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Member Since: May 25, 2007
Last Power Points used: May 23, 2009
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Comments to moonsammy

chilaxe says...

I've uploaded some more MMA vids if you're still curious

In reply to this comment by moonsammy:
Awe. Some. I've never even heard of MMA before - may have to look into it if it is even close to this cool with any regularity. Anyone know if it is, or was this an exceptional occurrence?

gwiz665 says...

Hey mate.
That comment was inevitable.
I primarily remember it, though, because I sifted the video of it (
Thanks for the grammarcheck on my profile, I've fixed it now.
Those two channel ideas represent two sides of the same coin, in my book, but we'll see what happens when I get me a diamond.

In reply to this comment by moonsammy:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Freaky and a bit *dark, I think.

One thing is for certain, there is no stopping them. And I, for one, welcome or new insect overlords and remind them that as an internet commentator I could assist in informing the masses, when they are toiling in the underground sugarcaves.

I'm digging on the extended quote/paraphrase. Someone was bound to say something along those lines eventully... or am I confusing this place with slashdot?
[edit] Two things after reading your profile: I'll do what I can to help you get diamond, and my vote is for a blasphemy channel; you're missing a "be" in your bio text.

Ryjkyj says...

I felt exactly the same way about the Ronnie character. Give it a chance, it will surprise you.

In reply to this comment by moonsammy:
No kidding - how can you know to blank out a word in the description but not tag it nsfw?

Thanks for the info Ryjkyj, I was wondering the source I'm a fan of Mr Show but the trailers made this movie look pretty lame (and I was never wild about the Ronnie character), maybe I'll have to give it a chance.

eric3579 says...

Thanks for the heads up. Noted and changed.

In reply to this comment by moonsammy:
I would argue with calling this the "deadliest" display of nuclear power - Hiroshima and Nagasaki were each *far* deadlier. This is bar none the most impressive nuclear blast, but I'm not aware of it having killed anyone (directly at any rate).

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