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siftbotSelf promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 2:01am PDT - promote requested by original submitter dystopianfuturetoday.
Gabe_bsays...Just saw that dude on TDS.
Kind of cut that imam off, but otherwise great stuff.
kymbosMan, what is it with America and book burning?
EmptyFriendsays...>> ^kymbos:
Man, what is it with America and book burning?
it's definitely not just an American thing, but yeah we do have our fair share of stupid people.
it doesn't help that our media is willing to report on ANYTHING.
honkeytonk73>> ^kymbos:

Man, what is it with America and book burning?
Its a long established religious tradition.. inspired from the likes of the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisition and the Dark Ages. Of course, no religion is excluded to participate! Enjoy the burning!
quantumushroomIf this goofus was in an islamic country he'd have his hand cut off for stealing.
quantumushroomI spent half the day at a tent camp for homeless folks, numbering in the 100s.
Monies to support them came all the way from the Vatican. What has the 'atheist charity society' done lately?
>> ^honkeytonk73:
>> ^kymbos:
Man, what is it with America and book burning?
Its a long established religious tradition.. inspired from the likes of the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisition and the Dark Ages. Of course, no religion is excluded to participate! Enjoy the burning!
dystopianfuturetoday^Atheism has no churches, no offertory and certainly no agency equivalent to the Vatican, but there are atheist charities:
siftbotThis video has been deemed incorrectly flagged brief (not less than 1 minute in length) - declared notbrief by dingens.
blankfistWho cares if some goofy pastor wants to burn a book? Look, you can go online and find countless of examples of Islamic extremists burning flags and bibles and whatever else. It's stupid to burn a book, but it's even stupider and petty to let it bother you.
But if you burned an Amazing Fantasy #15 we'd have to talk about that.
honkeytonk73What has God done to eradicate homelessness, disease, suffering, starvation? He could snap his magical fingers and *poof* it is gone! But.. the more logical answer is.. he has done nothing because he doesn't exist. Or one could say. "He created homelessness, disease, suffering, and starvation." Probably to make some sort of illogical point that we can't quite articulate, because of his "Mysterious ways" or some such bunk. The "mysterious ways" argument essentially translates into "I don't know, nor do I care to find out why because I lack any capacity to reason. Any instinct to question as a result been subdued out of a fear of ending up in some sort of subterranean firey underworld for an eternity... hosted by rather unfriendly horned red-skinned demons that bugger the local denizens. Very much like Catholic priests in a dark sauna with choir boys.
>> ^quantumushroom:
I spent half the day at a tent camp for homeless folks, numbering in the 100s.
Monies to support them came all the way from the Vatican. What has the 'atheist charity society' done lately?
>> ^honkeytonk73:
>> ^kymbos:
Man, what is it with America and book burning?
Its a long established religious tradition.. inspired from the likes of the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisition and the Dark Ages. Of course, no religion is excluded to participate! Enjoy the burning!
maximilliansays...>> ^blankfist:
Who cares if some goofy pastor wants to burn a book? Look, you can go online and find countless of examples of Islamic extremists burning flags and bibles and whatever else. It's stupid to burn a book, but it's even stupider and petty to let it bother you.
But if you burned an Amazing Fantasy #15 we'd have to talk about that.
Agreed. Christians shouldn't care if you burn the Bible. The Bible teaches we are not to worship anything man made depicting anything on earth OR in heaven (this is the 2nd commandment). The words of the Bible are sacred. But the physical copy of the Bible is a mere book made by man. It is not a religious icon.
This pastor should be allowed to burn whatever he wants. It is free speech. It bothers me that Obama stepped in the middle of this. The guy seems like a wacko anyways. He can't even spell Quran correctly.
Who cares about burning the Quran... the equally weirdo Muslims that can't tolerate criticisms of their religion. Remember the death threats for the artist depicting the prophet Mohamed in cartoons? Why is it necessary for the US State dept. to issue a travel warning over this incident? If Islam is such a religion of peace then why is it necessary? Why the many death threats against an artist? Oh wait...
Yogi>> ^quantumushroom:
If this goofus was in an islamic country he'd have his hand cut off for stealing.
If...You'll find every Liberal in the world agrees with you...we live in a better country than an islamic one.
honkeytonk73Which 2nd commandment written by god on what stone tablet?
Catholic: "You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain."
