TED 2007: Robin Chase on Getting Cars Off The Road has some powerful ideas.. you should vote for it. Robin Chase is the founder of ZipCar, a ride sharing service. She lays out a cogent plan for reducing CO2 emissions and car use - coming to a suprising conclusion.
Ethan Zuckerman has done a fantastic job of capturing her talk, which I'll quote wholesale here--
Robin Chase - Sharing Cars and Networks
Ethan Zuckerman
March 8, 2007 6:38 PM
Robin Chase is the inventor of Zipcar,
a business that’s commercialized the social behavior of carsharing. Her
focus is market-based pricing of transportation and the ways that
wireless technologies could transform the transport sector.
Fuel efficient cars, she tells us, are not enough. Even if we had
massive conversion to fuel efficient cars, we’d see only a 4% reduction
in energy usage. We need behavioral changes as well. By making vehicles
available in large cities and offering users a selection of vehicles,
this gives consumers “all of the good stuff and none of the bad”, like
the costs of vehicle maintenance.
The 100,000 members of Zipcar share 3,000 cars. They average only
500 miles a year of driving, far less than other urban car users. Users
seem to like it - the userbase has doubled every year. But the pricing
keeps use of vehicles down - at $8-10 an hour or $65 a day, are you
willing to rent a car to go buy some ice cream?
To make this system work, it has to be technologically trivial, both
to make it useful to the customer and to keep up margins. She’s now
working on another technically lightweight solution to ridesharing,
called Goloco. She mentions that ridesharing has excellent social
benefits - if you travel to TED with someone, you generate social
capital as well as saving fuel.
She points out that car travel is underpriced and overconsumed. To
change this, we’re going to need financial incentives and
disincentives. Ken Livingston introduced congestion charges in Central
London - evidently this was popular, since Livingston got re-elected.
She tells us that congestion charges are a precursor to road pricing -
we currently tax road use by fuel taxes. But as fuel costs drop, this
won’t work in the long term.
Introducing road pricing is going to require real technical
innovation in wireless networks. She invokes The Graduate and gives us
the one word of business advice: “Adhoc peer-to-peer self-configuring
wireless networks” - in other words, mesh networks. She points out that
One Laptop Per Child incorporates mesh and that mesh networks helped in
the recovery of New Orleans.
Chase’s big idea is mesh networks based on automobiles, where
there’s a device in every car in America to support congestion pricing
and road tolls. She suggests that this could be a revolution in
providing free and open networks supporting a wide range of
applications but worries that, because there are no ongoing revenues
from mesh and no one lobbying for mesh at the federal level. (I’d
strongly disagree with this, pointing to projects like CuWin, and challenging whether this strategy can work outside of urban areas, but it’s certainly an intriguing thought.)