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Boner Killer

"Our Military Has Turned Into Contract For Hire Killers"

These Dudes Really Don't Give A F**k About Life

packo says...

if they fell, would it be a tragedy?
because to me, a tragedy is something negative, but unexpected

skyscraper construction is similar, but they (usually) plan for things like slips/falls/etc... and try to mitigate the situation through safety equipment and procedures... hopefully to the benefit of not just the worker's lives themselves, but their families and friends

that's not to say high altitude construction doesn't have it's share of deaths by accident, but those to me are actual tragedies... because most likely steps were taken to prevent whatever happened from happening

no safety equipment used by these adrenaline junkies

and when looking at the phenomenon of adrenaline junkies, I believe one must look further than just the safety precautions taken to determine whether the term "tragedy" is applicable... what is the reasoning behind taking the endeavor at hand? is it solely personal (selfish) reasoning, or are others included in the reasoning (especially friends and family who have no option but to watch and hope for the best)?

that statement is the reason that "tragedy" is applicable when a father from some tribe in africa gets attacked by a lion while hunting for game... and it isn't applicable when it's a lion tamer putting his head in the mouth of a lion for show...

in fact, the more one "tempts fate" solely for selfish/personal reasons... the less I think "tragedy" applies

these guys in the vid, if they fell, it wouldn't be a tragedy... it's kinda weird to expect people to care more about your own safety, than you yourself do... and I'm not saying people caring is a bad thing... its a good thing... in fact, it shines a more selfish light on the original person in the first place... ESPECIALLY if these people caring more than they do themselves, are known... such as friends/family

Kid Acts Really Crazy after Having Anesthetic

Unconstitutional NDAA Provision Blocked By Federal Judge

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al Found Guilty of War Crimes

The Unluckiest Couple at a Baseball Game

Seattle Hipster Racism Meets Cool Cop

packo says...

didn't watch the vid, didn't really care... the only thing that caught my interest was that calling women "girls" is blatant sexism... that made me laugh

primarily because more women i know refer to themselves in different ways as "girls" than guys refer to them

is this a new "n word"? lol

Metta World Peace decks James Harden with elbow

SHINY PONYTA found after 25986 tries!!! (40 seconds in)

Rick Santelli - Taxing the Rich will not Offset the Deficit

packo says...

so because taxing the rich doesn't solve the deficit problem by itself

that's the reason not to increase taxes on them at all?


its arguing against something by implying reasoning behind something is something different than it actually is

yes, by itself, increasing taxes on the rich doesn't solve the deficit
but it works toward it
the fact that it doesn't do it WHOLLY on its own is inconsequential... that was never the argument in the first place

cuts will have to be made

defense would be the logical area to look at

or would spending 5,10,15x as opposed to 17x the current defense expenditure of the rest of the world combined be out of the question? lol

the cuts to social services/health care/actual government are a drop in the bucket you could get from defense spending cuts

the cuts as proposed have no possibility of fixing the debt/deficit problems... but they do a good job of making the rich richer, and transferring the financial BURDEN (re: opposite of wealth) to the poor and middle class

3 year old girl humiliates adult gamer

Gun Totin'- Facebook Parenting - Tough Love Or Ass?

packo says...

>> ^alcom:

As a parent myself, I think he's making a fair and forceful statement here. His daughter's posting clearly demonstrates her entitlement, disrespect and immaturity. I'm guessing Lou is a consistent and fair disciplinarian and to this point his daughter hasn't gotten the message.
True, he could have donated the laptop to someone. But I doubt very much that he wants to spend more time wiping the personal data off it!

too many parents want to be friends with their children

that's not what a parent is... they are an authority figure... and if they don't teach their children that their actions have consequences, NO ONE WILL

i'm not a big fan of guns and yeah, i think a punishment of making his daughter donate the laptop would be more politically correct, and I'm not a big fan of him shooting off some hollowpoint exploding shells within sight of several homes and busy roads

but over-reaction? no... more people need to discipline their children... entitlement and disrespect are HORRIBLE character traits for a parent to allow to fester in their child...

making comments as to his parenting aptitude is plainly moronic... you are making a judgement based on this ONE instance of your knowledge of their relationship... and that leads me to think you fall into "lets be friends" camp

there's no room for REASONING until they reach the age of REASON... and that isn't their teens... it usually falls much later, after they've moved out and had to start to deal with some of the things they put their parents through... when they come back to mom and dad and say "I never understood until now"

some kids never get there... more and more often it seems... a nation of self-important brats

The Bourne Legacy trailer

packo says...

different character, my hope is that this movie is about him alone... then a sequel or something... with both characters... Damon and this dude... where this dude gets sicced on Bourne

How to make Organic store clerks cry - Portlandia

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