King James version: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. "
Exodus: "Thou shalt make thee no molten gods." (what about stone, or wooden ones?)
Is the cross with Jesus on it, depicting Jesus nailed to a torture device considered a 'graven image', or a 'molten god'? Is an image of Mary on a dashboard on a candle, or in some other form a 'graven image' or a 'molten god'? Candle wax does melt... so maybe it would qualify as molten.
So.. if Jesus was the product of God impregnating a virgin to give birth to himself so that he could kill himself to make a point having something to do with sin.. that really didn't need to be done in the first place. When one hangs an image of tortured Jesus in a Church. Then one would certainly be depicting a graven image. Commandment #2 is now being broken in most every Christian church across the globe and around the necks of many Christians as well.
kronosposeidonThere are times when I actually want these idiots to burn the Koran, ONLY because people who burn books of any kind come off as the most ignorant motherfuckers on the planet.
However, book burning would definitely bother me if it were government-sanctioned, a la Third Reich. Shit, the Texas State Board of Education might as well have burned history and science books.
I wouldn't worry about one idiot burning a book. I'd worry more about our government taking good books away from our kids.
A nation of morons --> a nation of slaves. One easy step.
>> ^blankfist:
Who cares if some goofy pastor wants to burn a book? Look, you can go online and find countless of examples of Islamic extremists burning flags and bibles and whatever else. It's stupid to burn a book, but it's even stupider and petty to let it bother you.
But if you burned an Amazing Fantasy #15 we'd have to talk about that.
mentality>> ^quantumushroom:
I spent half the day at a tent camp for homeless folks, numbering in the 100s.
Monies to support them came all the way from the Vatican.
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
r10kBefore trying to figure that side of things out, work on your basic theology some more (ie: learn about the bible properly). When you have it so completely out of whack, it makes your thoughts on that topic sound utterly confusing.
Ah wait, I just read the bit where you don't believe in any of it anyway. In that case, welcome to the "I have no idea about anything but I'll just dribble on with a bunch of pointless thoughts anyway" club.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
So.. if Jesus was the product of God impregnating a virgin to give birth to himself so that he could kill himself to make a point having something to do with sin.. that really didn't need to be done in the first place. When one hangs an image of tortured Jesus in a Church. Then one would certainly be depicting a graven image. Commandment #2 is now being broken in most every Christian church across the globe and around the necks of many Christians as well.
dannym3141>> ^quantumushroom:
I spent half the day at a tent camp for homeless folks, numbering in the 100s.
Monies to support them came all the way from the Vatican. What has the 'atheist charity society' done lately?
If we assume that all atheists are members of the "atheist charity society" in the same way you attribute christian charities to all christians, then you have to count that money as "atheist" money. So, subtract that from the christian charity total, add it to money that non-religious charities make and you've probably, in my country at least, got a figure that's either even or in favour of atheists nowadays.
There isn't a rule stating that ONLY christians can give to christian charity, you know?
However what i like MOST about this comment is that the money they wasted on building a gigantic affluent COUNTRY in the name of christianity could have gone to help people. Instead, they built the vatican with that money. The non-religious charities that i know of work out of a shitty little office and cut just about every expense they can in order to channel more and more money to the needy. So i wonder how much money that makes its way to the vatican from the generous pockets of charitable people is spent on maintaining the vatican lifestyle and other enterprises that could have been better invested in a loaf of bread for a starving person?
NinjaInHeatsays...Thank you for that lovely mental image of all the church's priests being connected by some giant semen tentacle to the Vatican mother hive
>> ^mentality:
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
honkeytonk73I'm not the one making the claim a magical invisible sky god with a zombie for a son is real without a shred of evidence supporting said claim. I'm not the one claiming that a global flood caused by a vengeful universal overseer destroyed everything on the planet, but was saved by a 700 year old man. Somehow said old man managed to gather and save millions of species (in pairs mind you) to prevent them from going extinct. I'm not the one making the claim that the Earth is 6000 years old, and that all mankind descended from two humans... one of which was created from a rib-bone. Never mind the fact that their children would have had to participate in incest for at least a number of generations before there were enough individuals where one could 'convince' one's self that they were no longer participating in incestuous relations. I am not the one claiming that winged humanoids live in the sky, and that red horned cloven hoofed demonoids live below the ground. I am not the one claiming that if you don't bow down and be subservient to said jealous sky-god, that you will end up frying in a so-called 'lake of fire' in the underworld and suffer eternally.. somehow... long after your corporeal remains have long become worm shit.
