I have ideas, I lack talent... whos with me?

I have some Tshirt ideas. But I seem to be completely ungifted in any sort of digital medium.

So I'm going to blog my ideas as they come to me and hope someone will make me snazzy tshirts.


1. *femme (in pretty pink cursive letters) / *geek (in green DOS type font)  id like this on a girly fitting black tshirt 

 2.   Fashion is an ugliness so intolerable it must be altered every six months - oscar wilde

id like this dull white typeset font on a dingy black asymetrical obnoxious hipster style tee, maybe something with a torn looking vneck

 more later, i have stop the girl from breaking the game system. 

all of the digitally challenged are invited to leave their tshirt ideas here! 


peggedbea says...

aaaaaaaand there is this weird kid who always shows up in some of my classes. he draws the vaginas of various mammals all over everything. folders, jeans, shoes, textbooks, backpacks, whatever. brilliant beautiful mammal vaginas. like on walrus's and shit. i want that.

he also wears a tshirt he made himself. he took a white shirt and drew triangles. all over it. the shirt is completely covered in triangles of every size draw with a sharpie. i need him to have a triangle shirt.

and praying mantis's. because there arent enough "cute" praying mantis things about. its all ladybugs and butterflies and owls and shit. i think i want a comic strip of sorts... 3 boxes. beggining middle end. starts with 2 praying mantis heart bubbles and shit. then freaky mantis doing its. and ends with dinner . bloody violent gorey sexy praying mantis dinner. if youre witty you can think of some a caption. perhaps something about praying before dinner or something or sex before dinner. i dont know. someone should be clever with words.

and i have an ant trail tattoo on my wrist. i want ant trail tshirts. with some clever cynical political/social statement.

oh and before i stopped getting tattoos i was going to get to like fleshwounds with maggots in them tattoo'd around my tits. i think i want one of those shirts that are like the insides of the body, skeleton, organs, maybe some muscles... but i want maggots in there. like zombie anatomy.

rougy says...

Kiddo, I'm sure there's a place who does that kind of thing.

Aren't they doing that here at the Sift?

Get the GIMP, stone up and/or java your jive into a childlike state.

Play with the fonts. Doodle.

You can do it.

rougy says...

Well, what about witch craft? Hasn't it always worked before?

Just ply your Bride of the Devil wares on unsuspecting graphic artists and bingo!

You got it.

choggie says...

DIG-Go and grab a fork load of free fonts and plug em into your word processing software-Then import that stuff into photoshop and tweak it!....Head to the woodshed and take you some CS3 or 4 tutorials...Or use whassit that website that prints your designs on tshirts...???

ReverendTed says...

* geek was one of the first ones I did over at TeeVirus. I think they're still only doing white shirts, though.

My "last week's hot idea" was a counter to the "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" garbage.
Something like "Team Buffy" or "Team Hellsing", or heck even "Team Dracula" or "Team Chocula"

campionidelmondo says...

I had some ideas. One of them was putting a trojan horse on a shirt, with the line "If the greek have taught us anything, it's to always look a gifthorse in the mouth". Even had a friend of mine make some drawings, I just haven't found the time to get into vector graphics yet.

peggedbea says...

hmmmmm trojan horses give me ideas

my friend left a fucked up pair of jeans at my house. he wants me to fix them for him before he goes on vacation next week. im thinking hilarious fiber vandalism is in order. like i should patch the holes with condom wrappers, or something.

also, someone should make some awesome shirt with the phrase "pocket full of horses" as inspiration, but im not sure how the final product should look.

and yes ted, videosift needs a *femme *geek tee, you know, for all the nerdy lady sifters.

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