thinker247 SE

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Real Name: Vernichtung
Birthdate: June 30th, 1980 (44 years old)

Member Since: September 15, 2007
Last Power Points used: April 10, 2011
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Comments to thinker247

joedirt says...

LOL.. I've had "kitler" as my avatar for awhile now without guff.. I missed this cat furr fight..

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
Fine. I guess it's not worth fighting over, since I obviously can't make a decision without the approval of campiondelmondo. I'll make sure to ask him what is non-offensive before I change my avatar next time.


In reply to this comment by lucky760:
No, I won't furnish you with a list of complainants. And it's not just "a historical figure" but a figure that is blatantly offensive when the presence of his image can easily be interpreted as your celebrating him.

I asked you not to use his image. Putting the word "censored" over his eyes does not qualify as not using his image. Please stop being childish and just do as I asked. It's rather ridiculous that you're trying to push me into hobbling or banning you over an avatar.

littledragon_79 says...

If my video had been posted first and the other second, there'd be no debate, right? I still feel it stands on its own merits, but I'm not going to post it again.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
But your entire video was in Sarzy's video. That's the only reason I would use dupeof.

In reply to this comment by littledragon_79:
I wish you wouldn't have done that, especially w/o a discussion. I honestly feel this vid stands on it's own and now there's no way to bring it back

In reply to this comment by thinker247:

peggedbea says...

im offended by your taking offense to the way i express myself. please stop being a hypersenstive pantywaste and get bent. in the least offensive way possible.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
The act of your head exploding is offensive to me. I think you should leave VideoSift because you are so offensive.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i find this avatar offensive. please refrain from visiting this site any longer. and dont say or do anything either. everyone hates it.

*head explodes*

lucky760 says...

No, I won't furnish you with a list of complainants. And it's not just "a historical figure" but a figure that is blatantly offensive when the presence of his image can easily be interpreted as your celebrating him.

I asked you not to use his image. Putting the word "censored" over his eyes does not qualify as not using his image. Please stop being childish and just do as I asked. It's rather ridiculous that you're trying to push me into hobbling or banning you over an avatar.

In reply to this comment by thinker247:
Not to needle, but may I have a copy of the log of complaints against my avatar? I'd like to know the exact number of complaints that were received, so I may gauge how the Sift in general has reacted to my avatar of a historical figure.

Thank you.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Thinker247-

Due to complaints I have deleted your Hitler avatar. Feel free to modify your own avatar (as dag and I have done to make a point), but do not use actual image of a Nazi, especially Hitler, because it is offensive to others.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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