I am not the one claiming any such nonsense. I am simply indicating that it is what it is. Nonsense. Mother goose stories have more consistency to them that the bunk spewed by the bible and the child molesting men that preach it.
It is not my duty to prove anything. It is yours.. as a so-called believer to prove it to us. To explain the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy in the bible. If the bible is 'God's true word', then it should be taken literally in it's entirety. By simply calling things metaphor, or discarding entire sections of the said 'holy book' out of convenience, or because you don't like it... doesn't help prove a religious persons point. Take it as it is. Literally. Then start enslaving people from neighboring states, and protest against the state to bring back stoning as a valid punishment for heretical behavior... like me.
Blasphemy: Is a victimless crime.
>> ^r10k:
Before trying to figure that side of things out, work on your basic theology some more (ie: learn about the bible properly). When you have it so completely out of whack, it makes your thoughts on that topic sound utterly confusing.
Ah wait, I just read the bit where you don't believe in any of it anyway. In that case, welcome to the "I have no idea about anything but I'll just dribble on with a bunch of pointless thoughts anyway" club.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
So.. if Jesus was the product of God impregnating a virgin to give birth to himself so that he could kill himself to make a point having something to do with sin.. that really didn't need to be done in the first place. When one hangs an image of tortured Jesus in a Church. Then one would certainly be depicting a graven image. Commandment #2 is now being broken in most every Christian church across the globe and around the necks of many Christians as well.
honkeytonk73LOL sounds like some sort of sick Japanese manga demon tentacle porn cartoon doesn't it?
>> ^NinjaInHeat:
Thank you for that lovely mental image of all the church's priests being connected by some giant semen tentacle to the Vatican mother hive
>> ^mentality:
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
r10kRemember when I said if your understanding is out of whack, it makes your everything else you say on that topic sound utterly confusing? Whether you do or not, thanks for proving my point.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
I'm not the one making the claim a magical invisible sky god with a zombie...
honkeytonk73I apologize if I am not speaking down to your level.
>> ^r10k:
Remember when I said if your understanding is out of whack, it makes your everything else you say on that topic sound utterly confusing? Whether you do or not, thanks for proving my point.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
I'm not the one making the claim a magical invisible sky god with a zombie...
r10kHey, don't apologise. I'm sure the anti-religious majority around here love what you're saying, even if they don't understand a word of it.
quantumushroomIt's not my task to convince you that God does or does not exist.
There are likely millions of people on this planet that would deny the existence of God even if God appeared before them.
But the militant atheist, who denies that ANY good has come from religion is, IMO, intellectually dishonest, ignorant of history, or both.
In this age, subversives have made it fashionable to bash the world's one billion Catholics while giving the world's 1.5 billion muslims a free pass.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
What has God done to eradicate homelessness, disease, suffering, starvation? He could snap his magical fingers and poof it is gone! But.. the more logical answer is.. he has done nothing because he doesn't exist. Or one could say. "He created homelessness, disease, suffering, and starvation." Probably to make some sort of illogical point that we can't quite articulate, because of his "Mysterious ways" or some such bunk. The "mysterious ways" argument essentially translates into "I don't know, nor do I care to find out why because I lack any capacity to reason. Any instinct to question as a result been subdued out of a fear of ending up in some sort of subterranean firey underworld for an eternity... hosted by rather unfriendly horned red-skinned demons that bugger the local denizens. Very much like Catholic priests in a dark sauna with choir boys.
quantumushroomThe Vatican is made up of fallible, irrational human beings in a 'fallen' world. The evildoers should be punished, but if you're going to condemn one billion Catholics for the crimes of some in the priesthood are you better than someone who hates an entire race because one of 'them' stepped on your toe?
Isn't it interesting that the liberal "defenders" of free speech reward this thief for thwarting a legal act, while condemning an entirely different religion (Catholicism) over the actions of a few?
>> ^mentality:
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
honkeytonk73I admit, I do bash religion, but there is just too much hypocrisy, inconsistency, and lack of reason in it to leave it alone. In the world of science, harsh critique is beneficial. I evaluate my position all the time and I have changed my stance on issues as supporting evidence surfaces. There is where the difference lies. Religion is incapable of functioning in the presence of evidence and reason. It survives in a logic vacuum. It is incapable of simply stating, "we don't know what happens after we die because there is no evidence.". Instead the answer is, "an multi-thousand year old book tell me I go to a magical land, so it is true.". Sorry. Not good enough.
