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VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

When quoting someone in a comment, there's no space between the name and "said" in the quote box below the comment box, like, "lucky760said: ..." rather than "lucky760 said: ..."

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

Domesticated Pet Skunk Playing With A Plastic Bag

theali (Member Profile)

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

In the mouseover menus, when I hover, the menu pops up AND a little description text pops up. This text seems unnecessary as the menu is already open and the contents can hopefully speak for themselves. If it is necessary, as it stands, it's annoying that it overlays the content of the menu, particularly the Discuss menu where the text, "Community Discussion" covers up the top comment line.

Most Adorable Taekwondo Student Creed

messenger says...

Upvoted for cute, but it really rubs me the wrong way getting children to ritually repeat anything without understanding what it is and thinking it through for themselves. This is religious thinking.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

Some things:

1. The length of a video affects whether I feel like watching it. I'd like to see the length (in parens) added after the title of each vid, or some other way of quickly seeing how long they are.

2. Lengths on the page itself are also really helpful when fixing dead links to know the odds you've got the right one.

3. I hate mouseover menus that pop up too easily (new ones seem to pop up instantly) and ones that don't go away easily (they have a disappear delay) or change easily (they have a change delay).

I'd like these timings to be opposite:
* mouseover menus should open only after a short delay (long enough for my mouse to pass over if it was going somewhere else);
* they should change instantly to the next menu when I mouseover the next heading; <---this one especially! and * they should all close instantly when my mouse goes below the menu or above the headings bar.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

messenger says...

Clearly. Those lists aren't clickable. They're just lists with titles.

Anyway, I used to regularly check "Top 15 Sifters of the Past Week" back in the days when I was regularly in the list. I think I just liked seeing my name up in lights. Might have motivated me to sift more. Maybe not. Maybe there are only ever 15 of us who check that list.

ChaosEngine said:

I don't think I've ever clicked on the top 15 sifters lists on the bottom.

Stephen Fry on Meeting God

messenger says...

He isn't looking for answers. He's already decided what all the answers are: Yahweh.

He's trolling with rhetorical questions that imply that he knows something without actually stating anything that can easily be refuted. If he merely suggests something by asking a question with a between-the-lines suggested answer, that can never be challenged as long as he ducks and dives with pithy and meaningless comments like, "When I have questions I look for the answer. If you have no questions, just keep on keeping on."

He'll never actually state anything that is refutable. And I don't mean he'll say nothing that's incorrect. I mean he won't make any statement that could be logically refuted IF it were wrong. He'll only state his personal opinions and ask questions. I couldn't be bothered to go back and look through his comments, but in this thread he hasn't contributed anything that belongs in a disagreement.

Intentional or not, he's a troll. Move on. I just "ignore"d him.

newtboy said:

Funny you ask questions but 'aren't looking for an answer', maybe because you feel you already have an answer you feel is right? Feelings can be wrong, you've proven that.

Morality is important because people live together, and without morality you get only chaos. Morality, and/or empathy have evolutionary benefits and are behavioral evolutionary constructs. Those without it are shunned from/by society and so don't reproduce as often as those with it. That's just one difference it makes, but a big one.

So, you know these things about yourself, but if someone else points them out they're a bully? Thicken your skin if you intend to stay on the internet is my best advice, that and read your posts as if they were written TO you before hitting 'submit', if you do that honestly you'll find you display the same behavior you complain about.
I point out to you that @offsetSammy made a great point in his second paragraph you ignored completely in order to call him names.

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