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3 Armed Magic Trick


It could be done with magnets that move up and down, including under the table to keep the ball steady, or just mechanical parts. Whoever made that thing sure wasn't afraid of mechanical parts. But I'm gonna go with magnets because I think it would be very hard to get moving parts down those arms that are already sliding back and forth so much.>> ^pumkinandstorm:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
3 balls? Only one gets released at a time?

But how are they released? What is attaching each ball to the cups and how are they being dropped and then picked up one at a time???


That thing on the back has something to do with is my guess. It doesn't look like it controls the arm lift directly or at all. So it's moving the internals under the balls. Maybe the cups are magnetized, but a more intense magnet is under the table. So wherever it comes to rest, the ball in the cup is held down instead of sticking to the cup.

My guess. I don't see how the arms could be modified to do it, because you can see the mechanism controlling their side to side movement and how it's attached.


If you view in full screen, you get a better idea of the scale of this thing, compared to the hand that is turning the crank - i.e. it's much bigger than I thought viewing the first time.

one way that it could work, with magnets, is that each cup has a magnet, then under that a string that goes through the arm and down the back. Then part of the clockwork gears makes 1 of the 3 strings pull tighter which slides between the magnet and ball, causing it to "pop" off the magnet.

Then as part of the arms lowering, strings get loose again and pick up the ball with the magnet.

Or, there's a 9V battery hidden under there, and it's electromagnets


considering how the ball isn't rolling around what so ever I am going with there are 2 sets of magnets, one in each cup and then magnets that get positioned underneath using the key'd wheel. You can see the floating table the magnets are attached to in the lower right corner as it slides up to grab the ball just as the arms lift, and then drop just in time for the balls to move.

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