It may not be your personal task to convince me that god exists... tough apparently it is for the hordes of missionaries that fan out across the world, johovas witnesses that buzz around my front door, and the mormons in their white shirts and magical underwear that harass my wife at the house during the day. Add to that churches, and the signs plastered across towns spouting 'truth' without evidence. Apparently they have something to say and are trying to convince me their fairytale sky god is real. If all is in their great god's plan, then apparently the existence of atheists is a part of that plan too? I'd like to hear the logic behind that. Again, the mysterious ways argument doesn't cut it.
You certainly have a right to believe in whatever fashionable religion you happen to be born into through familial tradition. You'd be following islam if you were born in the middle east. You certainly have the right to believe in a magic sky god. Just as I have the right to state that I don't endorse superstitious fairy tales.
Interestingly many think it is taboo to speak up against religion. Well.. to them it is because doing so, as per christianity and islam, for example, is punishable by death. Oh wait. We ignore that part don't we... probably because it is not popular. I guess following god's word per the infallible book isn't all that obligatory, if it isn't convenient of the culturally acceptable norm for the times.
From where I stand, it is the responsibility of the religious to take the stories that they spread and prove their validity. They cannot prove it. Thus why should I confide in it? They are welcome to confide in it if they wish. Just as you are welcome to confide in finding a high paying job by calling 800-HOME-JOB. Sure I could tell you all about how wonderful god or that perfect job it is, but without a paycheck (evidence) in hand, it is just a fantasy/scam.
Yes, some religious individuals do good things. So do many atheists. The point I am making is.. you do not have to be religious to do good. I volunteer and I donate to charities. I get riled up when a religious person takes into assumption that if someone doesn't believe in a magic sky god. They are innately immoral. I would contest that morality has nothing to do with religion. Religion holds no monopoly on charity. It never has. Religion just likes to claim it does because god will not show up at your door and help you through that bout of cancer. This supposed all powerful universal creator is unfortunately sleeping at the wheel or too darn busy making flowers to show his face, noodly appendage, or whatever to help those of us that were supposedly created in his 'image'. Whatever that means.
About muslims vs christians. I don't give muslims a free ride. I don't give christians a free ride either. The only group I may be a bit lenient on are the buddhists. While the foundation of the belief is bunk as is all other religions, the core general philosophy is somewhat honorable. The purists that is. The ultimate in pacifism. We don't see buddhists blowing themselves up, nor do we see them crusading across the and telling everyone they are going to burn in hell if they don't worship a man nailed to a torture symbol.
>> ^quantumushroom:
It's not my task to convince you that God does or does not exist.
There are likely millions of people on this planet that would deny the existence of God even if God appeared before them.
But the militant atheist, who denies that ANY good has come from religion is, IMO, intellectually dishonest, ignorant of history, or both.
In this age, subversives have made it fashionable to bash the world's one billion Catholics while giving the world's 1.5 billion muslims a free pass.
honkeytonk73These so-called priests are the representatives/voice of god. Theoretically in telephatic communication with the so-called omnipotent all powerful creator of the universe. If 'he' can't even keep the source of his influence in line, how the heck is he going to keep the rest of the universe in line? Oh.. maybe because he doesn't exist.
I don't condemn the billion catholics. I condemn the religion and its leadership. There is a difference.
>> ^quantumushroom:
The Vatican is made up of fallible, irrational human beings in a 'fallen' world. The evildoers should be punished, but if you're going to condemn one billion Catholics for the crimes of some in the priesthood are you better than someone who hates an entire race because one of 'them' stepped on your toe?
Isn't it interesting that the liberal "defenders" of free speech reward this thief for thwarting a legal act, while condemning an entirely different religion (Catholicism) over the actions of a few?
>> ^mentality:
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
honkeytonk73Lets keep it simple. A small exercise to help us better understand your stance, and to possibly help you to better understand yours.
-Are you certain that a talking snake lured Eve into eating an apple some 6000 years ago... an apple that somehow started a chain reaction that ultimately led to humanity as it is today?
-Do you truly adhere to the notion that an old man named Noah built an ark, and somehow collected two of every species from all parts of the world, saved them, then somehow returned them to their respective locations to restart their individual species anew... a few thousand years ago?
