Dash Camera Catches Cat Fight!

WTF at the end :(

Kitty-kickin's! That cats fine PP, he needed some chiding for pickin' that skirmish....it did look like the man got bit. Strange cat bites me indoors....he gets a wall-bouncer!! A domesticated cat that bites a human???...Half-feral and in need of discipline!

Good kittehs don't bites peeeps!!


I was seeing that very last bit as "Dammit enough of you. You get the HELL in the house!". Otherwise he wouldn't have brought it all the way back across the road.

Spouse's cat, most likely. Unspayed and cranky. Hates him. Continually stares and growls at him. Shreds his slippers. Chews the corners of his briefcase after pissing on it. Tries to get underfoot when he's carrying in an armful of groceries. Yowls at nothing at 3AM. Dreams of putting a yarn tripline at the top of the stairs. Poops next to the litterbox whenever the spouse is away. Hides his car keys next to the radiator in hopes that the car remote starter will melt. Has been secretly training in a correspondence course in opposable thumbs so it can knife him to death in his sleep.


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