Lakoff on Obama
Here is a great discussion with George Lakoff about suggestions for Obama's campaign. 25 minute podcast. My crappy notes, which I started about 10 minutes. Thought-provoking stuff.
What is america about?
Have to care about people, the not move to the right
Love of the land - environmental issue..repubs screwing up the land.
Poor whites - should be obamas. Strength - believes in empathy, people on the ground. Should attack where Hillary, Mccain are strong.
Rendell - strongly for Hillary
Philly - Black
Rest of PA - rural PA is like rural south.
What should Obama say?
The Iraq recession - 3 trillion Dollar war. Mccain has said he doesn't know economics, doesn't care about economic wellbeing of americans.
"Occupation" - No victory in an occupation.
Framing: both against Mccain and Clinton.
Hillary attack - bankruptcy bill, HC voted for it
Bankruptcy scandal.. people in trouble
New things - that have not been talked about.
Taxes - empathy deficit. Gov is protection and empowerment. Not just military. econ, social, health, developing science, energy, education, banking (keating 5).
Dems will be pro business. Taxes are what you pay to live in America.
Those who want to get rid of govt (including JM) done a good job of crippling FEMA, FDA, EPA. Take away moral mission - those who protect and empower. Then private industry comes in, does it at a huge rate with no accountability. They screw up, only care about profit. Katrina, Blackwater. Taking away moral mission of the military - people not bound by laws. Mccain would not be Commander of Blackwater.
Would Obama cut off Blackwater?
Maybe - should be under laws of the country.
Constitution - says you *can* have private armies.
We don't have to have an unaccountable, overpriced
San Diego kicked Blackwater out
Same issue - caring for the American people
Obama opposite of HC
Ending interest group politics, incremntalism - not a plan for the country. What you need is a *movement*, a *plan*.
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