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Comments to A10anis

siftbot says...

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bareboards2 says...

As I said repeatedly, I agree with you that zoos are unnatural.

You start with unnatural, you end with unnatural.

You start with unnatural, you end up making unnatural choices.

This is a hard hard world, and we as humans are killing it more and more every day.

Zoos have morphed from being horrible cages, confining animals to be gawked at by unfeeling humans. Now zoos, the good ones, do their damnedest to create as natural an environment as possible.

Which still isn't very natural.

You say that this was an "unconscionable" choice, the killing of poor Marius (by the way, I mourn him, too.)

Do you think they should have taken the $600K from the wealthy person wanting to save his life? Even though it would have sentenced poor Marius to isolation and depression for the rest of his "natural" life? To me, that would be unconscionable. Blood money, made off the suffering of a single animal.

I think the real problem here is the very existence of zoos. There would be no Marius if there were no zoos.

I keep thinking about my dad's second wife. She was a piece of cake -- not the sharpest knife in the drawer, not capable of reasoned, step by step thinking. She had a great native -- almost feral -- intelligence though, it just wasn't that "logical."

One day, my uber-logical engineer father said something that she didn't like. I didn't like it either. So Oleta said, in a thick Okie drawl, "Just because something is right, doesn't mean it is right."

I almost started laughing at the absurdity of her statement, until I realized what she was really saying. So I asked her, "Do you mean just because something is logical, that doesn't mean it is right?" Yep. That was what she meant.

I think this is one of those situations. There are logical step by step reasons that led to poor Marius being literally fed to the lions. And then there is the emotional truth of a healthy and happy young giraffe being treated like he wasn't an individual with a right to a natural life.

Just because it was right, doesn't mean it was right.

A10anis said:

You say; "Those lions got fed their natural diet for a change. Consider being happy for them?"
Certainly. But I would be happier if the lions had hunted it down in the wild, as nature intended, rather than it being handed to them. Anyway, meat IS their natural diet, ANY meat. Or do they normally feed their captive lions on tinned cat food?
Nature takes no prisoners, it is cruel. But this wasn't nature. It was the slaughter of a perfectly healthy giraffe in their care, and is unconscionable.

Fletch says...

In reply to this comment by A10anis:
Why does the title say; "A Ham-fisted Explanation?" I found the analogy spot on. Oh, and I would add that saying Atheism is a religion, is like saying abstinence is a sexual position..

I just kept the original title. It probably would be more accurate to call it "a very simplistic explanation that even theists can understand".

Barseps says...

I couldn't have put it better myself, WELL SAID dude. I can't promote a comment, so you'll just have to settle for an ^upvote^
In reply to this comment by A10anis:
I'm sick to death of the government (UK) pretending to care about the health of smokers. Cigarettes are now hidden from view (pointless and frustrating for staff), and the aim is to have plain packaging (which will simply mean people can buy the cheapest brand without other people knowing). These silly measures do NOT stop people smoking, or starting to smoke. If the government weren't so hypocritical they would either ban smoking, or make them £200 a packet. Of course they won't, because the tax they would lose would be unnaceptable. Why don't they f*** off and go campaign against others who take part in, possibly, fatal activities. They could start with ski-ing, abseiling, mountain climbing, or simply getting out of bed in the morning. We smokers know, and yes, stupidly, accept the risks, so PLEASE get off our backs.

ChaosEngine says...

In reply to this comment by A10anis:
>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^spoco2:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="http://videosift.com/member/A10anis" title="member since May 27th, 2009" class="profilelink">A10anis : It's all relative until you're spending more than the mean house price in your country ON A CAR.
@<a rel="nofollow" href="http://videosift.com/member/ChaosEngine" title="member since November 9th, 2009" class="profilelink">ChaosEngine : See previous statement.

What difference does that make? If you can afford it, and you're not screwing people over to do so, buy whatever the fuck you want.
Or does this anti-luxury item only extend to cars? What about a boat? or art? I guess whoever paid eleventy squillion for a painting (it doesn't even do anything! you can look at a copy of it on the web) must be a complete ass.

I am in total agreement with you (Read my posts). Spoco2, having lost the argument, has attributed HIS comment to me, which is pretty desperate of him.

I realise that. I was replying to spoco2's comment which included your tag.

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