff him.
It would mean taser the armed guy jumping out of the car yelling, taser the guy refusing to comply, and if he still gets back in the car shoot his tires at a minimum, deploy pepper spray, and taze the ever loving shit out of him until the batteries die. That’s how they treat the public.
It doesn’t mean letting him do whatever he feels like and just watching and reporting it. Granted, that alone is improvement, but it’s still not “good”.

Good cops don’t let felonious drivers jump out to curse at them, refuse to comply, and leave without chase.

According to Bob, the speeding cop should have been shot just for not following orders. I almost agree…he should have been shot for fleeing a felony stop like anyone else would have been.

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

A good cop would treat the obvious bad cop like anyone else…meaning pull his gun on the driver that tried to flee the stop, pull him out violently and face down in the street at gunpoint, and handcuff him.
It would mean taser the armed guy jumping out of the car yelling, taser the guy refusing to comply, and if he still gets back in the car shoot his tires at a minimum, deploy pepper spray, and taze the ever loving shit out of him until the batteries die. That’s how they treat the public.
It doesn’t mean letting him do whatever he feels like and just watching and reporting it. Granted, that alone is improvement, but it’s still not “good”.

Good cops don’t let felonious drivers jump out to curse at them, refuse to comply, and leave without chase.

According to Bob, the speeding cop should have been shot just for not following orders. I almost agree…he should have been shot for fleeing a felony stop like anyone else would have been.

BSR said:

Good cop/Bad cop

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

Texas Sheriff Files Charges Over Florida Human Trafficking

newtboy says...

😂 You mean prosecute the human trafficking governors!? 😂

Biden disappointingly didn’t change Trump’s border/immigration plans except to deport more Haitians to Hati. If Trump and republicans had done their job securing borders when they had 100% control of the government instead of trying to build a useless monument to himself, this could be a non issue. Instead, illegal immigration ramped up under Trump thanks in part to the intentional slowdown and shrinking of the legal immigration process, shrinking of the border control agent pool, and misuse of border funding to build a useless fence that’s breached with ease daily.

Biden and Democrats tried to hire tons more border agents, MAGA/republicans blocked it. Republicans then continue to go on TV to say the borders are wide open, knowing those statements are shown in central/South America and convince immigrants it’s the time to come.

What has Texas or Florida done to stop immigrants? Nothing useful at all, just political stunts that, while costing $10 billion, caught zero immigrants or drugs, and economy destroying new laws. Buy OJ futures, Florida’s agriculture sector is crashing because they can’t get labor. Thousands of teaching positions are open thanks to their war on education/teachers. Tons of at home medical care jobs open there too. Too bad Americans won’t even apply.

Newsom should send a convoy of busses full of disfunctional homeless and dump them at the governor’s mansion in Texas and Florida. Tens of thousands of them. Florida needs the workers, call it a jobs program. Texas needs the “fuck you”, Florida needs the workers.

bobknight33 said:

Such BS.

If Biden and the democrats do their job this would be a non issue.

People Having A Bad Day | Funny Fails Compilation

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, I welcome your dire predictions because your prognostication skills are nill, and when you predict something it’s near guaranteed to not come to pass.

I wonder if you even know what you mean by “ Unemployment will go up per FED”. It sounds like you are saying the fed raising rates will raise unemployment rates as they lower inflation. Is that what you’re saying?

Yes, unemployment WILL go up from historical lows we see today, that’s a given. That in no way indicates the fed, or Biden administration are screwing things up, it actually indicates they know what they’re doing and have a good handle on the economy. Dow up 700 today, near 1000 for the week. Jobs created numbers are unexpectedly good, and average wages are rising FAST (4 times faster than under the last administration according to the SSA, contrary to your assertion)…only you could see this and think “I was right, it’s falling apart from poor leadership”.

Go on and erase this post, since I know you’re too infantile not to. It makes me feel really accomplished every time a post gets to you so bad you need to erase it, and that’s quite a lot lately. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Unemployment will go up per FED.

The jobs added were lower paying jobs.

Time my friend give it time.

Let's Compare ( R-Type ) THE MEGA VIDEO

cloudballoon says...

Bad for business then.

visionep said:

The arcade version of this was one of the first arcade games that I could put a quarter in and play for more then an hour. I would always set the high score whenever I would find one.

Good stuff.

Saturday Morning TV Memories 1964 - 1976 !!!

newtboy says...

Definite upvote for B-I-I-I-I-I-R-D-M-A-N!
*quality memories…although it seems most of these didn’t air in Houston. Not even the Monkeys!
Some of those seemed like really bad rip offs….the lost saucer, not lost in space…valley of the dinosaurs, not land of the lost!?!

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