I've got a Golden Ticket

Self idulgent I know, but I was happy to finally reach the golden milestone.

To coincide with reaching gold I've managed to overshoot my monthly badwidth quota, so I can't watch or post any vids for the next five days or so. Yay!
I can't even tell if the above video is the right song
dag says...

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It totally sympathize with the quota thing. I often reach mine - because I forget to use my offpeak for big downloads. Who are you with? I'm with NetSpace. They are not bad- but aside from pricing- they are all pretty much the same because they are reselling Telstra DSL.

dag says...

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Yep- quotas are very much part of the Australian experience I'm afraid. It's a combination of an unscrupulous monopolistic national telecom and the cable costs to get data from the rest of the world.

The problem is that 90% of the Internet content that Australians want to access is at the end of a series of tubes thousands of miles long. We all have to squeeze into that tube to get out of Australia.

I'm squeezed into a tube right now.

8383 says...

^I'm with Adam Internet Dag, who are based here in Adelaide. They seem to be a bunch of techno-geeks who aim to provide no nonsense high-speed broadband, which is what I'm after.

I used to be on an unlimited quote when I was on regular DSL, now that I'm using ADSL2+ there aren't any unlimited plans and the cost shoots up with the higher quota plans.

Thanks for the positive comment too guys .

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