MineCraft is a great family game

It's pretty rare these days that I get excited about a videogame - but if you have a kid who likes Lego, then I highly recommend this sandbox, open-ended gem, Minecraft. Here's what I like about it:

  • Engages the imagination for building amazing structures in a straight forward way
  • Truly frightening for kids (and adults) - without being gruesome like say a Doom III or similar - We have a no blood rule for games - and there is none
  • Don't tell the kid, but it's kind of edutainment- learning about areas and volumes, crafting complex machines from simple ones, forges, flint and steels etc.
  • laugh out load funny. Because of the open ended world, absurd things happen. We had a similar incident to this fire building exercise below:

  • It was build by one extremely talented programmer , Markus Persson (Notch), and not a big software house like EA. I loved paying him for this.

  • It's written in Java, which normally I wouldn't care for, but this is the first Java game that's actually impressed me, works well in the browser, Windows and Mac.

  • Gameplay is first, graphics second. I like that it's blocky.

    Here's a fanmade trailer

  • I discovered MineCraft through the Sift - thanks bunches

    Kevlar says...

    Heyhowareyou did someone say Minecraft? That's where I've been the past two weeks. How's the weather up there? Anyone have a bucket or a glass jar? I NEED TO POOP AND CANNOT LEAVE THE COMPUTER CHAIR

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