A good interview with nobel laureate Paul Krugman on Salon today

I like his final word:

To some extent you can't fight it -- people will believe what they want to believe. If they can make FDR the cause of the Great Depression, they can do anything. But one thing progressives can do is make sure that the story of the Bush administration is told, in all respects. There's going to be huge pressure from the usual suspects to let bygones be bygones, to forget about everything from torture to reckless disregard of financial warnings. But I want truth and reconciliation across the board, and progressives have to make it clear that it was an ideology, not an act of God, that made this crisis possible.

Farhad2000 says...

I don't think thats going to happen, the Right simply has a better system of disseminating false information and turning the topic, something we have seen demonstrate flawlessly over the last 8 years. I mean I talked to a citizen the other day and she had totally forgotten about the abysmal hearings done with Alberto Gonzalez.

I expect a tactic acceptance on the right for now, then slowly over the years a wonderful Wiemar backstab that neatly blames this on Clinton and Obama while saying that Bush was in a difficult time of war and terrorism. Kinda of what was done with the whole rhetoric surrounding the Vietnam war.

Progressives really suck at having their message transmitted nor do they have enough sources pushing such views through. Most media outlets besides Fox are too scared to take any kind of stances. And Blogs? Well I think Blogs are just as much as a problem because of balkanization. I mean shit I read NRO, Red Corner, BlackFive and Powerline and am fucking shocked and not surprised at all that people like QM exist.

Oh and didn't you notice that Bush is being written off already as a RINO? Republican In Name Only.

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