If you don't adhere to these notions which are quite clearly explained in the Bible, which is touted as the truth and the 'word of god'... then can you be confident that the rest of it is The Truth(tm)?
>> ^r10k:
Hey, don't apologise. I'm sure the anti-religious majority around here love what you're saying, even if they don't understand a word of it.
mentality>> ^quantumushroom:
The Vatican is made up of fallible, irrational human beings in a 'fallen' world. The evildoers should be punished, but if you're going to condemn one billion Catholics for the crimes of some in the priesthood are you better than someone who hates an entire race because one of 'them' stepped on your toe?
Isn't it interesting that the liberal "defenders" of free speech reward this thief for thwarting a legal act, while condemning an entirely different religion (Catholicism) over the actions of a few?
>> ^mentality:
When a priest molests a child, does the semen come all the way from the Vatican too, or just the money for the cover up?
I'm not condemning Catholics in general, just this perverted abomination that you call the Catholic church, who spent decades and millions denying, moving around and covering up for child molestors, allowing them to continue defiling innocent children.
r10kLet's keep it even more simple. How about we dispense with the typical anti-Christian bait questions and we both get on with our lives? I like that idea a lot more than trying to debate with a confused person.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
Lets keep it simple. A small exercise to help us better understand your stance, and to possibly help you to better understand yours.
-Are you certain that a talking snake lured Eve into eating an apple some 6000 years ago... an apple that somehow started a chain reaction that ultimately led to humanity as it is today?
-Do you truly adhere to the notion that an old man named Noah built an ark, and somehow collected two of every species from all parts of the world, saved them, then somehow returned them to their respective locations to restart their individual species anew... a few thousand years ago?
If you don't adhere to these notions which are quite clearly explained in the Bible, which is touted as the truth and the 'word of god'... then can you be confident that the rest of it is The Truth(tm)?
>> ^r10k:
Hey, don't apologise. I'm sure the anti-religious majority around here love what you're saying, even if they don't understand a word of it.
honkeytonk73If you are insecure about expressing your thoughts on foundational biblical fundamentals, then I will not inquire further.
>> ^r10k:
Let's keep it even more simple. How about we dispense with the typical anti-Christian bait questions and we both get on with our lives? I like that idea a lot more than trying to debate with a confused person.
>> ^honkeytonk73:
Lets keep it simple. A small exercise to help us better understand your stance, and to possibly help you to better understand yours.
-Are you certain that a talking snake lured Eve into eating an apple some 6000 years ago... an apple that somehow started a chain reaction that ultimately led to humanity as it is today?
-Do you truly adhere to the notion that an old man named Noah built an ark, and somehow collected two of every species from all parts of the world, saved them, then somehow returned them to their respective locations to restart their individual species anew... a few thousand years ago?
If you don't adhere to these notions which are quite clearly explained in the Bible, which is touted as the truth and the 'word of god'... then can you be confident that the rest of it is The Truth(tm)?
>> ^r10k:
Hey, don't apologise. I'm sure the anti-religious majority around here love what you're saying, even if they don't understand a word of it.
r10kYes, perhaps that's best. Playing silly Q&A games really is a waste of everyone's time.
quantumushroomI enjoyed reading your reply, Tonk. Well said.

I admit, I do bash religion, but there is just too much hypocrisy, inconsistency, and lack of reason in it to leave it alone.
In that statement you can also replace "religion" with "government", "the legal system", "organized sports" or "business".
honkeytonk73I actually agree, business and government certainly isn't exempt from hypocrisy and targeted ridicule.
As historian Howard Zinn stated "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
More on topic with this thread..
The problem is the mass media these days is so preoccupied by issues that have little effect on the well being of the nation or the well being of society at large. Example. Such book burnings. They focus on one wacko Florida preacher. When he doesn't burn the Koran.. they portray a massive sigh of relief and a victory for civilization. Meanwhile.. on youtube.. hundreds or thousands of books are burned and videos are posted. Not even a whimper on the airwaves. Go figure.
>> ^quantumushroom:
I enjoyed reading your reply, Tonk. Well said.
I admit, I do bash religion, but there is just too much hypocrisy, inconsistency, and lack of reason in it to leave it alone.
In that statement you can also replace "religion" with "government", "the legal system", "organized sports" or "business".
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