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Member Since: September 23, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 15, 2009
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Kind of through with VideoSift. It's a great concept, but it's so one-sided and close-minded of a community. It's OK to be close-minded if you want, just don't be hypocritical about it. Too many people claim others are close-minded but don't present any real and valid arguments in defense of their own beliefs. If you want to argue, use a cogent argument instead of the fallacious crap that litters the rest of the net.
Circle jerk away without me.
Member Since: September 23, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 15, 2009
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Yep. Thanks for the help grating it!
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
Hey, you got your twitter video gratered! Congrats!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
I don't think it's enough to differentiate it.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
Hmm, I kinda thought the commentary made the video. What do you think?
In reply to this comment by dag:
Though not technically a dupe of this:
all that is added in this post is a promotion for a TV show.
Any suggestions?
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
Needs a new title IMO.
Hey thanks, Aemaeth. Preesh!
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
Fianlly got off my butt and sift this video: http://www.videosift.com/video/Shauc-makes-things-go-BOOM.
Sorry for the delay :-)
In reply to this comment by shuac:
Hi Aemaeth. I saw your comment in the Stalker Clear Sky Zero Punctuation thing and I thought maybe you'd be interested in sifting this video of mine. It was made with Stalker CS and it features the music of Ween.
And if not, that's cool too. Later.
Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 38 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.
Hmm, OK.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
I posted the video a year ago. There's also some videos of her at 9 years old. Both titles are probably correct.
In reply to this comment by ant:
10 years old? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieFmMmgYY3E says 12 years old!

is also dead, in the p-q
ping me if relocated
Dead. "Content deleted."
Trouble was temporary, thank you for standing by...
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
maybe it's just me, but the embed seems to be *dead
That was hilarity straight out of a movie script.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
"I knew I hadn't been speeding, but he kept writing that ticket anyway, so I shot him."
If it's from an Nvidia conference then I guess I am a bit of an ass because it's somewhat computer related and I suppose actually supposed to demonstrate the power of GPUs. I was just being snarky though, not trying to debate soundly.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
I get the similarity, I just think the presentation sucks. Trust me: I remember when the first 3d accelerators hit the market, I know the difference between GPU and CPU rendering. The reason I say it seems like propaganda is because first of all, you are the first person to use the term rendering. The video title or captions in the video doesn't say GPU Vs. CPU video rendering, it just says, "GPU vs. CPU". Second, realize this is from NVision: nVidia's annual conference. Third, because of the way it is presented it makes it seem like they are trying to say that graphics processors are just plain faster than central processors.
Sure. It's dumb because of two things. First, a demonstration that GPU rendering is faster than CPU rendering is not "propaganda". It's a fact that GPU rendering is much faster. Do you also say that videos are "banned" when they are pulled from the air by the company who created them?
Second, the poster is making a joke. The presentation is not related to computers at all. If you know what "GPU rendering" means, which you must if you think this is "propaganda", I don't see how you can miss that painting with one gun is like rendering with the CPU, and painting with a 1000 nozzles at once is like rendering with the GPU. See now I feel dumb just for explaining it.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
I'd love to hear the explanation for this comment.
In reply to this comment by budzos:
Cool project, but seems like propaganda to me. Why is that a GPU vs. a CPU?
Please be serious. It'd be awesome if you were that dumb.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
I got news for you: the cult tag is not all together appropriate. This is considered mainstream religion.
uh, ok just disregard the cult tag, different strokes fer different cults, I mean folks.
It is, if you check just near the middle of yours it's the same thumbnail they have, all it takes is for a vid to be a sec or two longer or shorter for it to have a different thumbnail.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
You sure it's the same vid? It seem similar, just strange to have such a different thumbnail.
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
*dupe of http://www.videosift.com/video/What-if-there-were-no-stop-signs , but their embed is gone, I'd say give this embed to them and discard this...
I've switched the source, give it another try.
In reply to this comment by Aemaeth:
Doesn't work for me...this video has always given me problems, unfortunately.
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