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Member Since: March 27, 2009
Last Power Points used: September 30, 2013
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Power Points at Recharge: 2 Get More Power Points Now!
Stopping by every now and again.
Member Since: March 27, 2009
Last Power Points used: September 30, 2013
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 2 Get More Power Points Now!
Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for the intro to The Kills. My wife and I just got back from seeing them live, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen! Next payday, I'm picking up all four albums.
I -was- a bit surprised that the crowd was so...straight. I expected more of a visible punk influence for some reason (maybe because I can hear definite punk influences in the music), but the crowd was pretty much the same you'd see walking on any street in town. Hell, I didn't see a single mohawk or even a spiked do.
Next on my to-see list is BRMC. I can only hope they're as good as what we saw tonight.
Thanks again!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, birthday girl!
Hey look, a pretty face with a winning smile!
Actually, I just LOOOOOOVE these lizards. They light me up, every time I see them....
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
I love shameless plugging. :
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Who in hell would send her hate mail? It's not a rhetorical question, I truly cannot see what there would be to hate about.
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
I have this girl in my salon as we speak. She is absolutely charming and amazing. Ive cried three times since meeting her. Shes truly amazing!!!!!! Very sad that she is getting hate mail. On the very good side, the company, Envoy, is doing her other ear for free!!!!
Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Hi lady
Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 2 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Yeah, that one seems like it would fit you better than me
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
awesome!! better than this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnE9f-edAJc&feature=fvst
In reply to this comment by Ornthoron:
In my mind, I went down this one: http://videosift.com/video/Awesome-figure-8-toboggan-slide-made-of-snow
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Did you go down the slide?
In reply to this comment by Ornthoron:
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
YOU started it by bringing up Bella and Edward, so everything's on the table now, sweetheart.
Bella <3 Edward 4EVER!
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Dont you dare bring Mary into this... you said you wouldnt!!
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Even Mary Poppins.
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
*gasp*...even Santa???
Even Mary Poppins.
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
*gasp*...even Santa???
In my mind, I went down this one: http://videosift.com/video/Awesome-figure-8-toboggan-slide-made-of-snow
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
Did you go down the slide?
In reply to this comment by Ornthoron:
In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
You have been awarded 1 Power Point for fixing the embed code for Dead Pool video Frank Zappa documentary from 1971, great rare footage. Thank you for helping maintain VideoSift's reliability.
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