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Birthdate: February 26th

Member Since: March 14, 2009
Last Power Points used: May 23, 2011
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Comments to GenjiKilpatrick

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bareboards2 says...

I just realized something.

You and I agree that police brutality must end.

I have a solution I can live with -- the Constitution and its guarantee of free press tied with cameras in the hands of citizens shedding light on injustices, slow and steady and boring and pragmatic and bad things will continue to happen as these battles are fought, one case at a time.

BUT. I have never asked you -- how do you want to end police brutality? What is your solution?

That is an honest question. I really do want to know. I've been so busy defending my point of view, I just realized, that I have never bothered to ask you for your solution. I might agree with it! I don't know, because I don't know what it is.

bareboards2 says...


In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Hah. You mean this cop out?

"It's okay to vertically body slam a happy sober man into concrete, but goddamnit it is NEVER acceptable to horizontally body slam a sad drunk woman into concrete!"

You're clearly full of shit old lady.

And another prime example of how we humans compartmentalize the most awful shit in order to justify our indefensible positions.

..santorum stain..

>> ^bareboards2:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since November 7th, 2007" class="profilelink">MaxWilder, the fact that she ended up bleeding and disoriented, with chipped teeth, and the cop retired rather than being fired makes this different from a vid where young men are bellowing loudly and healthily as standard take-down procedures are used.
Slamming anyone into a concrete wall is not standard takedown procedure.
Thanks for asking a coherent question without ascribing meanings and intentions I don't hold.
Nooky for you, young man, nooky for you!

burdturgler says...

Honestly, I'd like to agree with this protest, but I just don't. Gee, I guess sometimes people just disagree. I can live with that.

I do think it's outrageous though, that anyone would even try to compare the discrimination and segregation of an entire RACE of people to a law that bans protesting (including dance) INSIDE the jefferson memorial. The fact that you equate this to black people not being allowed to eat with white people is saddening and laughable at the same time.

I'm not going to argue with you, mostly because I know it's pointless, and also because I don't appreciate that "nigger" bullshit being thrown in my face. The entire argument has been laid out very well by others on the video thread. If you want further discussion about this then take it over there. I'm not interested.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Yeah. Sorry to bring up that stuff dude. You just picked a poor position on this one.

Imagine it's 1962 and your participating in a peaceful sit-in at a diner.

Would you not being ruining the experience for all the white folk trying to eat?

Do you see how that's a shitty argument?

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
I make a post here in disagreement to this "protest" and get told that I'm whiny because I don't like being called a nigger. Awesome. Welcome back to videosift burdy.

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