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Pc Protection With Hidden Switch

Cadbury Creme Eggs commiting suicide

The Inevitable Collapse of the Dollar

ronin165 says...

I feel like the narrator in Fight Club...when he wishes for a mid-air collision. Am I completely weird that I kind of look forward to this happening? Something to set us all back to 0.

Reporter eats world's hottest chile pepper - poor bastard

I have a bad case of diarrhea

How to land an F-15 with only one wing

Fred Phelps fined 11 Million, throws hissy fit

ronin165 says...

Wonderful. It's morons like Phelps that give respectable Christians a bad name...just like the Jihadists giving Muslims a bad name...and Christian/Muslim/etc bashers giving respectable atheists and agnostics a bad name (I have plenty of atheist/agnostic friends, I respect their opinion, they respect mine, and the subject just doesn't come up).

Talk to Kids

ronin165 says...

To each his/her own. I don't expect to change any opinions, but maybe for those few people with a conscience left...those who feel empty after giving their gift away in the heat of the moment...maybe they can see that there is another way, and can start fresh.

The pornification of our society makes me want to be a Hobbit.

Whatever...I'm done.

Talk to Kids

ronin165 says...

I didn't say it will happen, I said it can happen ("...bad things can happen."). Why risk it?

I can't imagine I'm in a minority of people that would be stuck wondering "am I as good as her previous partners?" Sure, thoughts of inferiority can be overcome, but it would be damn hard to shake the thought of "some other guy has seen and experienced my wife's holiest of holes."

Talk to Kids

ronin165 says...

Usual disclaimers apply, I don't expect anyone's views to be changed by my comments, just expressing my opinion (whistling as I slip into my fire hazard suit)...

Sex is the most intimate moment that two people can share. It is so emotionally involved that the two people will always have a connection. break that connection by breaking up, and bad things can happen.

Why would you want to share such a special moment with anyone other than the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with? Why would you want to "sample" other people before you get married? You will always be comparing your life partner to those other experiences.

The abstinence message worked for me, and I couldn't be happier (one wife, one partner). I have friends that the message didn't work so well for, and they wish they could take it all back (bad breakups, single parents). Who needs the heartache? Who needs the comparison?

If the abstinence message has such a high failure rate, I have officially lost faith in mankind.

Half Hour Half Life

ronin165 says...

I recall playing this game through quickly...but killing most everything, and it took me like 5 hours.

Of course, my claim to fame was completing Super Mario World in less than 12 minutes.

Of course again...that record was quickly beaten...I think the current record is 10:30. But my video was cooler. It had awesome music.

How Chimp Chromosome #13 Proves Evolution

ronin165 says...

I will admit, evidence FOR creationism is hard to find. However, evidence AGAINST evolution and a 10 billion year old universe is easy to find (see my last post). I'm done with this conversation, you can reply if you want. For me and my own, there's no way that all of this could have happened by chance. Think of the distance to the sun...a little closer or a little farther, and the environment would be a hell of a lot more hostile. Life is a miracle, and that makes me happy. To think there's a reason for me other than petty human affairs. Call me naive, call me stupid, I really don't care. Until you build a time machine or the Second Coming happens, neither of us will be right. Except I have something to look forward to aside from being right.

Think of the spitting fish...if this talent for catching food, that must have been a rough several million years of...not eating...huh.

How Chimp Chromosome #13 Proves Evolution

ronin165 says...

"'To Beg The Question' means using what you are trying to prove. Not making you want to ask the question."

noted...fixed my comment. Guess I need more sleep...and to think I was just chastising a 12-year-old on Youtube for bad spelling and grammar.

Scientific Fact...don't get me started. You can find clues, you can find evidence, you can't find fact. If you weren't there to witness something happening, it cannot be claimed as fact. Before you argue "with such reasoning, one wouldn't be able to prove anything that happened before, say 1900, since no one (very few) are alive that were alive before then.", let me counter with this. People were there, and they wrote it down. Many people witnessed many things. The important things were written down, painted, photographed, etc., and correlated by others.

Yes, it's a fact that scientists have found this connection. And it supports the THEORY. But it also supports theory that God is like Nissan.

There is evidence to support a young universe as well as an old one. Halos in granite come to mind: As well as moon dust. Scientists calculated that the moon was so covered with dust, that the astronauts should have sank when they landed...but they didn't. The perceived amount of collected dust supports a MUCH younger moon. I doubt solar wind and even most meteor impacts could create enough force to "blow it away."

I'm not saying that evolution and the related theories (big bang, 10 billion year old universe, etc.) are philosophical beliefs...I hold the position that, though often people are both, supporting intelligent design doesn't make you Christian. /////edit, just realized I didn't finish my thought...Intelligent Design is just another theory.

How Chimp Chromosome #13 Proves Evolution

ronin165 says...

I've got an answer from the ID side of things...VQ35DE. That's the engine code that Nissan used for an engine that has been put in pretty much half or more of all of their cars (Altima, Maxima, Quest, 350Z, Murano, etc). God is like Nissan. Why create something from scratch when you've got a lot of the most important parts right there? Tweak this, tweak that, fuse these two do-hickies together, and ShaZAM!! There are strong sides to both, but I ask, what do I lose from believing in ID? It's retarded to say that believing in ID means that we wouldn't have all the medical break-throughs. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't mean I don't think that willing cadavers (when they weren't dead yet) should be cut up and examined. We are told to be fruitful...that includes learning. You believe in your theory, I'll believe in mine.

Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

ronin165 says...

But there is a problem for men, and it's tied to the problem presented in this video. We are smashed with the same images, and in the end come to the skewed conclusion of what is beauty. We take that idea of beauty and reason that "I must have a female of equivalent beauty, or I am lacking." First of all, that puts even more pressure on the girls, and then we realize that there aren't enough of these hard-bodied women to go around, so we get depressed. We feel that the woman we did end up with should work harder to become like those other women, and when that doesn't work, best case scenario we find ourselves staring at other women with far too unhealthy frequency (worst case scenario, things end ugly). Instead, we should be appreciating and uplifting the qualities they have.

Forgive me if this comes across as inane rambling, it's too early.

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