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Peoria Carp Hunters II

Peoria Carp Hunters II

transporter says...

I feel your empathy towards wildlife, but if you lived near the Mississippi River you would understand. I don't know if you noticed but those sliver carp get pretty big and they jump out of the river when they hear a motor. So yeah, pretty much makes boating impossible, and there have been cases where people have been put in comas or worse from them. Not to mention they kill off all the native fish populations....and their next destination is the great lakes. So its tough to care about how it gets done --> these fish need to die. Slow, quick, I don't care, but they need to be culled big time.

The Mississippi is fucked up and the entire ecosystem of the great lakes is in jeopardy. This is a cause that unites sport fishermen (billion dollar industry in great lakes) and environmentalists alike. Although these guys aren't going to spokesperson for PETA anytime soon, the carp isn't exactly a higher life form. The farming industry does much worse to higher functioning animals. I think here the ends justify the means.

Anyhow, I thought this was hilarious.>> ^artician:

I'm not exactly an animal rights person, but I was a little miffed at the fact that they basically just maim the majority of the fish they hit.
Early in the video the guy with the machete even cuts a fin off of one. You know that fish lived, and it kind of sucks to think about.
For me...
Again, not an animal rights person, (maybe I am and don't know it?) but this is a good example of humans just fucking up their world and the species they share it with for fun.

Just Out For A Walk With Their 42 Saint Bernards

transporter says...

42 st. bernards x [7 cups per day per dog / 140 cups per forty lb bag of dog food] x $35 per bag = $73.50 per day

or $2205 per month or $26,827.50 per year. I don't own a dog or know how to shop for dog food so all this could be drastically overstated, but good lord. whoever's behind the camera is a good man; that or they are receiving some awesome donations/subsidies.

also, i want more videos of these dogs. i would seriously watch a full length documentary, and there doesn't even have to be a narrative. just these dogs rolling around on each other.

A teens introduction to an LP record

TYT - Tax the Rich and their Freaking VAGINA WIGS!!!!!!

Bill Maher supports SOPA, gets owned by guests

transporter says...

New Rule: Bill Maher needs to stop blaming piracy for his truly horrible movies bombing.
Guy's a piece of shit. It bothers me to no end that because he holds liberal stances on issues, he is what conservatives think of when they think of a liberal.

This whole thing is such a generational problem. Seriously though, I haven't heard any support for these bills from anyone who seems to know anything about the internet. (I realize that these points don't need to be made here, but I need to vent at least twice a day about this.)

Ugh, all this hurts my head. At least when the internet gets censored I won't have to see Bill's smugly face pop up all over videosift all the time.

Funny 3rd Rock from the sun scene.

Rick Santorum Eloquently Debunks "The Science"

Rick Santorum Eloquently Debunks "The Science"

This Is A Star Wars Geek Who Loves His Christmas Gift

transporter says...

I totally agree, watching people get this happy always cheers me up. But it's bittersweet cuz you know the flood of internet hate and bullying that will descend on this guy is gonna be brutal.
>> ^antonye:

Oh come on! happy

Joss Whedon's 'The Cabin in the Woods' Trailer (2012)

Girl Wins $100K for College Tuition

transporter says...

something about having one's *entire educational future hinge on the number of footballs you can throw through a hole seems sadistic and backwards.

(*exaggeration, i know there are other ways to get by than on Dr. Pepper Scholarships, but still...)

I'm pulling for Mr. Pibb to take the high rode and offer a full-ride to the winner of a high school science/engineering contest. Or at least a free, one year supply of Mr. Pibb - Support the intellectuals!

Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV : Robbery Fail

transporter says...

I forgot how much I hate videosift>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^transporter:
God, her play by play commentary is atrocious. This needs like a Mexican soccer announcer or those guys from the Danny Hart mountain-bike racing video.
Also, FUCK your son's Wii video game, tell the dispatcher he's got a crowbar. Favorite Part: "I'm sorry I can't calm down, I've just been robbed of everything!"

Yeah, it's as if she's all, like, scared or something. You'd never think that she comments on live home-invasion video feeds for a living, would you?

Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV : Robbery Fail

transporter says...

God, her play by play commentary is atrocious. This needs like a Mexican soccer announcer or those guys from the Danny Hart mountain-bike racing video.

Also, FUCK your son's Wii video game, tell the dispatcher he's got a crowbar. Favorite Part: "I'm sorry I can't calm down, I've just been robbed of everything!"

Goldfish frozen in liquid nitrogen... and then revived!

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