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"World's Most Offensive Joke" on Channel 4, 2007

An informative look at those who push the boundaries of comedy, The World's Most Offensive Joke asks what separates the risqué from the offensive, and whether freedom of speech is used as a defence for deliberate and gratuitous disrespect. Is the guilty laughter of schadenfreude still acceptable in an age of political correctness? Topic-by-topic, jokes are revisited: how and to whom they were told, and their consequences.

source: digiguide forums

An excellent examination of how status is used in comedy. Whether it be racism, or jokes towards "retards", pedophilia, etc., by downgrading one set, you achieve an implied status in the other. This can also work if it is self-deprecating; look at the works of John Pinette.

My personal favorite type of comedy though is what I call "intellectual comedy," comedy that requires the audience to participate by thinking, and making the bridge to getting the joke. A good example would be Steven Wright or Mitch Hedberg.


Are you fucking serious? They play all of those racist, sexist and pedophilia jokes, and they wouldn't show the cartoons of Muhammad? And this was within minutes of the Brits being self-congratulatory about how quick they were to make jokes about the Tube bombings?

Jesus. I weep for the world. The second to last guy had the right of it. You do not have the right to not be offended!


Wow, they really managed to get the full spectrum of commentators there didn't they?

The comics who really have no friggen idea of taste, and it's not a case of the topic as one of the commentator's said, it's the quality and intent of the joke. Some of those commedians have no idea when a joke is just mean spirited and cruel.

But then, they also got that one guy who was a complete wet blanket on everything, no-one was apparently allowed to laugh at anything, geeze.

But I do agree how incredibly bad it is for people to not show images of Mohamed purely out of fear. It's not due to any actual respect for religion or anything, it's purely because they're afraid they'll be killed. That's when something needs to be done, because it is not being religiously insensitive of people to print a picture of Mohamed, it's being completely unrealistic and disgustingly single minded to want to kill others for doing so.

People get shitty when images of Jesus are lampooned, but they generally aren't firebombed for it. People who can't handle others making fun of their messiahs are obviously not secure enough in their faith. If they were they could let it pass as a joke that doesn't concern them as they 'know they are right'. If they are that incensed by their prophet being lampooned then perhaps they need to question themselves and whether them getting so annoyed is due to them actually sharing in the doubts themselves?


jokes are evidence of human intelligence and should be as varied as possible. you have the right not to laugh. you have the right to join the debate they provoke.

but damn, bernard manning is not funny. calling his jokes "jokes" is an insult to jokery. but that's just my opinion i guess, i am not trying to ban the guy... although he only gets away with being a cunt because he smiles and because his audience is racist... that's not good

oh i am getting confused now.


What's the best thing about fucking twenty five year olds?

How do you make a five year old cry twice?

Who's more scared than a five year old walking into a dark forest in the middle of the night with a pedophile?


Darcus Howe's a bit of a tool. I couldn't find a clip of his appearance on Brass Eye, but here's a transcript:

Chris Morris: I’m sitting opposite a man, he knows nothing, he talks all the time, the result is he’s a trenchant buffoon, he had no idea how to present television shows, he looks ridiculous in that fashion wear. He swans around all the time hoping that people will recognise him, when infact nobody’s even remotely interested. He’s taken up enough time on this show already and he hasn’t even opened his mouth. God knows why he’s here, I’ve nothing to ask the guy. And for all I know he may be a coco shunter too. Darcus Howe.
DH: What’s a coco shunter?
CM: Coco Shunter? That’s just what I’ve got, er, oh, sorry, that’s the introduction to Robert Elms.


Who invented copper wire?
Two jews fighting over a penny.

A nigger and a spic in a car; who's driving?
The cop.

What's the difference between the pile of dead niggers in my garage and the pile of dead babies in my garage?
I didn't fuck the pile of dead niggers.


We sometimes act like we've got freedom of speech for comedy figured out here in America, and its no big deal, but not long ago Larry Flint had to fight and appeal all the way to the Supreme Court (spending over $2 million) to defend a simple parody about Jerry Falwell.

In Larry's words;

'The justices held that a parody of a public figure was protected under the 1st Amendment even if it was outrageous, even if it was "doubtless gross and repugnant," as they put it, and even if it was designed to inflict emotional distress. In a unanimous decision — written by, of all people, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist — the court reasoned that if it supported Falwell's lower-court victory, no one would ever have to prove something was false and libelous to win a judgment. All anyone would have to prove is that "he upset me" or "she made me feel bad." The lawsuits would be endless, and that would be the end of free speech.'


(and the parody ad can be seen here


>> ^direpickle:
Are you fucking serious? They play all of those racist, sexist and pedophilia jokes, and they wouldn't show the cartoons of Muhammad? And this was within minutes of the Brits being self-congratulatory about how quick they were to make jokes about the Tube bombings?
Jesus. I weep for the world. The second to last guy had the right of it. You do not have the right to not be offended!

I see your point about the Muhammad cartoons, but you have to understand that is a different situation as depicting Prophet Muhammad in any sort of painting or picture, or even a movie is not allowed.


I see your point about the Muhammad cartoons, but you have to understand that is a different situation as depicting Prophet Muhammad in any sort of painting or picture, or even a movie is not allowed.

I don't accept that. I understand that it makes some Muslims unhappy, but that does make it okay for them to scream for the death of anyone that breaks their religion's laws. And that means that people should be doing the exact opposite of trying to appease them.

Even if I think that it is a shameful show of cowardice on the part of the producers to not show the cartoons if they really are afraid of being murdered, that at least is an understandable fear. Realistically, though, I doubt that that is their worry. I think they're just worried about generally upsetting the Muslim people.

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